:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
By satnav
They are reliant on a strong phone signal and a decent home wifi connection, neither of which is always available — something we discovered when our 'upgraded' burglar alarm, which uses similar technology, kept either going off when it wasn't meant to or packed up completely.
Why does a man who never appears to leave home need to worry about upgrading his burglar alarm? Or is it that he has a second home that he rarely visits?
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... -Fear.html

Bloody weather. Why does the media insist on making everything so dramatic, says man convinced that civilisation will crumble if we're advised to give a bit of a shit about the environment. Along with lots of back in my day nonsense. Twat.
What the fuckwad's fuckwad and all those others who were saying "Westminster Abbey didn't end up on the moon - thought they said it was going to be really windy? Met Office got it wrong" fail to grasp that weather is a natural phenomena. It is going to do whatever it wants. We have zero say in it, but we can identify trends, and that's why we have forecasts and not predictions.

See also: transmissible viruses.
By satnav
I think commenting on the weather in Britain when you live 3000 miles away from Britain is always a bad idea. The pictures on the news last night and this morning have shown how badly parts of Britain have been hit by flooding. The town of Matlock is about 10 miles from where I live and it looks like it has been badly hit again following similar flooding a couple of years ago. I would imagine that many of the businesses that have been hit a second time will struggle to recover this time.

I used to do a lot of Supply teaching at the secondary school in Matlock which is fortunately on the top of the hill so safe from flooding,. One year the school was caught in a bad snowstorm, there were drifts of snow up to 6 foot high on the main road to the school. The head had no choice but to shutdown the school on the Monday morning because the small road leading to the school was unpassable and the school carpark could not be cleared. Many of the kids who attended the school lived on remote farms so they would have struggled to get in. When the school opened the next day the local MP at the time Patrick Maclachlan was on the phone to the head berating him about closing the school. He was clearly calling from London so he was clueless about what conditions were like on the ground in his constituency.
lambswool, Spoonman, Nigredo liked this
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By Andy McDandy
Recently, two of our libraries - Kendal and Ambleside - were damaged in a storm. Kendal Library lost part of its roof. Water got in and ruined a good chunk of book stock and frazzled some IT equipment. Ambleside library had several plate glass windows blown in. Thankfully it was at night, otherwise there could have been some serious injury. Both are solid Lakeland limestone/gritstone buildings with slate roofs.

But yeah, keep them open because something something taxpayers' money.
I'm reminded of one winter about 20 years ago, a huge snowstorm swept in from the east, and dozens of people got stranded in their cars overnight. (It was either Snake Pass or the A30 across Dartmoor, can't recall which) When they were dug out the following day, some claimed they were caught by surprise - despite it being predicted in forecasts a week beforehand, radio, newspapers, television, Internet, all reporting it was a-coming and to watch out. So, again, the Met Office got criticism, and I'll always remember what the weatherman on my local BBC radio station said when he was asked about it. "What else could we do?! Lob a brick through the window with a piece of paper wrapped around it with "IT'S GOING TO SNOW" on it? Break into their house and sit between them and their television shouting "SNOW! SNOW! SNOW! SNOW!" through a PA system?!"
Ignorance is always a choice.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... ilege.html

James Bond fantasies as he whinges about the Pee Cees in the security services and why can't they just get a bloody bloke in to run things. knock some heads together, and tell everyone to stop mucking about.

S____horpe. Fill in the blank.
By satnav
Another case of the Mail making up a story and then Littlejohn over-reacts to the made up story. Even professional bell end Toby Young was tweeting about the Mail story yesterday pretending to be shocked and disturbed by it.

Setting aside the nonsense in the original story which triggered Littlejohn I would imaging that it would be useful for spies to fit in with their surroundings rather than sticking out like a sore thumb. If modernising MI5 and MI6 ensures that spies are less conspicuous would be a good thing.
satnav wrote: Fri Feb 25, 2022 9:38 am Another case of the Mail making up a story and then Littlejohn over-reacts to the made up story. Even professional bell end Toby Young was tweeting about the Mail story yesterday pretending to be shocked and disturbed by it.

Setting aside the nonsense in the original story which triggered Littlejohn I would imaging that it would be useful for spies to fit in with their surroundings rather than sticking out like a sore thumb. If modernising MI5 and MI6 ensures that spies are less conspicuous would be a good thing.
Reminds me of that scene in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade where Harrison Ford tells the Nazis that they'll never find his associate as he blends in so well.

Cut to Denholm Elliott walking through the bustling market place of a Turkish city looking like he's just stepped out of a Merchant Ivory film: "Does anyone here speak English? Or even Ancient Greek?"
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... erloo.html

Mail readers are great, lefties all support Russia, go fight in Ukraine if you fancy it, Johnson's a hero, veggie soldiers are silly, Mandelson's a gayer.

Yeah, still a cunt.
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By Andy McDandy
In case you're wondering, Littlecock hasn't filed any copy in the last 2 weeks.

It may well be that he's on spring break, and is currently whooping it up in a donkey show in Tijuana. Audience or participant, no great difference. The other and more likely possibility is that he's taking a break until Dacre can work out how to shoehorn his fuck 'em they're foreign/fossil fuels FTW/Super Army Soldiers can do anything/at least Putin gets shit done attitude and takes into the current climate.

I'm picturing him as the New Frontiersman editor at the end of Watchmen*, bitterly complaining that he no longer has anything to write about.

*A popular graphic novel by Alan Moore, beard enthusiast of Northampton, m'lud. The New Frontiersman is an in-story rabidly isolationist, racist, nationalistic and aggressive magazine that is at odds with the spirit of international unity against a common threat on which the story ends.
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