:sunglasses: 25.8 % :pray: 14.5 % :laughing: 37.1 % 🧥 1.6 % :cry: 12.9 % :🤗 6.5 % :poo: 1.6 %
By satnav
The tax hike thing is very interesting because it is very clear that newspapers like The Sun have taken to describing the rise in national insurance payments as Rishi Sunak's tax hike rather than a government tax hike. This seems quite odd given that the prime minister and the cabinet must have agreed to the rise. Blaming Rishi would clearly undermine his hopes of replacing Johnson in the near future and it also means that if the rise is delayed it could be framed as an embarrassment for Sunak rather than a humiliation for Johnson.
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By Andy McDandy
It's true that stuff like the wallpaper saga will be his undoing, because that's the stuff that really cuts through. Think back to the expenses scandal. While people "get" the idea of a mortgage or furniture, it's things like a duck house or moat cleaning that make us go "what the actual fuck is a duck house?". Image worth a thousand boring but more expensive claims.
mattomac, Nigredo liked this
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By Watchman
I know this is not limited to Tories, but I wonder what the reaction will be to the news that MP’s salaries are about to go from £82k to £84k (2.4%)
By davidjay
Cyclist wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 12:17 pm I should think the white van driving sal' of the erf S*n readers already think Sunak is way above his station, and certainly wouldn't want to see one of "them" in No 10.
I'm not entirely sure of that. Their underlying bigotry nowadays seems based round muzzies rather than that lot per se, and Sunak is a useful idiot for them. Can't be racist can I? I voted for one of them.
Youngian liked this
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By Abernathy
Watchman wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 5:03 pm I know this is not limited to Tories, but I wonder what the reaction will be to the news that MP’s salaries are about to go from £82k to £84k (2.4%)
Well, it’ll be the usual drill. They don’t deserve it, how dare they, it’s duck houses all over again. All despite the facts that review of salaries is due and is now decided by an independent body, and has been for many years, not by MPs themselves. There is never a good time for MPs’ salary increases, it would seem, because this sort of dog-in-the-manger shit is flung every single time, and was a direct factor in the expenses scandal in 2009 .

Still, hey ho.
By Youngian
You don’t have to agree with all of this article to be pleasantly surprised a thoughtful, serious growup has a job in Johnson’s government. Wallace stood out during the Afghan evacuation as someone who isn’t a halfwit and cared.
An article by the Defence Secretary on the situation in Ukraine
Secretary of State for Defence Ben Wallace discusses NATO, Ukraine and Russia. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/an-a ... in-ukraine
By RedSparrows
Couple weeks back: Dorries wailing people were having to chose between TV license and bread

This week: Sunak offering a partial loan to cover an average energy price increase of c. 6 annual TV licenses.
Spoonman, Nigredo liked this
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By Cyclist
Are they deliberately trying to alienate the electorate?

People in the "real world" don't care about parties held in Downing Street during lockdown, the new leader of the House of Commons has said.

Mark Spencer stuck by comments he made in December, when he said Prime Minister Boris Johnson "will not have lied" about the gatherings.

But he told BBC Radio Nottingham "what really mattered" to people was their energy bills, NHS backlogs and jobs...

People who are angry that Johnson and chums were partying like it's 1999 while mum died alone in hospital and then they couldn't go to the funeral aren't living in the real world?

Have we ever had a government quite so out of touch as these fucking morons?
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