:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
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By Amazonian
We're all going to have a bitter taste in our months once the fiscal measures announced on Wednesday begin to bite.
Who's this 'we', paleface?

You're going to be just fine, Dickie. Earning another £700 k a year for churning out two columns of reactionary fart a week when you can be arsed to do so.

Meanwhile, I and many others like me who have the misfortune to not have a job right now have just seen £86 docked from our monthly UC pittance, regardless of rising living costs or increased energy bills at this time of year. While we're struggling to get by and firing off job applications wherever we can, will you spare as much as a kindly thought for us, from your gated community in Florida?

Will ye fuck. Away and throw shite at yerself.
kreuzberger, Spoonman liked this
By Youngian
Tempted to say LJ would come out with this stuff at any budget (always a name check for Maeve ‘spend spend spend’ Nicholson) but to give him begrudging credit his point is that the economy is an awful shape and no strategy to reassure markets. He doesn’t say why of course or what sort of prat voted to put us in this position.
Amazonian liked this
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailym ... ember.html

Climate change is all a con, what's wrong with a bit of blackface, and for the main course, a piece on poppy outrage that has more front than the French border during the first world war.

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By Watchman
Such a patriotic gathering, too busy getting pissed, and not realising what day it was until they became aware of something happening outside
By satnav
If he did the slightest bit of research he would know that the reason many premier league teams had poppy events on Saturday is because there won't be any premier league matches on remembrance weekend because there is an international break. The teams who played at home last weekend won't be at home again for another 3 weeks.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... hnson.html

In which Littlecock sees which way things are moving, runs to the front, and shouts "Follow me!".

In the comments, he gets called a Trot and a serial Boris-basher. Wingnuts are starting early today.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... t-you.html

Littlecock has a whinge about efforts to employ more women and BAME people to senior positions, before arguing himself into a rather tight corner. Apparently the real problem is the white men running everything and they're doing a HIPOCRASY by not being women or BAME themselves. Or something.

Then some snarks about animal cruelty, gay airline staff, and apparently Thomas the Tank Engl=ine has been "cancelled", but I'm not exactly sure why.

Comments are largely from the Enoch Powell fan club.
mattomac liked this
By MisterMuncher
Readers with functional memories will recall that any attempts to "cancel" Thomas arrived four or five years ago when the newer series filtered far enough into Maily consciousness that they noticed some of the engines were intended to be female and possibly of "non white" countries of origin.
Amazonian liked this
By mattomac
Wasn’t a major complaint that the fat controller wasn’t fat…. They didn’t even attempt to call him plump or not reference his weight they just made him slim, like people can’t lose weight.

Like this is generally the most worrying concern in the world to them at that point.
By RedSparrows
Andy McDandy wrote: Tue Nov 16, 2021 8:21 am https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... g-off.html

Hey, why should I give a fuck about anything, says twat.
Christ I just gave that a read. What an absolute fucking mediocrity he is, in every sense.
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