:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
By Rosvanian
Andy McDandy wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 8:25 am https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... lines.html

Not much going on so here's some random transphobia, homophobia and sexism.

I assume that a regular DM columnist is only as good as their click rating and I notice that Littlejohn doesn't get that many comments under most of his pieces. Surely this bloke's days are numbered.
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By Andy McDandy
His last few columns were basically "Johnson is useless and corrupt but at least he's not Labour". The responses BTL were not supportive. Small wonder he's gone back to the safer territory of pointing and laughing at the gayers.
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By Watchman
At least he had the good sense (or proof read by someone with more awareness) not to finish of the Hogan-Howe piece with “…and Jimmy Savile is still dead”
Rosvanian wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 9:58 am

I assume that a regular DM columnist is only as good as their click rating and I notice that Littlejohn doesn't get that many comments under most of his pieces. Surely this bloke's days are numbered.
We've been saying that since 2007...
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By Andy McDandy
For someone bored to death of Partygate, he doesn't half bang on about it.

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... onate.html

Usual drill. Johnson's a liar, a cheat, an overrated con man, but he's still our number one guy. People WFHing are all slackers. What would Reagan do?

Boring cunt.
By Bones McCoy
Youngian wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:58 am Michael Flatley’s a poof
No heterosexual white man, especially one in his mid-50s, should ever be forced to dance in public. Especially to Abba, or anything else for that matter.
The implication being that people like Michael Flatley, Lionel Blair and Bill Bailey were "forced".

Next week Dickie might explain why the professional dancers (ie pooves) on strictly end up banging the smokin' hot celeb ladies.
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By Andy McDandy
A few months ago I stumbled on a blog that reviewed 90s television, and one of the things covered was Littlejohn's short lived chat show.

It argued that loathe or detest them, people such as Noel Edmonds, Chris Tarrant and Chris Evans were very good at running tight ships and making it look effortless - split second timing on live broadcasts and so on. Compare, the author said, to the likes of Littlejohn and James Whale.

If your exposure to his show is limited to just the infamous Michael Winner moment, you've generally had a good introduction. Both he and Whale seemed to put in zero effort, no research, and frequently ended up looking angry as whatever they were planning blew up or fizzled out in front of them. Audiences that either can't be arsed or are actively hostile. No sense of structure. Reliance on cheap "shock" moments (ooh look, a naked woman in the nude, with her bosoms out). A general sense that actually doing any work is beneath them, which manifests in their contempt for everything.

Found it rather enlightening.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... -Yard.html

Operation Hillman gives Penis Smallcock a chance to wax lyrical over the 70s, accuse Sadiq Khan of being responsible for all crime in London, whinge about the police being too PC for his liking, dismiss Partygate as "alleged scandals", and yearn for the return of Robert Mark, despite him being responsible for clearing out all those "proper coppers" like his dad.

One word, rhymes with hunt.
mattomac liked this
By Youngian
Khan is nominally police commissioner, but has presided over a stabbing epidemic and now proposes converting most of South London into an open-air drugs bazaar, modelled on 'Hamsterdam' in The Wire, the wonderful HBO police series based in Baltimore, which fell under the control of so-called 'liberal' politicians with predictably appalling consequences

Khan’s proposing nothing of the sort and there were no liberal politicians in control in the Wire doing this sort of thing. Talk about seeing what you want to.
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By Nigredo
Of the many unbelievable fictions Dick Littledick has written, that he's watched The Wire in full and also thought it wonderful stretches my incredulity to breaking point.
davidjay, Youngian liked this
By soulboy
Oblomov wrote: Wed Feb 16, 2022 3:48 pm Of the many unbelievable fictions Dick Littledick has written, that he's watched The Wire in full and also thought it wonderful stretches my incredulity to breaking point.
I'm sure he sees Scott Templeton* as the hero of the fifth season.

* A journalist who finds journalism a bit hard so he just makes up a load of shit.
Nigredo liked this
By MisterMuncher
Oblomov wrote: Wed Feb 16, 2022 3:48 pm Of the many unbelievable fictions Dick Littledick has written, that he's watched The Wire in full and also thought it wonderful stretches my incredulity to breaking point.
I'd like to see him attempt a conversation about it with fellow journalist David Simon.
Nigredo liked this
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By Nigredo
soulboy wrote: Wed Feb 16, 2022 9:43 pm
Oblomov wrote: Wed Feb 16, 2022 3:48 pm Of the many unbelievable fictions Dick Littledick has written, that he's watched The Wire in full and also thought it wonderful stretches my incredulity to breaking point.
I'm sure he sees Scott Templeton* as the hero of the fifth season.

* A journalist who finds journalism a bit hard so he just makes up a load of shit.
Closely followed by Bill Rawls and several others for their glee in good old-fashioned brute force policing methods.
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