:sunglasses: 30 % :pray: 5 % :laughing: 40 % :cry: 15 % :🤗 10 %
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By Abernathy
Well, yes, possibly Nad might well have been on the Thunderbird, but mostly, I think it's principally due to her being as thick as rhino shite.

Also, though, I get the impression that she sees "doing politics"- her career- as an ultra-tribal, my-party-right-or-wrong sort of game. She thought she had to defend Johnson, so she did the best that she could- which in her case was almost totally inept.
But she's merely the most egregious of the cavalcade of utterly uselessly inept sychophantic thickos that Johnson has been obliged to surround himself with.
Dalem Lake liked this
By Youngian
There's been some sympathy for Dorries from many who suspect she has alchohol and/or mental health problems. Fuck her, she signed her Faustian bargain with Johnson with her eyes open and now she's paying the bill.
Last edited by Youngian on Wed Feb 02, 2022 1:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Watchman, Cyclist, Nigredo liked this
By MisterMuncher
Haven't lefties essentially owned any music worth hearing since for-fucking-ever?

And how in the name of Iommi can one dumb down panto?
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By Andy McDandy
Remember when Stormzy played Glastonbury? A fair few on the right said "Why can't he do a pro-Brexit rap?". As if he were basically a jukebox, stick money in and get the tune you want.

Elements of "shut up and play some ball, boy" for sure. But also an attitude of money being the answer to everything. I have money, do as I want.
Nigredo liked this
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By Abernathy
She was brazen and appalling on the Today prog earlier. But she has at least learnt the script well. She’s repeating the arrant,, absurd nonsense that Johnson wasn’t simply hurling a gratuitously offensive slur at Starmer, but was actually making some sort of sophisticated jesuitical point about heads of organisations taking responsibility for what goes on in their organisations, which Johnson, errrr, doesn’t.

It’s not working, Nad.
By satnav
In her bizarre interview on BBC Breakfast she tried to claim that Johnson had not lied to parliament because he had merely repeated the answers that his official had prepared for him. Such an excuse doesn't really wash given that close officially specifically told him not to smear Starmer with the Savile claim, and the false claim he made about employment figures has been called out on a number of occasions yet he has continued to make the claim in parliament.

Surely if he makes a claim in parliament that is subsequently found to be untrue he should immediately acknowledge the mistake and ensure that Hansard is amended to take account of the error.
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