:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
By Youngian
That’s all you need to know about the tone of the piss-poor article. Even by his standards.
Professor Chris Twitty

Meghan’s the real royal villain
Meanwhile, there are reports that Madame Markle could be called as witness in the upcoming Prince Andrew sex trial.

You couldn't make it up. She's hardly a reliable witness. But I can't wait to hear her take the oath.

'I promise to tell my truth, the whole of my truth, and nothing but my truth . . .'

Fuck off
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours.
By Bones McCoy
Youngian wrote: Fri Dec 24, 2021 8:17 am That’s all you need to know about the tone of the piss-poor article. Even by his standards.
Professor Chris Twitty

Meghan’s the real royal villain
Meanwhile, there are reports that Madame Markle could be called as witness in the upcoming Prince Andrew sex trial.

You couldn't make it up. She's hardly a reliable witness. But I can't wait to hear her take the oath.

'I promise to tell my truth, the whole of my truth, and nothing but my truth . . .'

Fuck off
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours.
Politics of envy - writ large, but a has been.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... laugh.html

New year, same old shit. Have a good sneer at preventative health campaigns, blame "the left" for the Taliban, all Palestinians are terrorists, students are banning everything, here's some out of context stats, and hee hee - pagans are all silly hippies. Plus a bit about how he went to a massive gathering over Christmas and got pissed.

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By Watchman
And I’m guessing he’ll keep the”massive gathering” in his back-pocket for when all the Christmas Covid data comes out, so he can play the “I socialised and didn’t catch it” card
By Youngian
Then again, there's no such thing as a woke joke. These days, so-called 'comedians' make the young Ben Elton sound like Bernard Manning.

Don’t recall sexist and racist material from Tommy Cooper, Eric Morecambe, Billy Connolly, Brucie or Eric Sykes in the 70s. Or even Manning on TV in his heyday. How did they survive?
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... g-mad.html

As you might have guessed, he's going after the Colston Four. Usual guff, one law for the hairies, what does BLM have to do with the UK, they're all Marxists anyway, warrabout CHURCHILL, if they were a bunch of PLU the police would knock seven shades of shit out of them etc.

This from the guy who just a few weeks ago (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... uilty.html) was arguing that the rule of law should be sacrosanct, who are we to judge, youthful exuberance and so on.

See you next Tuesday.
Nigredo, Amazonian liked this
By satnav
Little Dick also managed to shoehorn this bit of bollox into his article.
(If Churchill was such a racist, why were so many West Indians christened Winston?)
A quick google search shows that there was indeed a big rise in people being called Winston in the 1940's but since then the name has plummeted down the popularity stakes both in the West Indies and other countries.
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By Nigredo
satnav wrote: Fri Jan 07, 2022 9:56 am Little Dick also managed to shoehorn this bit of bollox into his article.
(If Churchill was such a racist, why were so many West Indians christened Winston?)
A quick google search shows that there was indeed a big rise in people being called Winston in the 1940's but since then the name has plummeted down the popularity stakes both in the West Indies and other countries.
It's also possible to direct more racism towards one group than another. See Teddy Roosevelt who held both hispanics and blacks in poor regard, but the former a little less so because he believed at least they were capable of being educated to do menial labour.
Also, it should be pointed out that I understand there had been debate in Bristol about raking the Colston statue down for decades, whereas there's only the odd person who turns up every so often to call for the Churchill one in Parliament Square to come down.

I think Winston is pretty safe to be honest.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... ottle.html

There's a jubilee coming, so Littledick dusts off the Komedy Kavalkade of Khaos script and adopts his fairground barker voice.

Seriously, you've read it all before.
By davidjay
Andy McDandy wrote: Tue Jan 11, 2022 9:44 am https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... ottle.html

There's a jubilee coming, so Littledick dusts off the Komedy Kavalkade of Khaos script and adopts his fairground barker voice.

Seriously, you've read it all before.
When was the last time he wrote something you haven't read before? When was the last time he had an original thought?
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... nkers.html

Dick Smalldick goes with the "Oh well, Covid can't be that serious then" explanation, before saying Johnson is finished. Then he has a go at people criticising the cunt. Usual crap.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... e-war.html

Cunt imagines other cunt as Churchill, waging war on the BBC, cycle lanes, WFH and anything else.

Commentators having none of it, mainly because they believe the cunt in chief isn't cunty enough for them.
Son Of Hand liked this
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... Sweep.html

Here we go. What's wrong with a bit of blackmail, Bozza's a ledge, 70s music, a minor correction over something trivial, and farewell to another Lunchtime O'Booze.
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By Andy McDandy
That whips strong-arm MPs is no surprise (House of Cards, anyone?). It's the allegations that constituents will be targeted for their MP's "failure" that is getting people's backs up. Hell, how many random stormtroopers did you see Darth Vader choke? No, it was just the officers.
By Youngian
That whips strong-arm MPs is no surprise (House of Cards, anyone?). It's the allegations that constituents will be targeted for their MP's "failure" that is getting people's backs up.

These are understandable tactics for the White House as they have to coral pork-barrelling hucksters in Congress who are there for their state. A parliamentary government with an 80 seat majority doing this shit just looks desperate and amateur. Perhaps the strategy of gormless Tufton Street SPADs wanting to be merciless geniuses like Dom.
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By Andy McDandy
As Marina Hyde points out today, this shit isn't acceptable in most other workplaces, and you've a generation of young MPs of all parties who don't have time for this Victorian public school prefect fetishism/cosplay.
Youngian liked this
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... EJOHN.html

Not much going on so here's a rant about bicycles being communist or something. And an MP who ought to know her place. And some warnings about old books and programmes. Antediluvian.

Oh and it's Beijing, not Peking. Unless you're trying to make an "I'll call it what I want and who's going to stop me?" point. Which he is, of course.
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