:sunglasses: 40.6 % :pray: 8.5 % :laughing: 30.2 % 🧥 4.7 % :cry: 12.3 % :🤗 3.8 %
Lucky we've got a cavalier funster who appreciates the arts in charge. Oh hang on.

Does this sort of stuff really please the "Red wall switchers"? Doubtless lots of them didn't like Corbyn and liked Brexit, but do they really tell their kids/grandkids "Don't do that art shit, get a trade, my boy/girl"?

They watch ITV, they think all actors and musicians are luvvies, and artists are all pooftahs (apart from Michael Caine, he's alright), and they don't read books. They don't go to the theatre (save the panto at Christmas and Grease for the wife's birthday), and concerts are too expensive. Festivals are for drugged up hippies and students. They think the arts are a bit of a dodge at best, a waste of time otherwise. They don't care about school subjects as long as the kids are kept in line. Besides, Branson and the like didn't do well at school so put that in your pipe and smoke it, four eyes.
kreuzberger wrote: Mon May 03, 2021 3:17 pm A painful lump had been discovered on the forum. It has been excised.
Thanks, Doc.
Boris Johnson wrongly cleared over Covid contracts, say MPs

A cross-party group of MPs has pushed for formal action against Boris Johnson for allegedly misleading the Commons over the transparency of Covid contracts, saying the cabinet secretary, Simon Case, incorrectly cleared the prime minister of wrongdoing.

In a letter to Case the three MPs, who are working with the Good Law Project, said it was “abundantly clear” Johnson had breached the ministerial code by telling parliament on 22 February that details of multibillion-pound Covid-19 government contracts were “on the record for everybody to see”.

Three days earlier a high court judge had ruled that the Department of Health and Social Care acted unlawfully by failing to publish the government contracts within the necessary 30-day period, after a challenge led by the Good Law Project.

In March the Labour MP Debbie Abrahams, Layla Moran of the Liberal Democrats, and the Greens’ Caroline Lucas first wrote to Case, the most senior UK civil servant, to ask him why Johnson had said contracts had been published when at that time they had not.
Not sure this one is worth pushing that hard, really. You can't prove he did this knowingly. Most that would happen is that he has to say "I thought that was the case, but I was wrong, sorry". The underlying thing is that some contracts were published late in a pandemic. Hancock showed they're happy to wear that as a badge of honour. Starmer rightly swerved that one.

Going to be much bigger examples of lying, with more obvious links to the welfare of the general public. Those are the ones to go for and make stick.
Bones McCoy liked this
I suspect the "levelling up" plan will amount to little more than a relaxation of planning rules on brownfield sites and a few more out of town shopping centres.
There'll be a few targeted investments in places that then come to stand for "the north". Tesside is being set up like that, "with more to come".

Though Torsten Bell rates Neil O'Brien and thinks he could do some good work. Pretty amazing that we're 18 months after an election before the job's even started, Covid or no Covid.
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