:sunglasses: 40.6 % :pray: 8.5 % :laughing: 30.2 % 🧥 4.7 % :cry: 12.3 % :🤗 3.8 %
The defector looks like a right prick sitting behind Keir in his Union Jack mask. But votes for Labour from pricks are as welcome as any other.
Hope there's a cheat sheet for Red Wall defectors; No dissing David Attenborough, RNLI, Peaky Blinders, Marcus Rashford or female Doctor Whos.
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By Nigredo
Usual dirge at PMQs, deflecting all immediate concerns to an upcoming report that we just have to sit and wait for, everything they're doing is record-breaking and world-beating, the chicklist of "We deliver, they dither! We vaccinate, they vacillate! We jab, they jabber!"

Hoyle was an absolute wet blanket when Starmer asked a pertinent question (which was designed to play at the heart strings a bit but is well within the emotional zeitgeist to ask) and Hoyle allowed Johnson a pass because "We don't discuss the royal family in here."

Nicely timed intervention there Linds, shame you've sat on your hands everytime the pork haystack has lied, obfuscated, and misled the house :roll:
Dalem Lake, Oboogie liked this
Can I just say, after the miserable years of ineptitude and misplaced focus from St Jeremy, and the losses of Brexit and so many decent MPs (and I count a number of pre-Johnson conservatives such as Dominic Grieve in that) in 2019, how very much I am fucking loving this most generous and exceptionally deserved delivery of red-hot steaming comeuppance.

A man who only ever wanted to be popular and thought it was his right to rule will leave office an absolute failure - utterly loathed by his opponents and now many of his own side alike, having wrecked his party for the sake of his own ambition and hubris. He will leave them with their (already questionable) financial reputation ruined, with a renewed and strengthened association with elitism, cheating and sleaze in the eyes of the public, with their claims of patriotism as smashed as his staff were on the night before Phil's funeral, with their so-called resident genius now redefined as a laughable, bullshitting oddball with delusions of grandeur, and with a shockingly weak z-list of successors because he gutted the party of any talent or charisma so as not to be challenged or checked. He doomed them all to ascend to his throne, he has possibly made the best case possible for a swift and thorough reversal of many facets of brexit and all manner of idiotic culture war policies, and it just such a pleasure to see it all turn to so very much dogshit in his hands. It would all be hilarious had so very many people not died or become seriously ill as a direct result of his government's obscene handouts to their mates instead of buying PPE and the like, and his team's pathetic dithering when announcing covid measures. People died on his watch because he was worried the Daily Mail might write something mildly non-complimentary about him.

In a direct line of predecessors that include a man who literally fucked a dead pig (allegedly) and a woman with less charisma than an automated phone system to pay parking fines, he entirely deservedly is *categorically* the worst Prime Minister of all time. That's how he'll be remembered, and there's nothing he can do to stop that now.

We can't bring those people back, but we can absolutely ensure the man who should have helped save them is remembered as the useless, pathetic, soulless narcissist that he truly is.
mattomac, Watchman, Oboogie and 5 others liked this
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By Boiler
Oblomov wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 12:53 pm Hoyle was an absolute wet blanket when Starmer asked a pertinent question (which was designed to play at the heart strings a bit but is well within the emotional zeitgeist to ask) and Hoyle allowed Johnson a pass because "We don't discuss the royal family in here."

Nicely timed intervention there Linds, shame you've sat on your hands everytime the pork haystack has lied, obfuscated, and misled the house :roll:
To be fair Obs, he let Starmer's accusation of Johnson "lying through his teeth" slide last week.
Crabcakes wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 9:53 am I'm delighted Dorries has become such an obsequious suck-up. Makes it all the more likely we'll be shot of her for good when Johnson is fired down the shitter, as the last thing a new person will want is someone who was singing the praises of their tainted predecessor when everyone else had the sense to back off.

I suspect in part it's because Mad Nad has always had the destroy the BBC agenda on her mind, because she probably thinks it'll piss off James O'Brien. And she is *entirely* stupid and petty enough to have getting one over on people as motivation to destroy a national institution.
That very much depends on whether the Tories opt for genuine change or just fetch the "next cab off the rank".
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