:sunglasses: 30 % :pray: 3.3 % :laughing: 26.7 % :cry: 26.7 % :🤗 10 % :poo: 3.3 %
Jimmy's secret army can now join a navy. Fancy a pop at some wogs? Join the border force, you get a gun and a cap and it's 10 points for blowing a baby's head off.

Fuck this country.
I know a lot has already been said about how Patel's callousness and selfishness is particularly dreadful given she is the child of immigrants, but the lack of self-awareness in even considering policies that let people off for "accidentally killing" refugees is staggering. Not too much further down the path she delights in being on is a point where there'll be a knock on her door in the early hours and she finds herself being deported (or worse) for not being "native British". People like e.g. Yaxley-Lennon don't care if you've been as fucking awful as they have if you're still rocking more melanin than them, and her determination to empower precisely that sort of thug is frightening.
Oboogie liked this
Part of me wonders if the referendum and the murder of Jo Cox was in some way a shock to these people, who previously thought that they lived in a reasonably civilised country, and then had their eyes opened to just how many cunts they'd empowered. And rather than confront them and risk following in Cox's footsteps, they decided to appease them.
Jumped on GPs this morning I see.

Delivering appointments is a fine line and a review of it was probably required, however the “Vaccine done” had a fair bit of involvement from GP surgeries.

So crapping on them this morning is another example of this lot being woefully shit.
Andy McDandy wrote: Thu Oct 14, 2021 11:05 am Yeah, more like they saw what emerged when the referendum kicked that stone over and they decided they didn't need to hide it any more.
Exactly, they believed it gave legitimacy to their bigotry. And this has been continued to be stoked e.g woke and culture wars
Cyclist wrote: Thu Oct 14, 2021 8:49 am Patel pushing to legalise murder of asylum seekers, provided the killer works for UKBF.

Border Force staff who enact Priti Patel’s plans to “push back” migrant boats in the Channel could be given immunity from conviction if a refugee dies, officials have confirmed.

The home secretary is seeking to introduce a provision in the nationality and borders bill that could give officials legal protections in the event that someone drowns.

Whether the provision, tucked away in an obscure corner of the bill, would actually protect officers from conviction under international maritime laws could be tested in the courts...

https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/202 ... gee-deaths
Adolf Hitler, where is you now that we be needing you?

If Bevan was right about the Tories of his day being lower than vermin, what the hell would he make of this current shower of shit?
And still my Corbynista friend will be aghast at me branding this fascism because "it cheapens the word and censors language in a way which is in itself more fascistic" :roll:

That "kindler, gentler politics" bollocks can get in the sea (and shot by UKBF).
Apart from the armed forces (depending on the rules of engagement) the only other agency I can think of as having immunity is, in certain circumstances, armed police.

All armed officers have been instructed that, in the case of a suicide bomber, or suspected, they are not to challenge but to shoot to kill (preferably a head shot from behind) without warning. The reasons for those are obvious. And rather different from meeting an unarmed and exhausted migrant in a sinking dinghy.

A few years ago at the height of the Jungle Panic I was held up for a while at the tunnel, because a migrant had walked through and been hit by a train. I said to a border patrol guard that that was tragic.

She just huffed. "Pity more of 'em aren't killed' she replied.

Just give her a jet ski and let her at 'em.
Oblomov wrote: Thu Oct 14, 2021 1:25 pm And still my Corbynista friend will be aghast at me branding this fascism because "it cheapens the word and censors language in a way which is in itself more fascistic" :roll:
I know one or two right-leaning people who'd express that exact same sentiment of cheapening the word.
Oblomov wrote: Thu Oct 14, 2021 1:25 pm
Cyclist wrote: Thu Oct 14, 2021 8:49 am Patel pushing to legalise murder of asylum seekers, provided the killer works for UKBF.

Border Force staff who enact Priti Patel’s plans to “push back” migrant boats in the Channel could be given immunity from conviction if a refugee dies, officials have confirmed.

The home secretary is seeking to introduce a provision in the nationality and borders bill that could give officials legal protections in the event that someone drowns.

Whether the provision, tucked away in an obscure corner of the bill, would actually protect officers from conviction under international maritime laws could be tested in the courts...

https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/202 ... gee-deaths
Adolf Hitler, where is you now that we be needing you?

If Bevan was right about the Tories of his day being lower than vermin, what the hell would he make of this current shower of shit?
And still my Corbynista friend will be aghast at me branding this fascism because "it cheapens the word and censors language in a way which is in itself more fascistic" :roll:

That "kindler, gentler politics" bollocks can get in the sea (and shot by UKBF).
I would call it 2, 3, 7 and possibly 4 of the Fourteen Characteristics.
I think the ISU are missing the point here. It's not about acting ethically because it's the right thing to do, it's about immunity from prosecution when they follow the unethical and illegal instructions from the Home Secretary.

Border force staff do not need immunity from prosecution if a refugee crossing the Channel dies, their union has said.

Home Secretary Priti Patel is reported to be considering such a move to give legal protection to staff ordered to "push back" migrant boats.

But the ISU union said seafaring staff already complied with international laws on the protection of life.

They acted ethically because it was the right thing to do - not out of fear of prosecution, the union added.

I read on Twitter that during the minute's silence in memory of David Amess our valiant Prime Minister was, inexplicably, absent.

If that is true it is really a new low.

(I've watched the coverage several times, and I can't see him, though there is a fat bloke on the front bench, but he seems to have grey hair)
Oboogie liked this
How likely would he have been able to hold it together for a mere 60 seconds, without belching, scratching his arse, or in some way acting up? Wouldn't be surprised if in a moment of self-awareness he decided this wasn't the day for that.
Malcolm Armsteen wrote: Mon Oct 18, 2021 3:19 pm I read on Twitter that during the minute's silence in memory of David Amess our valiant Prime Minister was, inexplicably, absent.

If that is true it is really a new low.

(I've watched the coverage several times, and I can't see him, though there is a fat bloke on the front bench, but he seems to have grey hair)
Looking at a photograph this morning, the only member of the cabinet I recognise is The Home Secretary
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