:sunglasses: 33.3 % :pray: 66.7 %
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By Abernathy
As ever, what really gets me about these fucking vampires and their casual, self-centred and hate-driven ideological approach to the "game" (as they undoubtedly see it) of politics is that it isn't a fucking game.

These are actual human beings' lives that their Tufton Street dogmas are trashing, and, in many cases, destroying.

And they do not give a fuck about that. They are destructive, vindictive, and actively malevolent.

That they must be stopped, and as soon as possible, is an imperative that grows ever more urgent with every passing day.
Youngian, Watchman, Arrowhead and 7 others liked this
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By Malcolm Armsteen
It's a game with big cash prizes.

For some.
Abernathy liked this
By davidjay
Abernathy wrote: Mon Oct 03, 2022 1:47 pm As ever, what really gets me about these fucking vampires and their casual, self-centred and hate-driven ideological approach to the "game" (as they undoubtedly see it) of politics is that it isn't a fucking game.

These are actual human beings' lives that their Tufton Street dogmas are trashing, and, in many cases, destroying.

And they do not give a fuck about that. They are destructive, vindictive, and actively malevolent.

That they must be stopped, and as soon as possible, is an imperative that grows ever more urgent with every passing day.
See also their alter egos in the "Hur Hur I said Keith" gang. Under a Tory government poor people die. That's the thing to always remember.
Oboogie, Spoonman, zuriblue liked this
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Watchman wrote: Tue Oct 04, 2022 5:23 pm Or as I call it.....Eton
Other bastions of privilege are available.
Watchman liked this
By MisterMuncher
Andy McDandy wrote: Tue Oct 04, 2022 5:12 pm High education, low intelligence, in Call of Cthulhu terms. High INT, low WIS for D&D players. Lacking in empathy, if Cyberpunk is your bag.
Knows a tomato is a fruit, and therefore is suitable for fruit salad.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
In their latest podcast Alistair Campbell and Rory Stewart explore Kamikwaze's complete lack of empathy - and Truss' also.

They identify this as their problem, they appear thick because they act in ways that no normal person would find intelligent, but that is because they lack empathy. And can't comprehend why other people don't share their world view.

Empathy is a characteristic of left-wing mindsets, as well as a key indicator of emotional intelligence. It used to be taught in the history syllabus, but was discarded in Thatcher's National Curriculum. I guess she didn't recognise it.

>footnote 2<
I looked this up on Wiki. I found this checklist for lack of empathy:

Early indicators for a lack of empathy:

Frequently finding oneself in prolonged arguments
Forming opinions early and defending them vigorously
Thinking that other people are overly sensitive
Refusing to listen to other points of view
Blaming others for mistakes
Not listening when spoken to
Holding grudges and having difficulty to forgive
Inability to work in a team

That isn't canon, but it would seem to apply to our current leadership.
Bones McCoy liked this
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By Malcolm Armsteen
RS Archer isn't the most reliable of Tweeters, but if true this is major:

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By Abernathy
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Tue Oct 11, 2022 11:30 am He'd have had to resign the job when he joined the government. Almost certainly bollocks.
Yes, I think it's generally well-known that Kwarteng used to work for Odey's casino operation. Inconceivable that he still would be doing so as Chancellor.
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By Watchman
How much dodgy stuff has this bloke got sticking to him?

Kwasi Kwarteng’s secret meetings with Saudi oil firms revealed
https://www.theguardian.com/politics/20 ... SApp_Other
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