:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
By satnav
Tony Juniper? Ring any bells? Thought not. Me neither. I did wonder if he was the brother of Donovan's Jennifer Juniper, who lives upon a hill.

Apparently not. Until yesterday, I'd never heard of him. Turns out he's the chairman (sorry, 'chair') of something called Natural England, which pays him the thick end of £175,000 a year. Or, rather, we do. Nice work if you can get it. And you can get it if you subscribe to all the shibboleths, superstitions and self-regarding claptrap of the Guardianista quangocracy.

Before he became the grandest of fromages at the taxpayer-funded body set up to protect the countryside, Tony was a director of Friends of the Earth.
Having written this about Tony Juniper being head of Natural England I wonder how Littlejohn will react when he discovers that a 73 year old bloke who opposes media regulation is to become the new head of OFCOM, trousering £150,000 a year for doing very little.
By soulboy
RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Sorry snowflakes but WFH isn't working... Remote staff will suffer from lack of human contact, a friendly hand on the shoulder, and a quiet word in their shell-like when they screw up

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... ntact.html


Our Florida correspondent tells us that, rather like Yorkshire Cricket Club, the way to get ahead is to get a skinful down your neck if you want to build personal networks.

I can only speak for myself but colleagues who were previously the person I'd go to, for example, asbestos surveys or to navigate government procurement were Pink Floyd fans, dog owners or fellow DJs. Done right, home working introduced me to more real human contact than firing a few pints down your neck before heading home could ever manage.
By Bones McCoy
soulboy wrote: Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:35 pm RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Sorry snowflakes but WFH isn't working... Remote staff will suffer from lack of human contact, a friendly hand on the shoulder, and a quiet word in their shell-like when they screw up

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... ntact.html


Our Florida correspondent tells us that, rather like Yorkshire Cricket Club, the way to get ahead is to get a skinful down your neck if you want to build personal networks.

I can only speak for myself but colleagues who were previously the person I'd go to, for example, asbestos surveys or to navigate government procurement were Pink Floyd fans, dog owners or fellow DJs. Done right, home working introduced me to more real human contact than firing a few pints down your neck before heading home could ever manage.
This coming from a guy who has "worked" fomr home for at least a decade.
With a boss whose idea of a "quiet word" was screaming the C-word at a captive audience of cowed minions.

Littlejohn, like so many who share their opinions, is a stranger t the world of work, yet claims to be an expert.
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By Crabcakes
Remote staff can't be bullied as easily, abusive behaviour can be easily recorded, boozy dinosaurs like Dickie can't cut women out of meetings by talking over them or just meeting the lads afterwards and undercutting them, no one can share a cheeky racist gag just about in earshot of the "office darkie" ("he doesn't mind though, do you sooty? Nah, all a bit of fun. We're off down the pub, son - you stay and man the phones."). And you can't pass off 3 hours of doing fuck-all as "networking"

Yes, I can see why he'd hate it.
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By Andy McDandy
Yeah, "I had to work in an office because of the technical and social requirements and standards of the time, then buggered off to the couch as soon as my home internet was up and running, and as a columnist I didn't really need to be at the coalface anyway" doesn't have quite the same ring to it.
Amazonian liked this
Isn't it just fucking insulting to call someone a snowflake?
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By Andy McDandy
Malcolm Armsteen wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 1:16 pm Isn't it just fucking insulting to call someone a snowflake?
Yes, because the implication is that the person is a wimp, precious, thin skinned or whatever else that adds up to being either a "dopey bird" or "half a man" (with the sexuality implications there too). It's crap machismo of the type they used to take the piss out of in sitcoms ("Yes, I too have braved the terrors of the Hangar Lane interchange"), but which seems to be taken seriously by increasing numbers. See also the depressing number of comments under the article of the "good thing there isn't a war on" variety.

Of course, he's not writing for the "snowflakes" - he's writing for their parents. Or grandparents. Or total strangers who equate work with toil, and think that if you're not breaking a sweat, you're not pulling your weight.

On that note, the best paid person I ever knew was an IT guy who did the night shift for a City of London brokerage. Put it like this - he owned a very nice central London home in his mid-20s, around 2000-2001 or so. His actual workload was fuck and all, but he had to be ready to fix whatever problem happened on his shift in a heartbeat.
Watchman, Amazonian liked this
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By Boiler
Andy McDandy wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 2:38 pm On that note, the best paid person I ever knew was an IT guy who did the night shift for a City of London brokerage. Put it like this - he owned a very nice central London home in his mid-20s, around 2000-2001 or so. His actual workload was fuck and all, but he had to be ready to fix whatever problem happened on his shift in a heartbeat.
Considering his shift would have covered trading with Tokyo and Sydney (and others), I'm not surprised he was well remunerated for his anti-social working hours.
By satnav
I think the article just proves how long it has been since Littlejohn actually worked in the Mail's newsroom. I've seen lots written about Dacre in the past but I've never heard anyone say that he was known to give staff a friendly arm on the shoulder or have a quiet word in their ear.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... uilty.html

Smallcock gets all high and mighty over the racism in cricket issue. Innocent until proven guilty (hang on, Abers), he cries! How dare people be punished unless their guilt is firmly decided? Why do we have all this court of public opinion stuff?

Then he has a whinge about breastfeeding MPs, before saying nobody's interested in Westminster sideshows (unless, apparently, it involves tits and making Labour MPs look stupid), takes some potshots at the Archbishop of Canterbury and Nicola Sturgeon, and pooh-poohs a thing that anyone who watched Attenborough's recent series could confirm.

Something about motes and beams comes to mind.
By Youngian
Is Alexei Sayle's warm-up man till sleeping in his Jag? He's tediously verbose for an old tabloid hack. Jimmy Carr could to deliver that in under 20 words instead of 96. Except Carr's jokes are funny.
But until now, nobody suspected that rising temperatures were causing rising divorce rates between — wait for it — albatrosses. That's according to a study by scientists from the University of Lisbon.

You couldn't make it up. Who knew albatrosses got married? Apparently warmer waters put them right off mating. No one appears to have told the contestants on Love Island.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... lling.html

Dickie sets his sights on the football, which is doing another of those gesture things he hates so much. This time it was for a dead kid, who he hasn't read anything about but seems to know an awful lot about.

He says that it's all co-ordinated and a big PR exercise, and that fans were coerced into joining in, because otherwise they'd be thrown out. After all, football fans are all wastrels like flare up bum man. And - please - getting big manly men to care about something? No way, that's for softies. Real men eat raw bacon and fuck birds in the cunt and give any middle class looking guy in glasses a good slap.

He says that the only thing he likes about football these days is the football. Well, yes, it's a pig's bladder full of air. Otherwise he hates the fans, the teams, the owners, the reporters...

In other news, experts are full of shit, he has a large garden, he hates Nicola Sturgeon, he fancies killing animals, he hates Yvette Cooper, climate change and carbon reduction are ridiculous, and all Scottish people are addicts.

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