:sunglasses: 30 % :pray: 3.3 % :laughing: 26.7 % :cry: 26.7 % :🤗 10 % :poo: 3.3 %
MisterMuncher wrote: Sat Oct 02, 2021 7:41 pm
Watchman wrote: Fri Oct 01, 2021 4:17 pm Anger has been expressed after a Conservative police, fire and crime commissioner suggested women need to be more “streetwise” to protect themselves from police officers abusing their power to rape and murder them.

Philip Allott, who is responsible for North Yorkshire, said women should be aware breach Covid regulations – the ruse Couzens used to abduct Everard – was not an offence for which one should normally expect to be arrested.

So women, first of all, need to be streetwise about when they can be arrested and when they can’t be arrested. She should never have been arrested and submitted to that. Perhaps women need to consider in terms of the legal process, to just learn a bit about that legal process.
It's important to keep in mind the case of Jean Charles de Menezes. The disparity between what he actually did, and what the police (and subsequently the press) reported he did was stark. The conclusions drawn from said disinformation will tell you everything you need to know about how doing nothing wrong will protect you, and how the Great British public will react to anyone not instantly obeying the fuzz.
I remember the Express headlines after his murder. "It was a mistake anyone could have made", along with a photo of him and one of the 7/7 gang. Because they all look the same, and what's another body among the rubble?
Apparently one of the initiatives that will be announced this week as part of the levelling up agenda is an extra £22m to build some new tennis clubs. We have a tennis club in our local town that was built with money from the national lottery. Whilst the club offers the occasional visits for local schools by and large it is mainly used by middle class families who can afford cough up £20 for 30 minutes of coaching.
mattomac, Watchman, Nigredo liked this
satnav wrote: Sun Oct 03, 2021 10:35 am Apparently one of the initiatives that will be announced this week as part of the levelling up agenda is an extra £22m to build some new tennis clubs. We have a tennis club in our local town that was built with money from the national lottery. Whilst the club offers the occasional visits for local schools by and large it is mainly used by middle class families who can afford cough up £20 for 30 minutes of coaching.
Similar here. But maybe you've stumbled across the real objective of levelling up.
To ensure that most of the country has a thin veneer of "people like them" who are doing very nicely thanks.
And fuck the rest who'll work with them.
A rerun of the "upheaval" following the norman conquest.
It's absurd to call this levelling up, but I actually don't think this is a bad idea.

It seems like tennis's moment right now with Emma R. Why not take a punt on it? More money should come into the federation. Apart from rackets, where there could be some help, it's trainers, shorts and t-shirts, which is the same as football and basketball. Apart from the serve, it's easy to get started.

Even if it stays with the same demographic now, that's some 40-60 year olds who wouldn't join gyms getting good exercise.
I’m one of those that sticks tennis clubs in the same box as golf; it’s all about belonging to the “right” club where I can meet the “right” people.
Nothing to see here. Move along...

A prominent Tory donor who contributed to Boris Johnson's leadership campaign was involved in one of Europe's biggest corruption scandals, a BBC investigation has discovered.

Mohamed Amersi has given nearly £525,000 to the party since 2018.

Leaked documents reveal how he worked on a series of controversial deals for a Swedish telecoms company that was later fined $965m (£700m) in a US prosecution...

...Questions about the sources of Mr Amersi's wealth come as the Conservative Party's annual conference is under way in Manchester.

His donations have included more than £100,000 towards the 2019 general election campaign and £10,000 to the prime minister's leadership bid.

Mr Amersi's Russian-born partner, Nadezhda Rodicheva, has also donated money to the Conservatives - more than £250,000 in 2017 and 2018.

Political law expert Gavin Millar QC believes the Conservatives should return the money.

"I think they should give it back… if serious questions are being asked about the donor," he said.

But Mr Millar added "the bottom line is they don't have to, and there's nothing in the law or the regulation of our system that compels them to do that"...

Work, scum, or starve.

The Tory welfare chief is drawing up plans to encourage more people who “think they cannot work” to find a job.

Therese Coffey told Conservative Party Conference delegates she wants to “flip” the benefits system to stop it “encouraging people to show how they really cannot do any work at all”.

Instead she wants to focus on “what people can do, rather than the benefit system being driven currently by what you cannot do”.

Ms Coffey’s comments appear to mark a new push towards pushing people who claim disability or sickness payments towards work...

https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/ ... 128516.amp
The Tories really hate the economically inactive, don't they.

Disabled? Fuck off and get a job you scrounging bastards.
Apparently George Smith has been harassed/assaulted by a group of men and a woman who set about him with a traffic cone.

The traffic cone has been removed from his arse and is receiving counselling.
Last edited by Malcolm Armsteen on Mon Oct 04, 2021 6:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tubby Isaacs, Nigredo liked this
A Young Tory has been expelled from the conference, and I think suspended after he violently assaulted a woman who rebuffed his predatory advances.

Captain Renault moment.
Oswald Mosley, and in more recent times Nargle Fargle, had a habit of loudly expelling a bit-too-obvious racist from their public meetings, before getting down to slightly more subtle business. Wondering if this is in the same vein.
Malcolm Armsteen wrote: Mon Oct 04, 2021 6:55 pm A Young Tory has been expelled from the conference, and I think suspended after he violently assaulted a woman who rebuffed his predatory advances.

Captain Renault moment.
You'd expect them to keep Uncle Albert on a short leash after the last unpleasantness.
Andy McDandy wrote: Mon Oct 04, 2021 7:42 pm Oswald Mosley, and in more recent times Nargle Fargle, had a habit of loudly expelling a bit-too-obvious racist from their public meetings, before getting down to slightly more subtle business. Wondering if this is in the same vein.
Don't think so.

Woman who says she was assaulted has spoken on the record about it. I don't know if it's a police matter yet, but sounds like it will be, whatever happened.
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