:sunglasses: 100 %
By soulboy
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Sat Sep 02, 2023 7:43 pm I know Cabinet ministers are constituency MPs as well. but I'm not sure I like the Chancellor bargaining with the CEO like this. "Yeah, we can keep this shop in Farncombe open, maybe. But what can you do for us as a company?"

He might regret this is if the shop stays open and there's something controversial in the budget that Boots benefits from.

Rejecting Elf n Saftey Display Screen Assessments while demonstrating a firm grip on the public purse; no monitor, keyboard or mouse. I couldn't think of many more deserving recipients of carpel tunnel syndrome and spinal problems.
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By Yug
I don't know why I'm bothering with this. Just normal behaviour for these fucking cunts.

The UK’s welfare budget could be cut to pave the way for Tory tax cuts, the chancellor has said before the party’s annual conference in Manchester.

Though Jeremy Hunt said the government was “not in a position” to contemplate a decrease in tax immediately, he said the welfare budget could be hit further down the line to foot the bill...

https://amp.theguardian.com/politics/20 ... eremy-hunt
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By Yug
"Time to sort the ghastly oiks into deserving and undeserving" says Jeremy Cunt

Jeremy Hunt is to unveil plans for tougher benefit restrictions on those who “won’t even look for work”, which could include measures to stop those who are persistently sanctioned from claiming.

The chancellor will pledge new changes to the benefit sanction system in his speech to Conservative party conference on Monday, as the government looks to make savings on its welfare bill. He will also announce a move to an £11 an hour living wage, an increase from £10.42.

Hunt is already looking at holding down benefits below inflation, as pressure mounts on Rishi Sunak to make pre-election tax cuts and find areas where the Tories take a different approach from Labour...

https://amp.theguardian.com/society/202 ... eremy-hunt
What's the betting that people with long-term debilitating disabilities will end up lumped in with the undeserving poor?
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By Tubby Isaacs
Not that Hunt’s general career merits it, but I have some sympathy for him in his current situation. He’s likely the only one stopping Sunak from chucking out another Truss budget. I wouldn’t blame him if he gave up sooner rather than later.

Less creditably, I’m sure he’ll be thinking of running the ACOBA clock down.
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By Crabcakes
So far Hunt has been pretty loyal to Sunak. I wonder if this has been leaked post local election results to try and destabilise him and push him out. Possibly by someone either keen for ‘revenge for Boris’ or because they think someone else should get a go.

Either way, it’s a terrible look and can only make their prospects in the GE even worse. Apart from anything else, he’s one of only a handful of senior Tories left who is even approaching something akin to competence.
By satnav
Following the two by-election defeats there has been a lot of talk of Sunak sticking it out until the last possible minute to call a general election. Perhaps Hunt is not prepared to stay on that long as Chancellor.

Sunak could well use this to justify a reshuffle where he gives new jobs to the likes of Mordant and Badenoch to try and head off any possible leadership challenge before the general election.
By davidjay
Boiler wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 10:42 pm
satnav wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 10:32 pm Following the two by-election defeats there has been a lot of talk of Sunak sticking it out until the last possible minute to call a general election.
Fifteen more months of this.

It's 1979 again.
Without the decent music.
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By Boiler
davidjay wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 11:27 pm
Boiler wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 10:42 pm
satnav wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 10:32 pm Following the two by-election defeats there has been a lot of talk of Sunak sticking it out until the last possible minute to call a general election.
Fifteen more months of this.

It's 1979 again.
Without the decent music.
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