:sunglasses: 30 % :pray: 3.3 % :laughing: 26.7 % :cry: 26.7 % :🤗 10 % :poo: 3.3 %
Youngian wrote: Tue May 11, 2021 7:26 pm
Andy McDandy wrote: Tue May 11, 2021 4:39 pm I imagine a few long term councillors would be a bit miffed at that.

This is more of the clearing out of the old guard and replacing them with kids or noobs who can be counted on to take orders.
Seriously warming to this progressive alliance approach if Johnson makes a dash to accrue more power. And I don’t mind respected sane former Tories standing as Martin Bell single candidate type independents if that is the best shot to dislodge these arseholes.
Should have been working on this as soon as the Con / Dem alliance crumbled.
kreuzberger, Nigredo liked this
"Widely regarded...", hmm. This absolute toilet has secured multiple convictions for holocaust denial and the belittling of Nazi crimes. Regarded = Convicted.

I am not a shrink but the guy seems to me to absolutely barking. Nonetheless, he'd love a final pay-day from the Koch and Mercer cabal for a tour of any university forced to have him.
As many have pointed out, the examples of "censorship" cited in the papers this week are not exactly the thought police.

Bunch of lecturers sign an open letter objecting to someone speaking on campus. Speech was not cancelled.

University staff and owners of a university building agree to rename it.

Holocaust deniers and neo-nazi punks don't come onto campus to debate, but to recruit. Freedom of speech is being taken to mean immunity from criticism. If people feel "chilled" by the reaction of their colleagues to their opinions, maybe they should consider their opinions and the possibility that they might be arseholes.

In the case of academics, how do these fuckers cope with peer review?
Nigredo liked this
Spot on.
It's like Brexit. If you try to square the demands of the turnip Taliban with reality you end up in an impossible mess.
davidjay wrote: Fri May 14, 2021 12:53 am How can Holocaust denial be anything other than intimidation?
Or racism.

Holocaust deniers have a funny habit of following their "historical analysis" with "Jews who control the media don't want you to hear the truth".
Fucking hell. What is going on?

I don’t think this is Starmer, because the opposite of “I don’t like the Labour leader” isn’t automatically “I’ll vote for Johnson”. I think some of it may be vaccines. But I’m rapidly coming to the conclusion it’s actually the country just has a majority of absolute arseholes who don’t care about anything as long as the people they think should be being harassed are being harassed, and the people they think should get nothing get nothing.

I’m really starting to think that this is it. The cunts have won, and will make sure no one gets to question or oust them again, and that the 2017-2019 parliament was the last opportunity. That was our Biden moment and we missed it. Meh.

Boiler liked this
Crabcakes wrote: Sat May 22, 2021 5:33 pm Fucking hell. What is going on?

I don’t think this is Starmer, because the opposite of “I don’t like the Labour leader” isn’t automatically “I’ll vote for Johnson”. I think some of it may be vaccines. But I’m rapidly coming to the conclusion it’s actually the country just has a majority of absolute arseholes who don’t care about anything as long as the people they think should be being harassed are being harassed, and the people they think should get nothing get nothing.
Perhaps this post from a complete and utter cunt elsewhere is MUCH more widely accepted than we think:

A VERY right-wing person wrote:Instead of trying to change the Labour party you need to just accept that a vote for them is a vote for woke, a vote to smash up statues, change place names, unlimited immigration, every misfit wacko cause given prominence whilst the white normal majority are sneered at and their history vilified.

It is what they are and what their members support, they are totally open about it.
Back to Crabs:
Crabcakes wrote: Sat May 22, 2021 5:33 pmI’m really starting to think that this is it. The cunts have won, and will make sure no one gets to question or oust them again, and that the 2017-2019 parliament was the last opportunity. That was our Biden moment and we missed it. Meh.
Well, a few people on the Soshul meejah are already equating "BBC/Diana enquiry" with "Reichstag fire". Tory MPs are making demands - threats, even - for the BBC to be changed NOW, not at either its mid-term review next year or when the charter runs out in 2027.

This bothers me: have the last five years made Labour a complete irrelevance? Well, maybe the time to think about that is when the result of the Batley & Spen by-election is known.

Earlier on, it was remarked that the "Third Way" was market economics coupled with schools having roofs that don't leak - in a simpler way, spending lots of cash on things people felt mattered whilst having policies that didn't frighten the horses in the Home Counties (just don't mention PFI hospitals round here). Isn't that precisely what Johnson is doing right now? Policies that play well to the tabloid electorate (throw out the Wogs, Great British this/that/other, lots of puffed-chest flag-waving) and spaffing barrowloads of cash on things that matter to those very people, whilst Labour sits tut-tutting on the sidelines about procurement rules?

I like Starmer and I voted for him, thinking him the best person to cleanse the Augean stables of the Labour Party; but in a political landscape where personality seems to be all that matters, is a bloke who comes across as a personality vacuum the right person to put up against someone like Johnson, with a larger-than-life personality that somehow gets its manifest faults completely ignored?
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