:sunglasses: 40.6 % :pray: 8.5 % :laughing: 30.2 % 🧥 4.7 % :cry: 12.3 % :🤗 3.8 %
By satnav
Big Dog's latest initiative seems to be pushing the idea that we need a smaller state with individuals taking more personal responsibilities. Jesus, how can a man who has never taken personality for anything in his life now be telling the public that they need to take more personal responsibility.
mattomac liked this
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By Boiler
Thing is, that sort of stuff is the only sort of thing that will convince the shark-toothed Thatcherite monetarists which still infest the Conservative party and the "Britannia Unchained" headbangers that he isn't a Commie in disguise. Only Singapore-on-Thames will do now, and he will assiduously copy anything from the Bannon/Trump playbook. This is the real "red meat" that the Tory faithful want.

Now there's a thought - Johnson and Trump back in power in 2024...
Nicked from comments in the Guardian

"If the West depends on Johnson's diplomatic skills, there's a lonely woman, in a lonely prison cell a long way from home and family who could tell you a lot about the calibre of those skills"
mattomac, Nigredo, Samanfur and 4 others liked this
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Thu Feb 10, 2022 7:54 pm I wonder if Sadiq had an inside track she was considering it? Otherwise, it was very risky. Very easy for the Tories to support her and say Labour was trying to influence the Partygate investigation.

Still, well done.
https://metfed.org.uk/the-metropolitan- ... adiq-khan/

Sadiq's comments have apparently undermined confidence in the Met.

Not the institutional sexism. Not the racism. Not the completely transparent attitude of one rule for us, another rule for Boris. Just the spiteful sneering of that nasty lefty Sadiq Khan.
Oboogie liked this
The boss of the Police Federation was on the Sarah Jane Mee programme on Sky News this afternoon. I couldn't hear what was being said, but from his tone of voice it was obvious he was talking down to her and mansplaining. Aye, a sexist cunt at the head of an institutionally sexist organisation.
No doubt that they'll either be strangely silent or come out with the usual platitudes on this. I'm starting to think that the Met needs its own thread.

Met Police commander accused of taking magic mushrooms

A Met Police commander has been accused of taking cannabis, LSD and magic mushrooms while on holiday in France.

Cdr Julian Bennett previously wrote the force's current drug strategy.

A misconduct hearing on Monday was told he took three drugs while on holiday between February 2019 and July 2020.

He is also accused of refusing to provide a drug sample in July 2020 after being informed there was reasonable cause to suspect that he had used cannabis.

The tribunal was told he allegedly claimed he had taken CBD (cannabidiol) for a medical condition with his face as a reason for refusing - an excuse the charge says he "knew to be untrue".

A photo sent on WhatsApp showing cannabis on a table had been submitted as evidence, the tribunal heard.
Oblomov wrote: Mon Feb 14, 2022 4:51 pm
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Thu Feb 10, 2022 7:54 pm I wonder if Sadiq had an inside track she was considering it? Otherwise, it was very risky. Very easy for the Tories to support her and say Labour was trying to influence the Partygate investigation.

Still, well done.
https://metfed.org.uk/the-metropolitan- ... adiq-khan/

Sadiq's comments have apparently undermined confidence in the Met.

Not the institutional sexism. Not the racism. Not the completely transparent attitude of one rule for us, another rule for Boris. Just the spiteful sneering of that nasty lefty Sadiq Khan.
Police Fed moan about most politicians but talk about tin eared. Are they going up to Khan’s office for a discussion on confidence?
It was kindness personified and wholly unexpected that plod would tear himself away from all that raping, murdering and burning of the people he is trusted to protect, in order to beat down on the little brown kid. Aye, the elected one.
davidjay, Boiler, Oboogie and 1 others liked this
davidjay wrote: Wed Feb 16, 2022 12:45 pm I fear that if Bercow were still Speaker he would need armed guards every time he set foot outside his front door.
When those people next whine about cancellation - remind them of Bercow.
Heckled, monstered, vilified, harassed, cancelled.
Spoonman liked this
If Johnson goes, Brexit goes...

It's not every day I read something by Michael Heseltine and not find lots of things to disagree with

Did something change this month? Having proclaimed the Brexit referendum triumph of 2016 as the unique achievement of Boris Johnson and praised his historic success in the election three years later with the slogan “get Brexit done”, did the wreckers of the European dream slowly begin to realise that if Johnson goes, it shifts the sands from beneath their feet?

https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfr ... -heseltine
This could go a long way to explaining why the headbangers are so desperate to keep Johnson in Number 10.
Oboogie liked this
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