- Sun Feb 06, 2022 5:54 pm
Why do I despise this man so much? Is it because he is the worst possible iteration of a human being? Quite possibly.
He is clearly intelligent, PhD from Cambridge.
He comes from great wealth and privilege - mother a barrister, father an important economist. Never had to think about money.
Educated at private prep school and Eton, then Trinity, Cambridge and Harvard.
But he's a feral right-winger, immune to the concept of his own privilege.
One time chairman of the very right wing Bow Group.
Investment banker.
Columnist for the Daily Telegraph.
Co-author of Britannia Unchained. Randian bollocks, nasty stuff.
Backed by Saudi Arabia
Supported Owen Paterson, called for the removal of the commissioner for parliamentary standards.
Supports Johnson and reiterates his lies (falling crime, Starmer went easy on Savile etc.)
But beyond all that is his demeanour. I've seen it often. The black kid who wants to be accepted by the white gang, and will do anything, however self-debasing, to get them to accept him. But they never will, and he probably knows that. They will piss in his school bag. He will be rejected by both sides.
His performance on the morning round today was embarrassing. I wish he would wise up and grow a pair, or at least fuck off.
He is clearly intelligent, PhD from Cambridge.
He comes from great wealth and privilege - mother a barrister, father an important economist. Never had to think about money.
Educated at private prep school and Eton, then Trinity, Cambridge and Harvard.
But he's a feral right-winger, immune to the concept of his own privilege.
One time chairman of the very right wing Bow Group.
Investment banker.
Columnist for the Daily Telegraph.
Co-author of Britannia Unchained. Randian bollocks, nasty stuff.
Backed by Saudi Arabia
Supported Owen Paterson, called for the removal of the commissioner for parliamentary standards.
Supports Johnson and reiterates his lies (falling crime, Starmer went easy on Savile etc.)
But beyond all that is his demeanour. I've seen it often. The black kid who wants to be accepted by the white gang, and will do anything, however self-debasing, to get them to accept him. But they never will, and he probably knows that. They will piss in his school bag. He will be rejected by both sides.
His performance on the morning round today was embarrassing. I wish he would wise up and grow a pair, or at least fuck off.
The moneychangers have fled from their high seats in the temple of our civilization. We now restore that temple to the ancient truths. The measure of the restoration lies in the extent to which we apply values more noble than mere monetary profit.