:sunglasses: 40.6 % :pray: 8.5 % :laughing: 30.2 % 🧥 4.7 % :cry: 12.3 % :🤗 3.8 %
Johnson has either static or a slight rise in approval ratings. No PM in my lifetime has got extra Brownie points for doing what they’re supposed to be in a war that’s happening somewhere else. Falklands is an outlier as it was British territory and an easy win against identifiable baddies.
By satnav
I'd love to know why commentators reckon Johnson has had a good war. He has dragged his feet over sanctions of Russian oligarchs and dragged his feet on refugees from the Ukraine. When quizzed by a reporter about why Britain had only issued only 50 visas to Ukraine refugees he simply said that he didn't recognise the figure. How is that an acceptable answer? If he doesn't recognise the figure then why doesn't he give a figure that he does recognise?
Britain isn’t dependent on Russian gas, if this was a conscious government policy then good call. Biden made an heroic pledge in his union address to step up US production to replace shortfalls in Russian oil. Not exactly a tough decision.
Venezuela didn’t turn up to support their Russian allies in the UN. Another good call
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Youngian wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 9:16 pm Britain isn’t dependent on Russian gas, if this was a conscious government policy then good call. Biden made an heroic pledge in his union address to step up US production to replace shortfalls in Russian oil. Not exactly a tough decision.
Venezuela didn’t turn up to support their Russian allies in the UN. Another good call
Makes no difference to the MAGA types.

Any mention of Venezuela to them means that the Pres has gone full Commie.
Boiler wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 1:22 pm Looks like Johnson, once again, having landed in the shit is likely to come out smelling of roses again.


Even one of the prime minister's spikiest critics, the former Tory minister Rory Stewart, said through gritted teeth: "I think he's a terrible human being. I think he's a terrible prime minister but I think he's done OK on the Ukraine crisis."
He’s done just about OK. However, still yet to come are the inevitable further revelations about quite how much money the Tories have taken from Russia, how personally involved he was in getting Lebedev a peerage, and of course the continued callousness of the home office. And the added wild cards of the full Sue Grey report being published to remind everyone what a lying shit he is, and of cracking - which a lot of countryside Tories hate as it would wreck their lovely views.

His doing ‘well’ is quite likely more a reflection of him not doing badly, which is what we expected. But there are plenty of clouds on the horizon.
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By Nigredo
Crabcakes wrote: Tue Mar 08, 2022 11:33 am
Boiler wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 1:22 pm Looks like Johnson, once again, having landed in the shit is likely to come out smelling of roses again.


Even one of the prime minister's spikiest critics, the former Tory minister Rory Stewart, said through gritted teeth: "I think he's a terrible human being. I think he's a terrible prime minister but I think he's done OK on the Ukraine crisis."
His doing ‘well’ is quite likely more a reflection of him not doing badly, which is what we expected. But there are plenty of clouds on the horizon.
I expect this is because for once he's managed to restrain himself from some mad childlike tangent about Risk or some other war-based game he'd have played as a kid and recognized the somberness of this all.

As you say, still plenty to come about how awash with Russian oligarch money the Tory party is. Johnson's personal dealings should be enough to finish him as it should anyone else who's willing to sell off part of your political system to a known security risk just because they chuck you money for some boozy lunches.
I see they are jumping on the Red Wilton poll as the radical rebirth of Johnson when its broken down it is mostly the same as other pollsters yes the headline news his approval has a net of 11pts and yes the poll has closed to 2pts though the Greens gained 2 points on that (MOE anyone?)

YG four days ago saw absolutely no change, in fact it had Starmer up by +3.

Sebastian Payne again leading the charge, I assume he is so desperate for a none dated Paperback version of his book.

Very little has changed and that was in a positive week for Johnson.

That thread explains it better, at the moment there is no trend and what we are seeing isn’t comparable even say with other leaders in Europe. See Macron for instance.
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By Boiler
Just in case anyone was wondering:

What is going on with the partygate probe? (Links to BBC)

The prime minister's backers had become increasingly confident that this outcome could be avoided. He can claim No 10 is both his home and his office, blurring any lines between working and socialising.

But some now think he does not have to escape a fine to survive. Allies are arguing that "partygate" has now been put in perspective. One of them described the lockdown gatherings as "trivial" by comparison with war.

Another denounced the rhetoric and self-righteousness of some of Mr Johnson's opponents, adding: "What is 'sickening' is what Russia is doing in Ukraine, not whether the prime minister got a birthday cake on his birthday."
TL:DR - Johnson survives again.
Let him survive. Still 2 years to the next election, and he’s going to be heaving all this shitty baggage with him, which can all be used against him - along with all the other inevitable revelations to come.

Johnson staying on now best serves only the needs of Johnson himself. When he isn’t damaging the Tories, his shitty team are. And while I’m as keen as the next decent person to see him gone, be careful what you wish for - because I’d much rather Starmer face an arrogant, lazy walking calamity who huge swathes of the population now loathe, and his inept, cruel and corrupt team, than a rejuvenated Tory party under a more popular new leader.
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By Boiler
Crabcakes wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 11:14 am Let him survive. Still 2 years to the next election, and he’s going to be heaving all this shitty baggage with him, which can all be used against him - along with all the other inevitable revelations to come.

Johnson staying on now best serves only the needs of Johnson himself. When he isn’t damaging the Tories, his shitty team are. And while I’m as keen as the next decent person to see him gone, be careful what you wish for - because I’d much rather Starmer face an arrogant, lazy walking calamity who huge swathes of the population now loathe, and his inept, cruel and corrupt team, than a rejuvenated Tory party under a more popular new leader.
All very true - remind me, what was Thatcher's majority in 1983? We know no matter what, it's going to be an uphill struggle in 2024 anyway.

Unless of course, the Northern Hemisphere is a smouldering, radioactive ruin by then and the remains of the planet have a nuclear winter to deal with rather than AGW.
CyberNats have a hard on.
Boris Johnson ‘to give go-ahead’ for North Sea oil and gas projects

The UK government is preparing to announce new drilling in the North Sea for the first time in three years, as Europe faces soaring energy costs compounded by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The move comes after Boris Johnson said on Monday that the UK may have to increase its output of oil and gas in order to reduce dependency on Russian fossil fuels.

Currently, around 1–3 per cent of the UK’s gas comes from Russia.

At a press conference, the prime minister said: “One of the things we are looking at is the possibility of using more of our own hydrocarbons." https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-c ... 1646793045
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By Nigredo
Crabcakes wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 11:14 am Let him survive. Still 2 years to the next election, and he’s going to be heaving all this shitty baggage with him, which can all be used against him - along with all the other inevitable revelations to come.

Johnson staying on now best serves only the needs of Johnson himself. When he isn’t damaging the Tories, his shitty team are. And while I’m as keen as the next decent person to see him gone, be careful what you wish for - because I’d much rather Starmer face an arrogant, lazy walking calamity who huge swathes of the population now loathe, and his inept, cruel and corrupt team, than a rejuvenated Tory party under a more popular new leader.
Quite, and I reckon the pork haystack’s ego and vanity would make him all hung ho to defeat Starmer in an election and shut his PMQs tormentor up once and for all.
Oboogie liked this
Also PMQs

Ric Holden (Con) says
A hospital in his constituency is being closed. But a new community hospital is planned, as part of the government’s hospital programme. Johnson says he is delighted the hospital is being built.
I forget the number of beds now 12 or 18.
A hospital closing (bed count not mentioned) and a rather small one opening.

Spaffer went on to cite this as an example of his 40 new hospitals.

Note also "planned".
Recent projects have illustrated the gaping chasm between "planned" and "built".

He truly is the prime minister of bullshit.
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