- Thu Jan 06, 2022 11:47 am
Ideally commission a health correspondent to expose Labour lies. But as none are available and deadline's looming get Glover to bash something out. He exposes the real cuprit of this lefty propaganda; Red Nick Robinson.
Ignore the BBC and Labour shroud-wavers. The NHS is not in crisis... and Boris Johnson is right to stand firm in the face of their hysteria
Meanwhile, on BBC Radio 4's flagship Today programme, hysteria was being whipped up.
Presenter Nick Robinson informed listeners in sepulchral tones that 'the Prime Minister was forced to acknowledge yesterday that the NHS is under huge pressure'.
Why forced? Didn't he choose to say what he said?
Mr Robinson then interviewed a GP from Oldham who happened to be a Labour councillor. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... risis.html