:sunglasses: 30 % :pray: 3.3 % :laughing: 26.7 % :cry: 26.7 % :🤗 10 % :poo: 3.3 %
What a brave little soldier.
Malcolm Armsteen wrote: Tue Oct 05, 2021 11:14 am What a brave little soldier.
Until very recently, his webpage had this absurd bit of posturing as the first image you saw on the page:

https://artuk.org/discover/artworks/iai ... ith-213698

It really takes something to make the well-known posings of duplo wannabe squaddie Mark Francois look subtle in comparison.
Definition of paranoia.
Eleven days in and we already have a Twat of the Month:

A Conservative MP has said anyone using the term “white privilege” should be reported to the government’s counter-terror programme, and that teachers who criticise the Conservative party should be sacked.

Jonathan Gullis told a fringe meeting during the party’s conference in Manchester last week that anyone using the phrase should be referred to the government’s Prevent programme, which is used to track potential terrorists.

According to a recording obtained by the Independent, he told activists: “The term white privilege – very quickly – is an extremist term, it should be reported to Prevent, because it is an extremist ideology.

“It’s racist to actually suggest everyone who’s white somehow is riddled with privilege.”

Gullis, who is a former member of the parliamentary education select committee, was speaking at an event organised by the Conservative Friends of Education group. He added: “I hope [using the term white privilege] will be reported, I hope that will be looked into, and any teacher who’s perpetuated it in the classroom ultimately should face a disciplinary hearing at the very least.”...

https://www.theguardian.com/politics/20 ... -extremism
One assumes he was talking to a lunatic fringe meeting, yes?

Conservative Friends of Education group? The most petty, vindictive, thick, stupid, ignorant, teacher-bashing scum on the planet claim to be friends of education? :shock:

“The other way we can stop the cancel culture is by actually saying to the woke left lecturers and the woke left teachers – who seem to be becoming more and more apparent – is that ultimately, what’s going to happen if you are going to push your ideology in the classroom there are going to be consequences for you,” he said.

“For some reason, if a Labour party member wants to stand up in front of the classroom and say how bad and evil the Tories are, then the headteacher has to take some kind of sympathetic view to that.

“It’s absolutely disgusting, we need to start sacking people who are pushing their political ideology.”

The Conservative party has been contacted for comment.
And he used to be a teacher…..
Andy McDandy wrote: Mon Oct 11, 2021 12:58 pm Just read his biog. A shit teacher by all accounts.
Let me guess: "I was forced to leave because all the other staff were doing it wrong".

If he loses his seat, I'm sure an academy chain will find a headship for him.
From That Wikipedia:
Gullis worked in schools from 2012-2019, comparing his teaching experiences to boxing. Gullis described his classroom personality as "a mixture of Boris Johnson and Jacob Rees-Mogg", and claimed that he "liked to play the character of an English gent". Gullis says that he was "nicknamed Grumpy Gullis – because I never smiled", a persona he adopted after "crying in front of a class" because they "just took the mick with their behaviour". Upon being elected to parliament Gullis left work at Fairfax School and Greenwood Academy in Birmingham, and he described the pupils he was responsible for as head of year as " probably happy to see me go”.
Yes, I'm sure his nickname was "Grumpy". And definitely not a word beginning with C that sort of rhymes with Grumpy.
Gullis described his classroom personality as "a mixture of Boris Johnson and Jacob Rees-Mogg", and claimed that he "liked to play the character of an English gent".
Well neither Johnson or Mogg are "english gents" - the former is probably best described in the terms Gullis seems to like as a cad and a bounder, and Mogg is a Dickensian villain. One is notorious for lying, laziness, avoiding responsibility and inappropriate behaviour, while the other is arrogant, hubristic and ultimately quite stupid, insisting on adherence to incorrect and misunderstood grammar rules and archaic units.

So if that was what he was like in the classroom, no wonder it felt like boxing. The kids must have run rings round him.
Oboogie liked this
Yeah. I did some work for OB (teacher training) and there was always that. And not just the students. A 1930s building by the ring road, like something out of a 1970s sitcom about hospitals....
OB has a very grand new building at the top of Headington Hill, it has a very peaceful library too. I rather like it. I enjoyed working there sometimes, when I couldn't be arsed to shlep oh so far to somewhere at t'Other Place.
I worked for a week there as some kind of fact finding thing anyhow, I actually quite liked it, the idiot sons and daughters of those brighter kids were often suggested as going there or to Bournemouth to study Tourism.

I actually knew two people who did Tourism and they did have that background but where very nice and are still quite left of centre.

Sadly I doubt the University shaped Gullis as plenty of cnuts go to the actual Oxford. I think being a Tory of a certain ilk did.

It’s an odd take mind considering this lot are usually rallying for more freedom of speech not less, almost makes them hypocrites.
Patel pushing to legalise murder of asylum seekers, provided the killer works for UKBF.

Border Force staff who enact Priti Patel’s plans to “push back” migrant boats in the Channel could be given immunity from conviction if a refugee dies, officials have confirmed.

The home secretary is seeking to introduce a provision in the nationality and borders bill that could give officials legal protections in the event that someone drowns.

Whether the provision, tucked away in an obscure corner of the bill, would actually protect officers from conviction under international maritime laws could be tested in the courts...

https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/202 ... gee-deaths
Adolf Hitler, where is you now that we be needing you?

If Bevan was right about the Tories of his day being lower than vermin, what the hell would he make of this current shower of shit?
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