:sunglasses: 30 % :pray: 3.3 % :laughing: 26.7 % :cry: 26.7 % :🤗 10 % :poo: 3.3 %
I saw the new Care Minister Gillian Keegan making her media debut on BBC Breakfast this morning and I think it is fair to say that she is even more useless that her predecessor Helen Whately. He solution to the lack of care staff appears to be to get existing staff to work even longer hours. Appointing somebody like Gillian Keegan as care minister just shows that Johnson really doesn't give a toss about Social Care.
Re. Carrie Antoinette, I suspect he's looking at the post-Brenda political landscape. Conferring the title of First Lady on his current squeeze will get a LOT of blowback from the traditionalist right pointing out that that's the queen, thank you very much. But what if Camilla (already saying she won't be queen consort because of Diana nutters) was the monarch's spouse? Much less criticism.
Boiler wrote: Fri Oct 22, 2021 10:52 am I'm wondering just how much he'll make on the after-dinner circuit once he ceases to be PM. If Cameron can reportedly charge six-figure sums per hour...
He can charge it, but is he being booked? Given his book sold about 3 copies and he's been practically anonymous since leaving office, is anyone wanting David "the architect of everything that's gone wrong in the past decade" Cameron to come and speak to them?

As for Johnson, he might make a few quid at first but famously he has precisely 1 after dinner speech, already widely disseminated by Jeremy Vine's anecdote. He's too lazy to write more or change his act so I suspect he'd also see bookings rapidly dwindle.
satnav wrote: Fri Oct 22, 2021 11:04 am I saw the new Care Minister Gillian Keegan making her media debut on BBC Breakfast this morning and I think it is fair to say that she is even more useless that her predecessor Helen Whately. He solution to the lack of care staff appears to be to get existing staff to work even longer hours. Appointing somebody like Gillian Keegan as care minister just shows that Johnson really doesn't give a toss about Social Care.
Whoever does the job is going to be hamstrung by Sunak not wanting to spend any money. But I'm not surprised to hear the new minister isn't very good.
Andy McDandy wrote: Fri Oct 22, 2021 12:42 pm Especially as his bumbling Bertie Wooster act has been exposed quite comprehensively. I don't think even HIGNFY would want him back.
I genuinely wonder how successful a panel show would be at getting most of their usual suspects to appear with him, if they did book him.
When Janey Godley was on the show and took Hislop to task over their role in promoting him (late 2018, early 2019?), Hislop replied by saying that it wasn't as if he was PM.

Funnily enough, in their "best of 2019" compilation, only the first part of that clip got shown. I get the feeling that Hislop in particular is very concerned about the part he played.
Samanfur liked this
Just received a message that the government scheme supporting home delivery slots for vulnerable people is ending.

So if you are shielding, fuck off.
Andy McDandy wrote: Fri Oct 22, 2021 1:58 pmI get the feeling that Hislop in particular is very concerned about the part he played.
I have a nagging feeling that Hislop either gave an interview or wrote an article to that effect a few years ago, but I can't seem to find it at the moment..
Oboogie liked this
I have a faint memory of that.
satnav wrote: Fri Oct 22, 2021 11:04 am I saw the new Care Minister Gillian Keegan making her media debut on BBC Breakfast this morning and I think it is fair to say that she is even more useless that her predecessor Helen Whately. He solution to the lack of care staff appears to be to get existing staff to work even longer hours. Appointing somebody like Gillian Keegan as care minister just shows that Johnson really doesn't give a toss about Social Care.
This might be the last day that Gillian Keegan is put up for interview for some time.

Is the government trying to bring on bankruptcies in higher education? These are the degrees that cross subsidize more expensive vocational stuff. I'll make a bold prediction- universities that have to close are more likely to be in places the government says should be levelled up.


I guess doubled with this is an attempt to force kids with poor GCSE’s out of education into those poorly paid jobs the migrants came in and did.

If this happens I’ll just say I was happy to be in further and higher education under a Labour Government
They want Oxbridge to go back to being the finishing school they remember, and fuck the proles. And the proles will buy it because fuck the nerds and poofs.
They want to reinforce Oxbridge as a source and maintainer of privilege. For them, not everybody, obvs.
mattomac wrote: Sun Oct 24, 2021 12:20 am https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-58887205

I guess doubled with this is an attempt to force kids with poor GCSE’s out of education into those poorly paid jobs the migrants came in and did.

If this happens I’ll just say I was happy to be in further and higher education under a Labour Government
BTECs and HNCs are respected by universities, especially if you’ve been full time employment. Can’t fathom why they’re wasting time on this change. No real ideas?
Higher and further education minister Michelle Donelan said the government would ensure there was a good range of high quality courses.
She said: "T-levels are a route to university. They are a highly academic courses that focus on on certain skill levels and they're going to be highly respected not just by business, but by universities.
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