:sunglasses: 40.6 % :pray: 8.5 % :laughing: 30.2 % 🧥 4.7 % :cry: 12.3 % :🤗 3.8 %
Johnson about to break another promise.
No 10 weighs up plan to fix UK social care system with tax rise
https://www.theguardian.com/society/202 ... h-tax-rise

John Major got really hammered for breaking his tax promise in the 1993 Budget, though he was already on the floor after Black Wednesday. Could Johnson get a hammering for this?

How do Labour respond? Smith-Blair responded very cleverly, "we hear your pain, Middle England". Starmer studies that period, but could he do this?
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By Samanfur
Government admits Boris Johnson's flat refurb originally paid for by Tory donors

The refurbishment of Boris Johnson’s Downing Street flat was originally paid for with cash from Tory donors, the government has confirmed.

The Prime Minister eventually refunded the cost of the lavish upgrade to the apartment above Number 11 Downing Street - but only after press reports of the original source of funds.

The bizarre funding chain was finally confirmed in the fourth footnote on the 208th page of the Cabinet Office’s annual report, which the Government quietly published on Thursday.
Brings the science into disrepute. Do they care?
And faced with public opprpobrium they've u-turned and will now isolate.

I wonder if the vox pop twat from Batley who was voting Tory because 'Boris is a character' still feels the same way?

(Probably... tried to get away with it, dinnee? Good lad, you gotta try...)
Ah no, there are two trials. One is randomised, one isn't. After a little initial confusion it has been clarified by an official spokesperson (Laura Kuenssberg) that they were never part of the randomised trial (just as we were never at war with Oceania) but the other trial, which is largely centred on government departments etc.

Let Jenrick explain:

(from the Independent)
But this morning, Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick appeared on Sky News to defend Downing Street's initial announcement that the PM and chancellor would not be isolating.

He said: "I appreciate the frustration [the public] might feel listening to this.
"They, like me, or other members of the public who are pinged will have to self-isolate in the usual way."

Having seen Mr Jenrick sent on to the morning politics programmes to defend the original decision, Sky's political correspondent Rob Powell described the situation as "baffling".

"This is a pretty speedy U-turn," he said.

Whilst Mr Jenrick referred to being "pinged", the PM and chancellor were in fact contacted by NHS Test and Trace directly rather than simply being alerted by the NHS COVID-19 app.

That means that there is a legal obligation to self-isolate, whereas being pinged by the app is only guidance.
So Carrie fancied a week in the country, Alex didn't fancy another grilling at PMQ, and the original story was going down like a bucket of sick. Fuck it, they said, let's isolate.
By Oboogie
Or, more likely, this was the plan all along.
Problem: Too many people are self-isolating because they've been ping.
Solution: Encourage people to delete the app so fewer people have to self-isolate. When COVID surges and the cases and death rate go through the roof, blame the public for deleting the app.

Job's a good 'un.
Malcolm Armsteen wrote: Sun Jul 18, 2021 11:06 am And faced with public opprpobrium they've u-turned and will now isolate.

I wonder if the vox pop twat from Batley who was voting Tory because 'Boris is a character' still feels the same way?

(Probably... tried to get away with it, dinnee? Good lad, you gotta try...)
And of course They're All The Same.
Tubby Isaacs liked this
Strange, but normally when I "briefly consider" something I'm not going to do, I think about it for about thirty seconds before going "Nah".

What I don't do is issue a press release, or have Robert Jenrick go on Sky News to defend it.

We are being taken for fools.
Tubby Isaacs, mattomac liked this
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