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By Andy McDandy
"The purpose of a newspaper is to sell newspapers" as someone* once said. In that respect, with his Euromyths, Johnson did achieve that. Not that you can call it in any way reporting.

*OK, someone from a Harry Potter book.
By Bones McCoy
Andy McDandy wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 4:41 pm "The purpose of a newspaper is to sell newspapers" as someone* once said. In that respect, with his Euromyths, Johnson did achieve that. Not that you can call it in any way reporting.

*OK, someone from a Harry Potter book.
Except, it's been on the record for half a century that newspapers make a loss on sales and barely recoup it on advertising.

You might conclude that the proprietor is buying something other than a profit stream: Influence and connections perhaps.
See also: School fees - another stock in trade of the over-promoted and useless.
Nigredo liked this
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By Cyclist
The gift that keeps on giving

Nadine Dorries’ shambolic attempts to defend Boris Johnson are even alienating the PM’s supporters

As Boris Johnson has been frantically working behind the scenes to shore up support, reshuffling his No 10 team and overhauling the Whips’ Office, only a handful of ministers have agreed to take part in the public charm offensive on behalf of the Prime Minister.

Chief among these has been Nadine Dorries, who became Culture Secretary in September after more than a decade of solid support for Mr Johnson.

In a string of punchy interventions on television and over social media, Ms Dorries has repeatedly insisted the Tory leader has done nothing wrong and hit out at his critics inside and outside the Conservative Party...

...Even some allies of the Prime Minister are in despair about her performance, warning it increased the chance of backbench chief Sir Graham Brady getting the 54 letters needed to trigger a leadership vote. One MP from the 2019 intake told i: “At one point Nadine seemed like she was trying to provoke letters to go in. Every time she tweeted, another few MPs told me they were more likely to put in a letter.”

Ms Dorries is said to have been pulling supportive backbenchers in to her office for talks – only to start haranguing them about the need to be more vocal in backing the Prime Minister. When MPs go public in their criticism of Mr Johnson, No 10 generally tries to win them back; but not Ms Dorries...

...Colleagues remain unconvinced, lumping in Ms Dorries with other ministers such as Jacob Rees-Mogg who have tried to push the Prime Minister’s cause – unlike the majority of senior Tories.

As one former Cabinet member said recently: “Nadine has been embarrassingly supportive, and Jacob has been stupidly supportive, but the rest of the Cabinet have been very quiet.”

https://inews.co.uk/news/politics/nadin ... 456897/amp
Johnson has truly got the friends he deserves.

Keep up the good work Nad.
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By Abernathy
Oblomov wrote: Tue Feb 22, 2022 6:11 pm https://archive.fo/k30uf

Nadine Dorries: ‘I owe Boris Johnson my absolute undying loyalty’
No exaggeration. Nad is all to well aware that only an absolute morally bankrupt cunt of a PM like Johnson would be daft enough to put her in the cabinet with a ministerial brief.
Spoonman, Oboogie, Watchman liked this
By satnav
Nad was jumping on the bandwagon today to get the champions league final taken away from Russia because of the current conflict, funnily enough she doesn't seem to have a problem with the World Cup being held in Qatar despite the fact that the country has an appalling Human Rights record, treats women as second class citizens and treats foreign workers like dirt.
mattomac, Spoonman, Nigredo liked this
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