:sunglasses: 57.1 % :pray: 4.8 % :laughing: 28.6 % :poo: 9.5 %
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By The Weeping Angel
Youngian wrote: Tue May 03, 2022 9:20 pm Don’t look at Boris as politicians are all the same and are at it, claims Owen Bannon.
On another forum I frequent the way peope are reacting to that Times story you'd think Keir is planning a night of the long knives. This will give you a suitable idea of how it went down.
It's just such categorical horse¤¤¤¤. Pathetic right-wing ¤¤¤¤s high on power who want to blame the risk of losing not on their own failings (they literally own the party at this point) but on a few random MPs 99% of the electorate have never heard of.
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By Nigredo
mattomac wrote: Tue May 03, 2022 11:07 pm I think the far left have done themselves the damage, Corbyn could have apologised for the shit he was ultimately responsible for, he didn’t and Labour couldn’t do anything less than suspend him.
Didn't Diane Abbott deliberately undermine the leader a few days ago as we head into important local elections?

But Keith Smarmer is a robotic Tory-lite android so obviously he's making Labour look bad :roll:
mattomac, Oboogie liked this
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By Boiler
mattomac wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 7:40 pm If say Tom Watson had said anything as half as bad as Abbott said then they would have had pitchforks out, see Rachel Reeves comments last week, oddly though they seem to prefer Johnson to any Labour Government not led by Corbyn.
This is what I don't get. That fuckwit who comments on every blog post of Fenton's was asked after one of his usual humourless rants "okay, but can we count on your vote on the 5th of May?" to which his answer was "Nah."

What is it about the extremes of British politics and their worship of 'purity'?
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By Nigredo
Nigredo wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 9:50 am
mattomac wrote: Tue May 03, 2022 11:07 pm I think the far left have done themselves the damage, Corbyn could have apologised for the shit he was ultimately responsible for, he didn’t and Labour couldn’t do anything less than suspend him.
Didn't Diane Abbott deliberately undermine the leader a few days ago as we head into important local elections?

But Keith Smarmer is a robotic Tory-lite android so obviously he's making Labour look bad :roll:
And they have the gall to accuse centrist liberals of propping up fascism.
By mattomac
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Thu May 05, 2022 10:11 pm There aren't as many. Then again, this is the sort of thing that apparently went on when they had lots.

Labour didn't even get within 13,000 in Nuneaton.

There weren’t as many anyhow, they were over active in some areas, absolutely none existent, I stepped back after Smith in 2016 and I went out leafleting and I apologised for not showing up more and I got the reply oh you’ve done more than 90% of the CLP.
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By Crabcakes
mattomac wrote: Thu May 05, 2022 8:19 pm There was a post on Twitter about Labour moving people to Wandsworth and one response was Labour don’t have any activists anymore.

It’s slightly confused them hasn’t it, that there are Labour Party members they don’t interact with.
If they were confused by that, think how bewildered they’ll be now Labour have won it!
Oboogie liked this
By davidjay
Crabcakes wrote: Fri May 06, 2022 7:55 am
mattomac wrote: Thu May 05, 2022 8:19 pm There was a post on Twitter about Labour moving people to Wandsworth and one response was Labour don’t have any activists anymore.

It’s slightly confused them hasn’t it, that there are Labour Party members they don’t interact with.
If they were confused by that, think how bewildered they’ll be now Labour have won it!
Ignoring it and concentrating on where we didn't do well.
Oboogie liked this
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By Andy McDandy
SWP were out in Lancaster today. We were eating lunch outside a pub, near their stall.

General response was that Johnson is a cunt, but give Corbyn a rest, he isn't coming back, and Starmer needs to stop fucking about andput the boot in.

This from students, tweedy country types, old and young, all sorts.
Oboogie liked this
By Oboogie
Youngian wrote: Sun May 15, 2022 5:03 pm
Samanfur wrote: Sat May 14, 2022 9:27 pm I was at a Mark Thomas gig last night. The room had much the same feeling.
That’s a home crowd, though.
Mark Thomas cites Alexi Sayle as his comedy inspiration, he's defiantly a Corbynista.
Samanfur, Nigredo liked this
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By Crabcakes
Andy McDandy wrote: Sat May 14, 2022 8:56 pm SWP were out in Lancaster today. We were eating lunch outside a pub, near their stall.

General response was that Johnson is a cunt, but give Corbyn a rest, he isn't coming back, and Starmer needs to stop fucking about andput the boot in.

This from students, tweedy country types, old and young, all sorts.
I increasingly get the impression that Corbyn is being ill served by his fanclub. Most people would probably by now have developed either a grudging respect or mild level of affection for him having forgotten the worst of his reign, were it not for the constant background whine from the usual suspects that he was actually the best thing ever and we’re a load of Tory bastards for not unquestioningly supporting his every decision, which in turn is a reminder of all the reasons why he is actually a man of selective morals, questionable intelligence and judgement, and a big fan of cronyism and nepotism.

He’ll never achieve elder statesman status because his own inability to reel in his most frothing acolytes means we now have constant reminders of how very fucking awful he was. Which is poetic justice I suppose.
zuriblue, Oboogie, Arrowhead and 2 others liked this
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By Andy McDandy
I've just finished Jess Phillips' book on being an MP, and she's pretty scathing about Corbyn, as you might expect. She points out that because we've come to associate expenses with fraud, we look on him as a saint for not claiming any. However, that just means he lives close enough to Westminster to go home every night, and his office don't do much work. For any MP from a distance outside London, having a flat or hotel room is a necessity - not everyone's taking the piss.

She goes on, saying that for such a campaigning MP, he's done very little over the years to get any legislation passed, save for a few early day motions , which are on about the same level as tame PMQs - lowball shout-outs aimed at getting you in the local rag. Yes, he does rallies, and he does them well, but they're generally easy gigs. Actually effecting change requires - shock horror - dealing with people you disagree with, and making deals.
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By Crabcakes
He’s not a campaigning MP, he’s a complaining MP. More than happy to have a moan on anyone’s behalf or turn up for a photo, soundbite or to give his usual speech, especially on a pet subject. Remarkably thin on evidence he’s ever done much in the way of hard work to effect change.
Oboogie, Nigredo liked this
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