:sunglasses: 40.6 % :pray: 8.5 % :laughing: 30.2 % 🧥 4.7 % :cry: 12.3 % :🤗 3.8 %
Apparently Raab didn't take losing the FO well, and Williamson refused to take a demotion. And by the looks of it Raab must have had some serious leverage to walk out with basically a *promotion*.

I suspect this could be the first signs of Johnson's "wall of shite" approach starting to fail though. He can't promote everyone who threatens to spill the beans, Williamson is now going to be even more pissed that a catastrophe like Raab is now deputy PM, and what happens next time someone fucks up? Or what happens if e.g. Patel is now jealous that Raab has somehow leapfrogged her despite his disastrous performance?

I think there's going to be a lot of briefing and backstabbing in the next few months.
Abernathy wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 3:55 pm Fuck me backwards with a bent bog brush.

Liz Truss confirmed as the new Foreign Secretary.

Has she shagged Johnson ?
No, but I suspect she could shaft him.

He can only choose from a tiny pool of people - those who have already signed up to the mutual destruction system that will see them having to perform such nonsense as defending Cummings' eye test road trip in exchange for almost never having to be held accountable themselves, and those who are willing to buy in to such a scheme.
Abernathy, Nigredo liked this
Apparently there's a strong correlation between the sacked and low to negative approval ratings. So this is basically all about getting rid of the PR disasters.
Samanfur wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 5:06 pm Nadhim Zahawi to Education.
Oh fuck. Oh shit.

Kids get the dross again.
Nadine Dorries at culture. Just...

Yet again so much that is important for a nation's identity and sense of self is left to the pricks who have no fucking idea beyond waving flags and sniggering at anything they don't understand, which is nearly everything.

I don't ask for some superlative cultural steward, just someone who's not demonstrably an absolute fucking philistine.
kreuzberger, Oboogie, Samanfur and 2 others liked this
The interesting, silver lining take is that this is apparently his "election cabinet". The best he could do. A self-owning utter moron in at culture. A cruel, corrupt bully in at the FO. A no-talent replacing a scheming yet incompetent oaf at Education. An untrustworthy backstabber who has recently gone totally off the rails as his "levelling up" champion. A man who couldn't be arsed to make phone calls to save lives as Deputy PM and Justice secretary. A chancellor who has lost his shine, but who also wants his job. A U-turning health secretary who is only back in cabinet because his predecessor was so riddled with holes he could no longer take bullets for the PM. Rebellious, restless backbenchers who won't stand for another lockdown that he may have to bring in regardless because of his previous hesitancy and eagerness to appease. An unpopular tax hike. Falling polls. Emptying shelves, skilled job shortages rising inflation and rising unemployment, with no one able to address the problem because they're not allowed to acknowledge the source of the problem. Falling personal popularity and an almost desperate desire to now beat Thatcher on longevity simply to have something to put against his name in the history books which isn't defined by disaster and corruption. And outside of it all, a scheming goblin out for revenge on his former boss, his wife, and their lackeys, with a personal mission to absolve himself of all blame at the expense of everyone else.

It has the whiff of Major's last days of sleaze about it already. Everyone is sick of the same faces getting away with the same stuff, but he can't drop them or swap them as there isn't anyone else. And I give it 2 weeks before someone's caught fucking up again.

He's set out his stall for the election already - culture wars everyone is already wise to, further brexit denial, and hiding himself away. If I were an opposition party, I would already be making calls about forming some sort of progressive alliance.
Oboogie, Malcolm Armsteen, Arrowhead and 1 others liked this
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