:sunglasses: 40.6 % :pray: 8.5 % :laughing: 30.2 % 🧥 4.7 % :cry: 12.3 % :🤗 3.8 %
satnav wrote: Thu Dec 09, 2021 7:11 pm I see Gove, Shapps and Raab are all now self-isolating after coming into contact with the Australian deputy Prime Minister. At least it will mean they now don't have to parade around the TV studios trying to defend Johnson. How convenient.
Gove's Cabinet Office (as it was) may have some questions to answer.

Thing is they are all up to their necks in something when the Dominos fall not one of them will avoid being flushed out with the turds.

As I said Javid and Truss have the best hopes. As for Labour they need to not concede a 80 seat majority, that’s why he has so much power.
Not generally a fan of "offering to resign"- it's meaningless. You do it or you don't. But I like this snippet.
The Guardian also understands that Jack Doyle, Johnson’s chief spin doctor, tried to quit his post after it emerged he attended the party to thank staff and handed out mock awards, including for the “best dressed”. The December event went on late into the night, with dozens of staff drinking, swapping secret Santa presents and playing party games, it is understood.

Doyle’s resignation was rejected by the prime minister, two sources said, contrasting with the approach taken earlier this week when the government’s Cop26 spokesperson, Allegra Stratton, was forced to stand down in a tearful address outside her home. “The PM wouldn’t have it,” a source said.
"Sorry, Jack. Need you to keep you up my sleeve so I can sack you when I come back from paternity leave and need you to take the heat!"
By satnav
On BBC Breakfast news Charlie Stayt was interviewing a minister and asked him if it was true that Jack Doyle had spent the last two weeks briefing minister about what to say about the party allegations. The minister became very cagey which would suggest this was the case. So a person who played a key role at the party has spent the last fortnight telling ministers to deny that the party took place. Surely is credibility is now shot to pieces.
satnav wrote: Fri Dec 10, 2021 10:02 pm On BBC Breakfast news Charlie Stayt was interviewing a minister and asked him if it was true that Jack Doyle had spent the last two weeks briefing minister about what to say about the party allegations. The minister became very cagey which would suggest this was the case. So a person who played a key role at the party has spent the last fortnight telling ministers to deny that the party took place. Surely is credibility is now shot to pieces.
He must be quite a guy if he can get the Cabinet to make idiots of themselves for two weeks to spare his blushes.
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