:sunglasses: 40.6 % :pray: 8.5 % :laughing: 30.2 % 🧥 4.7 % :cry: 12.3 % :🤗 3.8 %
davidjay wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 10:52 pm What will it take for people to get angry?
I don’t use much TV and radio for news and current affairs (like millions of others). When I give politics through social media a rest for a few days in favour of watching Paul O’Grady being nice to dogs, I know sod all about the Tories laughing in our faces as the country tanks. And happier for it.
Does he think we're literally dying to be allowed to celebrate Christmas this year?

The Guardian: UK Covid live: Boris Johnson says ‘nothing to indicate’ winter lockdown likely as 49,298 cases reported.
https://www.theguardian.com/politics/li ... st-updates

How bad does it have to get before the twat feels the need to act?
Am I missing something here?

Gillian Keegan was appointed as Under-Secretary of state for Apprenticeships and Skills in Feb 2020. She succeeded Anne Milton in the role. Only thing is, Anne Milton walked out of the government (because of the imminent accession of Boris Johnson) in July 2019. That's over 6 months without anyone doing this job, which you'd think was rather important to a government stressing its anti-university, blue collar nature.
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Fri Oct 22, 2021 8:51 pm Am I missing something here?

Gillian Keegan was appointed as Under-Secretary of state for Apprenticeships and Skills in Feb 2020. She succeeded Anne Milton in the role. Only thing is, Anne Milton walked out of the government (because of the imminent accession of Boris Johnson) in July 2019. That's over 6 months without anyone doing this job, which you'd think was rather important to a government stressing its anti-university, blue collar nature.
They were the most anti-University cohort to ever graduate from Oxford.
Boiler wrote: Fri Oct 22, 2021 10:29 am
davidjay wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 10:52 pm What will it take for people to get angry?
Some are angry now: but realistically, what can you do about it?

Your only legal recourse is in three years time at the ballot box - but there will be plenty of people who will want "more of the same, please - I'm all right." I'm ashamed to say I've ceased voting as round here anything but Conservative is a futile gesture. I'll have those 15 minutes for myself, ta.

I can see a reduced Conservative majority at the next GE, but I definitely don't see PM Starmer.
Thatcher had bigger majorities but we still had riots, the miners strike, poll tax protests. Now we have he's a ledge/doing his best/Corbyn supports the IRA.
Peston or Johnson?

Johnson pretty definitely not. Peston should, but if he is calling Johnson an arch-Keynesian (massive investment in national projects, higher wages for public employees, lower taxes for all) then he has been drinking again.
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Sat Oct 23, 2021 11:02 pm Johnson is an arch-Keynsian, apparently. He wasn't when Labour were in Government. Spaffing and Keynsianism aren't really the same thing.
Saw a Colombian politician explain Hugo Chavez’s economic policy: A drunken sailor on shore leave buying everyone a round.
By satnav
Before Johnson became leader of the Tory Party he didn't give two hoots about the NHS but now thanks too numerous well staged photo-opportunities Johnson is portrayed as a keen advocate of the NHS. He was clearly alerted by pollsters that the NHS was one of the few areas where the Tories trailed Labour in the polls so he has done what he can to change this.

Johnson has also realised that he can funnel billions of pounds to private companies via the NHS. When he talks of record government spending on health he neglects to mention that nearly all this additional spending on the NHS has gone on test and trace, PPE contracts and contracts that have seen private health providers doing work for the NHS to help reduce backlogs. What is happening in health is also happening in education with more and more money being handed over to academy chains and Free schools.
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