:sunglasses: 57.1 % :pray: 4.8 % :laughing: 28.6 % :poo: 9.5 %
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By Abernathy
Interesting. Apparently, he is thinking about converting his “Peace & Justice” vanity project, sorry, “charity” into a political party that will stand candidates. Charity? Charity my arse. I think it was always Corbyn’s firm intention to create his own political party/vanity project, and it now appears to be a self-fulfilling aspiration. What this demonstrates is that he has neither the intention nor the desire to do what is required of him to have the whip restored and continue his long career as a backbench constituency MP, and probably never has done. It also illustrates so clearly Corbyn’s innate hostility to the Labour Party, previously well demonstrated by the 428 times he voted against the Labour whip. This ridiculous, venal, and vindictive man should never even have been in the Labour Party, and that he managed to seize the leadership very nearly led to the party’s electoral extinction. He hasn’t given up, and his new party deserves nothing less than total humiliation. The bonus for our Labour Party is that this will mean that we will finally be rid of him from the party at long last. He’ll be able to join his fellow former messiahs George Galloway and Ken Loach in total obscurity. I do wish he’d get on with it sooner rather than later.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Do you think Momentum might follow? After all, they have a legal database of supporters, which he won't have.
By Youngian
Abernathy wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 9:36 pm Interesting. Apparently, he is thinking about converting his “Peace & Justice” vanity project, sorry, “charity” into a political party that will stand candidates. Charity? Charity my arse. I think it was always Corbyn’s firm intention to create his own political party/vanity project, and it now appears to be a self-fulfilling aspiration.
Thanks, Santa. Couldn’t wish for a better present.
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By Nigredo
Aside from Labour and The Greens, here's an attempt at a comprehensive list of the left wing parties in the UK:

Alliance for Green Socialism
Communist League
Left Unity
Socialist Equality Party
Socialist Labour Party
Socialist Party of Great Britain
Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC)
Workers Party of Britain
Workers' Revolutionary Party
Red Flag
Socialist Action
Socialist Party (England and Wales)
Socialist Party Scotland
Socialist Workers Party [in Scotland only]
Alliance for Workers' Liberty
Anarchist Federation
Communist Party of Britain
Communist Party of Britain (Marxist–Leninist)
Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist–Leninist)
Communist Party of Great Britain (Provisional Central Committee)
Communist Workers Organisation
International Socialist League
New Communist Party of Britain
Revolutionary Communist Group
Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist–Leninist)
Socialist Appeal
Socialist Resistance
Solidarity Federation
Spartacist League
Workers' Fight

If Magic Grandad thinks he can fill that political vacuum, he's more than welcome to.
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By Crabcakes
While his turning his vanity project into a bigger vanity project is no surprise, what will be interesting is if he takes anyone with him.

But what will be more interesting is who he *doesn't* take. If it comes down to putting their money where their mouth is, will Burgon, McDonnell, Abbott, Long-Bailey etc. really want to potentially end their careers?
By mattomac
Be interesting to see how much of a hypocrite Burgon is.

Abbott is 68 so could easily avoid any decision by standing down. Problem is their entire effort will go into Islington because it’s a vanity project. So if they run people elsewhere they are going have so little support.

Momentum might back it but to be honest they’ve always felt like they are comfortable in their own bubble and space ( and they aren’t the force they were). It might get Corbyn re-elected but it will be interesting to see how much of the 63% is his own personal vote.

Frankly the fact he is floating it rather than announcing it suggests he knows it’s just him.
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By Nigredo
Youngian wrote: Mon Jan 10, 2022 4:20 pm
Frankly the fact he is floating it rather than announcing it suggests he knows it’s just him.

Any Labour MP that doesn’t defect to Corbyn’s new party must be a neoliberal careerist.
I look forward to Jezza's manifesto pledge about establishing organic fair trade jam deals with latin America.
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By Spoonman
And in 2017...

* Labour under Corbyn still lost the General Election...

* A significant chunk of their final total vote share came from "Remain" voters that were not otherwise firm Labour voters whom were willing to give Corbyn a chance (or at least give the May led Conservatives a bloody nose) in the face of fanatical Brexiteers simply based on Corbyn having gave some lukewarm public support from the year before to the UK remaining in the EU...

* And after a personal high from the result of the 2017 General Election - which to remind you again he lost - he managed almost immediately from that point on piss away all goodwill that was given to him from those voters I mentioned above...

* Which led to the 2019 General Election, and without those goodwill votes Corbyn's standing with the public was much more readily exposed. But for the likes of Momentum, Bastardi, The Canary etc. the 2019 General Election didn't exist except to somehow ridiculously claim that they "won the argument"...

* And now the same rabble are giving off about Starmer not yet getting Labour to => 40% in opinion polling when for years they told anyone within earshot that the same opinion polls failed to reflect the popularity of Labour under Corbyn, until they got hit with reality in December 2019 and still refused to accept it. Corbyn couldn't beat the Conservative leader who hid in fridges to evade reporters.

Like I often say to many right wingers whom often shout about personal responsibility but fail to practice it themselves, it's time for those still under the spell of Corbynism to own their shit before they get off at trying to lecture Starmer or any other Labour leader that doesn't come from its hard left in the future.

As I'm not a member of any political party I will say this - at least Starmer has a vision of the Labour Party becoming a party of government, all Corby and his acolytes wanted Labour to be was a party of protest.
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By mattomac
They are banging on about some financial thing today that hasn’t actually been proven.

It wasn’t the current leadership who spunked the reserves and let Labour face several costly court cases based on data protection and anti semitism.

Remember Labour Live that was propped up by Unite.
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By Cyclist
Labour's Left ask why Tory turncoat Christian Wakeford is welcome, but Sir Keir Starmer won't let Jeremy Corbyn back in

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... yn-in.html
I dunno. Could it be something to do with Wakeford not being a known enabler of anti-Semitism and doesn't have a cult following of poisonous twats who have shown their Labour credentials by trying to destroy the Labour Party?
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