:sunglasses: 30 % :pray: 3.3 % :laughing: 26.7 % :cry: 26.7 % :🤗 10 % :poo: 3.3 %
I'm already seeing the usual claptrap on Facebook, i.e. variations of "Why is everyone being so horrible to Boris? HE'S TRYING HIS BEST!!1!" or "I think it's actually kinda sweet they were doing things like Secret Santa and Christmas quizes in Downing Street. They're only human, and they'd had such a tough year. Why won't people leave them alone?".
mattomac, Youngian, Nigredo liked this
Because they were partly the reason it got so bad.

Not saying Christmas would have been normal if measures hadn’t been implemented sooner (been less deaths). But they locked down for a month reopened for three weeks before Christmas and lost control again and locked down again.

I think letting Covid lay low in the summer instead of supressing it fully was dumb and I look at Sunak to thank for that.

Failures of State covers only really up til the Autumn lockdown but that’s enough to say they failed the country so to see these parties when people were isolating alone or with just one other has really boiled my blood.

I frankly hope they all get the shits this Christmas and have to spend the day on the toilet.
Arrowhead liked this
I had to leave the waiting room and sit in the corridor when the old bloke started mansplaining:

Boris has done very well
Boris is good because he is eloquent
HS2 should be scrapped because trains already do 100mph
Fuel taxes should be used for pothole repairs

It never occurred to him that the £7000 procedure he was about to have was funded by taxation...
Malcolm Armsteen wrote: Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:50 pm I had to leave the waiting room and sit in the corridor when the old bloke started mansplaining:

Boris has done very well
Boris is good because he is eloquent
HS2 should be scrapped because trains already do 100mph
Fuel taxes should be used for pothole repairs

It never occurred to him that the £7000 procedure he was about to have was funded by taxation...
Let's hope it was a buttplug down the windpipe - eh readers!
He came close to someone shoving his walking stick up his arse.

Isn't it amazing how people like that can never read the room?

Mrs A's grandfather was like that, but he was born in the 1880s.
Malcolm Armsteen wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 12:43 am He came close to someone shoving his walking stick up his arse.

Isn't it amazing how people like that can never read the room?

Mrs A's grandfather was like that, but he was born in the 1880s.
Had a similar experience waiting for an appointment with some dickwick banging on about too many foreign number in the town and “it isn’t right”. Two years later he has his wish and food rots in the field. Would have been pointless butting in and explaining why he was talking bollocks at the time but I came close.
They are always convinced that they know better than everyone else, including world-status experts...
I dare say that these are the sorts of people who are opinionated enough to phone into radio stations like LBC .

I wonder what the opinion-forming process is for people like this. What basic principles do they cleave to that lead them to assess a given situation and arrive a position where they happily opine that, for example, Boris Johnson is doing a good job, or that Brexit was worth doing to "take back control".

Take the example of Brexit. Even though I have been strongly in favour of the UK's membership of the EU for many years, when the referendum campaign came around, I felt it incumbent on me as a responsible voter to take time actually to look into whether there may actually be anything in the argument that leaving the EU would be exceptionally beneficial to this country. So I did. I quite diligently read and researched everything I could about the EU and the UK's membership of the institution. I assessed the worth and veracity of the arguments in favour of Brexit, and against. I "did my research" - and I enclose the phrase in quotation marks because it has become so devalued by fuckwits taken in by fellow fuckwits disseminating utter bullshit on internet social media who then claim to have "done my research" to justify absolutely insupportable assertions and arguments. No - I really did do my research - and I could not find a single even remotely plausible argument in favour of leaving the EU. And yet the referendum was won with 52% of the vote by the fuckwits who had "done their research" and concluded that Brexit was the dog's bollocks. And in most cases, I'm prepared to wager, "doing my research" amounted to little more than parroting the absurd slogan "take back control".

Am I anywhere close to the truth about these arseholes ? Is this how Malcolm's reactionary fellow waiting room occupant arrived at his personal dispensation of wisdom ?

Answers on a virtual postcard to : Abernathy, Mailwatch Forum, The Land of Feckwitted Insanity,
Cyclist, Arrowhead liked this
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 9:36 am One to add to the old George Burns gag. The trouble with politics is that the people who know how to run things are all driving cabs and cutting hair, or retired.
You mean, like Joy Morrissey this morning?

Perhaps the unelected covid public health spokesperson should defer to what our ELECTED Members of Parliament and the Prime Minister have decided.

https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/m ... ar-AARS0zx
More on this;


Labour's shadow justice secretary Steve Reed said the comments from Ms Morrissey were "unacceptable and dangerous" adding: "As the Omicron variant spreads rapidly through Britain, there must not be any sign of the government censoring or intimidating our leading scientific experts."

Numerous other examples of stupidity within, including stuff from Steve Baker.
Boiler wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 4:03 pm More on this;


Labour's shadow justice secretary Steve Reed said the comments from Ms Morrissey were "unacceptable and dangerous" adding: "As the Omicron variant spreads rapidly through Britain, there must not be any sign of the government censoring or intimidating our leading scientific experts."

Numerous other examples of stupidity within, including stuff from Steve Baker.
"Friends of Pandemic" get upset at doctors doing their job.
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 3:14 pm Joy is so bad she lost the London Mayor selection to Shaun Bailey. Quite how you go from that to an extremely safe seat just outside London, God knows.

She suggested Chris Whitty was "socialist" too.
I understand that as well as that, she was the batshit crazy Tory that wanted to hang a portrait
of Brenda in every home in the land. I think this concludes the evidence for the prosecution.
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