:sunglasses: 40.6 % :pray: 8.5 % :laughing: 30.2 % 🧥 4.7 % :cry: 12.3 % :🤗 3.8 %
Bit of a risky game, we know Carrie is a true blue insider, not some “girly”who they can bully aside. Plus she is his wife and mother of 2 of his children, so not a great PR look to throw them under the bus, and if the shit does hit the fan de Piffle has previous for moaning about the financial effects of divorce
mattomac liked this
Let’s be honest though - with this scheming bastard and his clearly keen on power wife, what’s entirely possible is that they decided to throw her under a bus. Gets him off the hook, gets her some sympathy, keeps them both in No. 10.

It’s the sort of Machiavellian scheme Cummings would love to see attributed to him - and perhaps that’s why he loathes Carrie? She might be the real deal compared to his delusions of grandeur.
When I look at, or read about, her, she does not strike me as the sort of person who gives a damn about what the great unwashed think of her. Similar to Johnson, she has a coterie of close friends, and then there's the rest of the world.
Back to the slur for a moment. It's been gnawing at me.

Boris Johnson claimed SKS "used his time prosecuting journalists and failing to prosecute Jimmy Savile". Quite rightly, there is outrage at the Savile claim, but the "prosecuting journalists" bit seems to have landed without comment.

Those journalists are those who hacked a dead child's voicemail, that of the 7/7 victims, and the messages of countless others. Then there was perjury and bribing corrupt police and prison officers. My memory might be fading but I recall, at the time, that most people thought that these prosecutions were indeed a Good Thing.

Johnson presumably doesn't share that view.
Boiler, Nigredo, Watchman and 2 others liked this
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By Boiler
kreuzberger wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 12:57 pm Back to the slur for a moment. It's been gnawing at me.

Boris Johnson claimed SKS "used his time prosecuting journalists and failing to prosecute Jimmy Savile". Quite rightly, there is outrage at the Savile claim, but the "prosecuting journalists" bit seems to have landed without comment.in

Those journalists are those who hacked a dead child's voicemail, that of the 7/7 victims, and the messages of countless others. Then there was perjury and bribing corrupt police and prison officers. My memory might be fading but I recall, at the time, that most people thought that these prosecutions were indeed a Good Thing.

Johnson presumably doesn't share that view.
I believe Tim Fenton refers to this as 'the Omertà' amongst journalists - of which Johnson was, sort of (I prefer 'columnist' in his case).
Given that Johnson thought pursuing historic child abuse as 'spaffing money up the wall' I think you would be safe in assuming that.
Nigredo, Oboogie liked this
kreuzberger wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 12:57 pm Back to the slur for a moment. It's been gnawing at me.

Boris Johnson claimed SKS "used his time prosecuting journalists and failing to prosecute Jimmy Savile". Quite rightly, there is outrage at the Savile claim, but the "prosecuting journalists" bit seems to have landed without comment.

Those journalists are those who hacked a dead child's voicemail, that of the 7/7 victims, and the messages of countless others. Then there was perjury and bribing corrupt police and prison officers. My memory might be fading but I recall, at the time, that most people thought that these prosecutions were indeed a Good Thing.

Johnson presumably doesn't share that view.
In fairness, juries didn't share that view either, in what looked to me like open and shut cases of paying cops and screws for stories. God knows how the defence swung those. I suppose you lay it on really thick that a non-guilty verdict is sticking it to the man, or something. I'd have had those journos in Belmarsh by teatime.

Whatever, I don't see how the DPP was supposed to avoid putting the cases before a jury. As Ian Chappell once said to Mike Brearley, "I'll fucking bat, you fucking appeal, and the umpire can fucking umpire".
Crabcakes wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:44 pm This makes it sound a billion times worse. It’s like Dad’s fucking Army:

But I thought the "grownups" were now in charge...........................load of cunts if you ask me
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By Boiler
The All New KevS wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 3:11 pm It's just a joke to them, isn't it? A jolly jape, a spiffing wheeze, larking about.

That's what you get for having a load of Etonians and Bullingdon Boys in charge.

And yet there will still be cunts moaning more about the "Quiff Quisling" (oh my aching sides) because he isn't pure like Jewemy.
Crabcakes wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:44 pm This makes it sound a billion times worse. It’s like Dad’s fucking Army:

Presumably Harri wanted to remind us he’s still good ol’ Bantz Boris. But is that Laura K’s motivation for quoting him in full verse? Or she may have caught up and is asking us to look at the state of these cunts.
Boiler wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 3:51 pm And yet there will still be cunts moaning more about the "Quiff Quisling" (oh my aching sides) because he isn't pure like Jewemy.
Today’s fatwah is against David Baddiel who hates gypsies as well as being a Zionist plotter against Jezza. Or something like that.
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