:sunglasses: 40.6 % :pray: 8.5 % :laughing: 30.2 % 🧥 4.7 % :cry: 12.3 % :🤗 3.8 %
kreuzberger wrote: Sun May 02, 2021 5:16 pm Keith, it's spelled Keith. It's neither Starmer's name nor a particularly cutting display of wit.
Starmer, like my son, was named for the founder and first leader of the LabourParty and first MP. To mock his name also mocks the party and its roots - but then why am I surprised when Corbyn fluffers do that? What with their deep Labour roots...

And yes, it's crass, brainless and unfunny as well.
Boiler, kreuzberger, davidjay and 2 others liked this
If you were going for a funny name, Keeves I can see as he looks a bit like a butler. Keith doesn’t mean anything.

As for Magic Grandpa - that was more a pisstake of Corbyn’s supporters who would forgive a crushingly mediocre back bencher anything because they thought he was going to deliver some sort of socialist utopia. As opposed to delivering an 80-seat majority for Johnson because of his own hubris.
Oboogie liked this
20pointsAhead wrote: Sun May 02, 2021 6:36 pm
Malcolm Armsteen wrote: Sun May 02, 2021 5:56 pm
kreuzberger wrote: Sun May 02, 2021 5:16 pm Keith, it's spelled Keith. It's neither Starmer's name nor a particularly cutting display of wit.
Starmer, like my son, was named for the founder and first leader of the LabourParty and first MP. To mock his name also mocks the party and its roots - but then why am I surprised when Corbyn fluffers do that? What with their deep Labour roots...

And yes, it's crass, brainless and unfunny as well.
You've put a lot of thought into this. And, as expected, came up with an entirely fabricated rationale wholly divorced from reality.

People call him Keef for the same reason they Spoonerised Jeremy Corbyn's name. Because they find it funny. You might not, but I'm sure you've spent the better part of five years talking about "Jam Grandad" or "Magic Grandad" and feeling it's uproariously hilarious. Horses for courses.
Well you've outed yourself now. Get rid.
Nah, it’s “stuck around” because people who still can’t get over Corbyn think it winds up who they see as centrists (i.e. everyone but them, and then also people who were them who express an opinion of their own at any point). Magic grandpa is well known and mainstream because Corbyn was so fucking woeful, and the sycophants so desperate and their efforts so laughable, everyone recognised it. Keef is pretty much only used by people who think using it is bugging people who couldn’t care less because my god, they need that as fuck knows they don’t have much else going on.
Oboogie liked this
20pointsAhead wrote: Sun May 02, 2021 6:36 pm You've put a lot of thought into this. And, as expected, came up with an entirely fabricated rationale wholly divorced from reality.

People call him Keef for the same reason they Spoonerised Jeremy Corbyn's name. Because they find it funny. You might not, but I'm sure you've spent the better part of five years talking about "Jam Grandad" or "Magic Grandad" and feeling it's uproariously hilarious. Horses for courses.
Mate, contribute something, anything. Something which isn't contrived in order to wind up people you don't like for reasons you don't understand because you have nothing better to do.

Oboogie, Nigredo liked this
Thing is, if he really wasn’t bothered he wouldn’t have gone to all the effort to monitor when Mailwatch came back up, make a new account, then make some ambiguously non-critical posts (though still with a “hilariously satirical” username) before jumping in two-footed to tell us what definitely boils our piss.

It wouldn’t be even be as bad if he was a decent troll as they can occasionally be quite funny. This is just cringeworthy. And boring.
20pointsAhead wrote: Sun May 02, 2021 6:36 pm
People call him Keef for the same reason they Spoonerised Jeremy Corbyn's name.
Your ignorance is showing.
No-one Spoonerised Corbyn's name, as noted that would be Ceremy Jorbyn.

A Spoonerism is inadvertently transposing the initial letters of two words, as in the famous example (by Dr Spooner himself) when he referred to his patients as 'tons of soil' instead of 'sons of toil'.

And calling Jezza a Cseless Uunt isn't particularly funny.

A little knowledge is a worry. Especially in a doctor.
Ceremy Jorbyn gets a whopping 9 hits on Google. Most of them to a non-abusive joke along the lines of the Mr Snrub gag from The Simpsons - and retweeted by such renowned haters and critics as Rachel from Swindon.

Can you just admit you didn’t actually know what a Spoonerism was and we can move on?
And also https://newsthump.com/2021/04/29/nurse- ... wallpaper/
A nurse from Bracknell has today learned that after a year of working on the pandemic front line, her annual pay rise would allow her to buy almost one roll of wallpaper for Downing Street.
Which makes the point rather well too.
Tubby Isaacs, zuriblue, Nigredo and 1 others liked this
I really don't see the point of coming here and attempting to confront a bunch of well-meaning folks of similar views and opinions in the hopeless attempt to convert us. Or simply to annoy us.

Mods - I won't lose the 'Arrer, he is central to this site. Lose the mouth breather instead. Please, now. We know who he is (he's not that bright) and it's going to end up that way anyway.
davidjay, RandomElement, Crabcakes and 4 others liked this
By davidjay
Malcolm Armsteen wrote: Mon May 03, 2021 11:37 am I really don't see the point of coming here and attempting to confront a bunch of well-meaning folks of similar views and opinions in the hopeless attempt to convert us. Or simply to annoy us.

Mods - I won't lose the 'Arrer, he is central to this site. Lose the mouth breather instead. Please, now. We know who he is (he's not that bright) and it's going to end up that way anyway.
Because we're not similar. We don't think EXACTLY the same way as he does, therefore we're the enemy.
If true - and I have no reason to disbelieve it - this is the most blatant corruption. MPs are not allowed to gain financially from their position apart from salary and expenses.

And he really can't live on £150k? Way to woo the Red Wall.
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