:sunglasses: 25.8 % :pray: 14.5 % :laughing: 37.1 % 🧥 1.6 % :cry: 12.9 % :🤗 6.5 % :poo: 1.6 %
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By Cyclist
It's not even populism. Telling people who have done everything properly and have suffered personal loss while doing so they're not living in the real world is just adding insult to injury. If they can't see that then they're more stupid than even I took them for, and I think you all know how low my opinion of these current Tories is.
By RedSparrows
Cyclist wrote: Fri Feb 11, 2022 9:51 am It's not even populism. Telling people who have done everything properly and have suffered personal loss while doing so they're not living in the real world is just adding insult to injury. If they can't see that then they're more stupid than even I took them for, and I think you all know how low my opinion of these current Tories is.
The logic is populist: the 'real' people are on our side, unlike you metropolitan types.

Just in this case the group supposedly formed of metropolitan types is... anyone who stuck to the rules.
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By Andy McDandy
RedSparrows wrote: Fri Feb 11, 2022 10:28 am The logic is populist: the 'real' people are on our side, unlike you metropolitan types.

Just in this case the group supposedly formed of metropolitan types is... anyone who stuck to the rules.
Elite leafy suburbs metropolitan remoaner elites seem to consist of:

Clever people, people with glasses, people who care about others, people who read books, people who watch BBC4, Londoners, Scousers, Mancs, trendy people, Scots and Welsh, people who have it too easy, people who moan about how hard up they are, men who do the cooking, vegetarians and vegans, the disableds, metrosexuals, LGBTQ+ people, people who find Stewart Lee funny, people who make sick jokes, people who get all offended by harmless jokes, women in decent jobs, and That Tony Blair.

The common element seeming to be "If we were both 13 year old boys, could (and would) I have chinned him?".
Oboogie liked this
By Youngian
If Bridgen’s being turned over for small beer like this, imagine what non letter submitting Tory MPs have on their rap sheets.
Conservative MP Andrew Bridgen is being investigated by the parliamentary watchdog over claims of lobbying and failing to fully declare interests.
Last month, The Times said he accepted £5,000 through his local Conservative association from a firm after having raised its tax issues with a minister.
The paper said Mr Bridgen contacted the minister following a trip to the firm's teak plantation in Ghana in 2019.
The MP told the BBC the trip and donation had been "fully declared".
He said the accusations being investigated by Parliamentary Standards Commissioner Kathryn Stone were a "repeat of the allegations made in an article by The Times" and that he had "never personally received any money from Mere Plantations or anyone associated with them".
Mr Bridgen also has an advisory role with the company, Mere Plantations, which the BBC has been told is unpaid.
According to his declaration to the Electoral Commission, Mr Bridgen's trip to Ghana in August 2019, paid for by Mere Plantations, was worth £3,300. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-60348356
By davidjay
Andy McDandy wrote: Fri Feb 11, 2022 12:09 pm
RedSparrows wrote: Fri Feb 11, 2022 10:28 am The logic is populist: the 'real' people are on our side, unlike you metropolitan types.

Just in this case the group supposedly formed of metropolitan types is... anyone who stuck to the rules.
Elite leafy suburbs metropolitan remoaner elites seem to consist of:

Clever people, people with glasses, people who care about others, people who read books, people who watch BBC4, Londoners, Scousers, Mancs, trendy people, Scots and Welsh, people who have it too easy, people who moan about how hard up they are, men who do the cooking, vegetarians and vegans, the disableds, metrosexuals, LGBTQ+ people, people who find Stewart Lee funny, people who make sick jokes, people who get all offended by harmless jokes, women in decent jobs, and That Tony Blair.

The common element seeming to be "If we were both 13 year old boys, could (and would) I have chinned him?".
As was said in a slightly different context, the idea of Metropolitan elites seems to come from bluff no-nonsense northerners who visit That London for the weekend, see the price of houses and beer and think everyone down there must be loaded. It's reinforced by arty/media types who go there to study, then move straight from graduation to arty/media jobs and never see life outside their own rarified circle.
Last edited by davidjay on Sat Feb 12, 2022 12:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Oboogie liked this
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By Andy McDandy
I've seen the term applied to Wavertree in Liverpool, Salford, Hebden Bridge, Jesmond and more. So it really seems to be a case of soft furnishings and using long words. Or, as said, being a clever bastard.

At the root of it all is revenge of the thick kids.
Malcolm Armsteen, Samanfur, Oboogie and 2 others liked this
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By Cyclist
An indication of how low our ruling party has sunk is the fact that someone actually thought this needed to be said

Boris Johnson’s allies were today warned off seeking to put pressure on Scotland Yard to give the Prime Minister “special treatment” during its probe into the partygate scandal.

Sir Bob Neill, Conservative chairman of the Commons justice committee, stressed that “any suggestion of political pressure on the police is completely reprehensible”.

https://www.standard.co.uk/news/politic ... 5.html?amp
By davidjay
Cyclist wrote: Sat Feb 12, 2022 9:07 am An indication of how low our ruling party has sunk is the fact that someone actually thought this needed to be said

Boris Johnson’s allies were today warned off seeking to put pressure on Scotland Yard to give the Prime Minister “special treatment” during its probe into the partygate scandal.

Sir Bob Neill, Conservative chairman of the Commons justice committee, stressed that “any suggestion of political pressure on the police is completely reprehensible”.

https://www.standard.co.uk/news/politic ... 5.html?amp
Culture wars, innit? The police should be investigating crime, not doing the remoaner metropolitan elite's bidding.
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By Andy McDandy
Iain Banks (through a character in The Crow Road) articulated perfectly what a Tory means by freedom.


Freedom of choice means money for the better choice. Freedom of travel for people who can afford the journey. Freedom of speech for those who can shut down their opponents and critics or buy airtime or print space. Freedom from regulation in business so you can sell the cheap crap to the people without the freedom/money to afford quality, while your workers toil in unsafe conditions because you've the freedom to rip up regulations to save money while all they have is the freedom to walk, rather than strike or campaign for better conditions. Freedom to sell personal data because some marketing fuck wants it. And above all the freedom to make money.

As Anthony Cuomo put it in 2020 when Americans were protesting the lockdown, saying that they were being denied the right to work, there was plenty of work to do. Get masked up, deliver groceries, stack shelves, do some hospital portering. What they were complaining about was being denied what they saw as their right to make a profit.
davidjay, Nigredo, Spoonman liked this
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