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By Malcolm Armsteen
Why do I despise this man so much? Is it because he is the worst possible iteration of a human being? Quite possibly.

He is clearly intelligent, PhD from Cambridge.

He comes from great wealth and privilege - mother a barrister, father an important economist. Never had to think about money.

Educated at private prep school and Eton, then Trinity, Cambridge and Harvard.

But he's a feral right-winger, immune to the concept of his own privilege.

One time chairman of the very right wing Bow Group.
Investment banker.
Columnist for the Daily Telegraph.
Co-author of Britannia Unchained. Randian bollocks, nasty stuff.
Backed by Saudi Arabia
Supported Owen Paterson, called for the removal of the commissioner for parliamentary standards.
Supports Johnson and reiterates his lies (falling crime, Starmer went easy on Savile etc.)

But beyond all that is his demeanour. I've seen it often. The black kid who wants to be accepted by the white gang, and will do anything, however self-debasing, to get them to accept him. But they never will, and he probably knows that. They will piss in his school bag. He will be rejected by both sides.

His performance on the morning round today was embarrassing. I wish he would wise up and grow a pair, or at least fuck off.
By satnav
He always seems to be the minister who is despatched to the TV studios to defend the indefensible. Despite is willingness to do the government's dirty work it doesn't seem to have helped him to climb up the ministerial ladder. He is well educated and qualified yet he can't get in a cabinet that contains Nadine Dorries and Theresae Coffey.
By Youngian
Heard Kwarteng claim he was researching for a book about how the post-war welfare state was set up to absorb demobbed colonial administrators (lefty bureaucrats are empire builders, geddit?). This work never materialised as he was talking nonsense. Its a tongue-in-cheek quote from Hayek. His ‘theory’ was about as solid as non-existent Brussels directives from Yes Minister which Tory ministers believed were real.
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By Tubby Isaacs
Youngian wrote: Sun Feb 06, 2022 6:46 pm Heard Kwarteng claim he was researching for a book about how the post-war welfare state was set up to absorb demobbed colonial administrators (lefty bureaucrats are empire builders, geddit?). This work never materialised as he was talking nonsense. Its a tongue-in-cheek quote from Hayek. His ‘theory’ was about as solid as non-existent Brussels directives from Yes Minister which Tory ministers believed were real.
He was probably too busy with other wacky books.

Young unemployed people should be forced to repay their benefit money when they get a job, an influential group of Conservative MPs has said.

The proposal to pay benefits as a loan would give them "an additional incentive to find work rather than allow the debt to build up".

The idea is included in a new book setting out a "radical" free market agenda for the Conservative government.

Author Kwasi Kwarteng is seen as a rising star on the right of the party.
Surprised free market Kwasi hasn't yet walked from the cabinet over Sunak spending a lot of money paying a chunk of people's energy bills.
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By Andy McDandy
"Yeah, yeah, but apart from the rubbish withdrawal treaty, the thousands of dead, the cost of living crisis, the rising unemployment and the threat to peace in Northern Ireland, we got everything right!"

His tone of voice when asked about the Covid death toll is just awful. Reminiscent of Kate Winslet in Extras on the Holocaust, but that was meant to be funny.
By Bones McCoy
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 8:16 pm I wondered if he'd actually said this. Seems like he did. That's the worst explanation for a Johnson lie I've ever heard.

You can worry about being mugged, but at least you know what won't happen if you stay at home. Not something you can say about phone scammers.

Martin Lewis is heading for a cancelling, like that so-called comedian Lycett.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
It's the imbecilic move of a complete fuckwit.

Yes, Minister, you DO need the civil service on your side...
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By Watchman
Scrutiny and oversight?

Kwasi Kwarteng refuses to let OBR release forecasts with mini-budget
https://www.theguardian.com/politics/20 ... SApp_Other
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