:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
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By Watchman
Now Daycares back on board looks like he feels he needs to go full on cunt, because the simple ones were beginning to ask slightly awkward questions.
By Youngian
He's misread the room, obviously. Bemused as LJ's readers as to why the nasty shit has a bee in his bonnet about this one.
yeah of course, Cheshire , United Kingdom, 10 hours ago
Yet maybe it was just a nice gesture to honour a murdered child who loved football!

Cassanova69, London, United Kingdom, 10 hours ago
Not really. Arthur liked football and it raises awareness. Anything to promote this little boys legacy is worth doing. FairPlay to the world of football and it takes a special boy to have villa park on their feet applauding in a brum shirt.

NotVeryWoke, Rugby, United Kingdom, 1 hour ago
Every time Richard Littlejohn puts pen to paper, he makes a fool of himself by trying to climb on the anti-woke bandwagon without really understanding the issues. And this time he hasn't, by his own admission, even tried to understand by reading about the story he's trying to sway people's opinion on. Football gets many things wrong, but I don't think many people are objecting in this case.
By Rosvanian
In the league table of DM cunts, I have Littlejohn in a Champions League position permanently and challenging for the title of Cunt No.1 most of the time. Others may come and go but he's remarkably consistent in his Theatre of Hate.
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By Andy McDandy
He styles himself as a plain speaking, live and let live sort of guy, up for a pint and a pie and setting the world to rights while reminiscing over old sitcoms and shared nostalgia.

In actual fact he's a misanthrope (the misogynist part goes without saying) who, reading between the lines of his autobiography/memoirs, was that kid at school who wasn't smart enough for one tribe or hard enough for the other. Son of a cop who seems not averse to the odd bit of casual bentness and whose approach to policing seemed to be "giving the troublemakers a slap".

He made his mark as a columnist by writing for Kelvin MacKenzie's "right old fascist" Sun reader stereotype - the bastard who has achieved nothing, gone nowhere, and blames everyone else for being [something]er than him. He deals entirely in caricatures - not just his beloved sitcom characters and regular parade of dopey birds, wet lefties, Neanderthal thugs, scary lesbians and camp poofters, but that tabloid institution, the Great British Eccentric. The common man showing up the system with his homespun philosophy and cereal packet wisdom of trivia. The sort of guy who Tom Sharpe wrote well, and it seems every twat tries to copy.
By satnav
Littlejohn really is out of touch with modern football, every football club now do a lot of work in the community. Over the last year Marcus Rashford has played a major role in helping millions of kids caught in poverty, other clubs have established community hubs that have often filled gaps left by major cuts in youth services. The gestures at the weekend simply illustrated that football clubs are now extremely family friendly.

Having made his point about the round of applause he then used the rest of the piece to have another attack on players taking the knee and also shoe horned in another reference to the fact that he has given up his season ticket in protest at footballs continued support of BLM.
By Bones McCoy
satnav wrote: Tue Dec 07, 2021 8:15 pm Littlejohn really is out of touch with modern football, every football club now do a lot of work in the community. Over the last year Marcus Rashford has played a major role in helping millions of kids caught in poverty, other clubs have established community hubs that have often filled gaps left by major cuts in youth services. The gestures at the weekend simply illustrated that football clubs are now extremely family friendly.

Having made his point about the round of applause he then used the rest of the piece to have another attack on players taking the knee and also shoe horned in another reference to the fact that he has given up his season ticket in protest at footballs continued support of BLM.
And most definitely not given up his season ticket because Tottingham's a long way form Vero Beach.
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By Andy McDandy
He knows his fanbase. They don't go to football matches because they think they'll be stabbed by a skinhead*. They think that anyone who goes is either Bum Flare Man, or a prawn sandwich eating corporate type. They're almost as terrified of the white working class as they are of everyone else.

*Who they'd have common cause with, if only they weren't so rough.
By MisterMuncher
Andy McDandy wrote: Wed Dec 08, 2021 9:44 am He knows his fanbase. They don't go to football matches because they think they'll be stabbed by a skinhead*. They think that anyone who goes is either Bum Flare Man, or a prawn sandwich eating corporate type. They're almost as terrified of the white working class as they are of everyone else.

*Who they'd have common cause with, if only they weren't so rough.
The "white working class" exist as a glove puppet they can use to announce opinions they themselves hold but wouldn't express in polite company.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... nt-to.html

You know the real problem with Johnson? Lockdown regulations. Dick Smallpiece still can't let his love for a fellow full of shit columnist given a chance of real power go.
Look, as I've said before, it gives me no pleasure to tip a bucketload over Boris, who has added not just to the gaiety of the nation over the years, but also has substantial achievements to his name.

Firstly, saving London from Red Ken Livingstone, then freeing Britain from the tyranny of the EU and seeing off Oh, Jeremy Corbyn and his gormless middle-class groupies.

As the Mail said yesterday, Brexit — while not yet perfect — is beginning to bear fruit, bringing with it investment and thousands of new jobs in deprived areas such as Sunderland. Latterly, though, his record is starting to resemble Monty Python's What Have The Romans Ever Done For Us? sketch. In reverse.

Highest taxes since the 1950s; record cross-Channel migration; stop-start lockdowns; cycle lanes; sky-high fuel prices; scrapping conventional cars and gas boilers in pursuit of that elusive butterfly, Net Zero . . .

Who ever dreamed that a Conservative Government would be determined to make us colder, poorer and less free, whether we like it or not?

To his credit, Boris did defy the doomsters and open up Britain in the summer faster than most EU countries. But now he's switched back into 'safety first' mode, on the flimsiest of evidence.

He's at his best when he offers strong leadership, as he did over Brexit. Who cares if he's in it for himself, provided he gets the job done? He's a politician, not a philanthropist.
But apparently it's not his fault. It's the "teenyboppers" in Downing Street, the "experts", everyone except the guy supposedly in charge. Why is there a delay in bringing in new regulations, if they're so desperately needed? Must be because they're not really needed, and not because Johnson's a lazy incompetent. Dickie even says that is loyalty to his staff is commendable. What now?

Comments are a mix of standard racism and NWO conspiracy bollocks.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... party.html

Johnson's great, everything will blow over, "gorgeous pouting" Beth Rigby is ridiculous, Sky's all woke now, the BBC are rotters for reporting the news, and here's an extended Mastermind skit which shows up all of Johnson's cluelessness but he's still great.
Rigby is an intelligent, curious and professionally competent woman.

What is it that LJ finds so dislikable about her?
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... kdown.html

In which he goes full Piers Corbyn.

He still insists that Johnson is a gambler, a natural risk taker. No he bloody isn't. He likes to look like one, but flees from any genuine risk. Much like certain journalists and columnists.
Abernathy liked this
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailym ... quare.html

Bird flu gives him an opportunity to churn out a load of bird related puns. Meanwhile, Meghan and Carrie are bitches for emasculating their men, and the price of biscuits is going up, so fuck you, WFHers!

Yeah, me neither.
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