:sunglasses: 30 % :pray: 5 % :laughing: 40 % :cry: 15 % :🤗 10 %
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By Abernathy
I'm in two minds whether to stump up a couple of quid to read this when it comes out at the end of September just for the sheer belly laughs. I don't wish to give Mad Nad any of my hard-earned, however indirectly, however.
The explosive behind-the-scenes account of the plot to bring down Boris Johnson


When Boris Johnson came to power in 2019, he did so with the largest Conservative majority since Margaret Thatcher. Rewriting (sic) the political map, he united a party and shattered Labour’s fabled red wall. And yet, just three years later, he was ousted by the same members who had once greeted his leadership so rapturously.

What had gone so wrong?

If Liz Truss's "exciting" story of how she rose to the top is anything to go by, it'll be remaindered in The Works bookshops for 99p within 3 weeks. I will probably wait for that.

Nad is transparently trying to re-invent herself as a writer of semi-fictional political pot-boiler thrillers from someone who was on the inside track ( i.e. administering hand relief to Johnson whenever Carrie was up the duff again).
I'm pretty sure that she will fail spectacularly.
ThePlot.jpg (33.28 KiB) Viewed 5176 times
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By Yug
The natives are revolting

A local council in Nadine Dorries's constituency is demanding she resigns as an MP "immediately", saying "residents desperately need effective representation now".

The former culture secretary announced on 9 June that she was standing down as an MP "with immediate effect", just ahead of her close ally Boris Johnson's own exit from parliament.

But she still hasn't formally resigned and remains the representative for Mid-Bedfordshire.

Politics live: Labour hits out at rising cost of summer holidays

In a terse letter to Ms Dorries, Flitwick Town Council said the issue had been raised at a recent meeting, and councillors wanted her to "immediately vacate" her seat to allow a by-election.

"Rather than representing constituents, the council is concerned that your focus appears to have been firmly on your television show, upcoming book and political manoeuvres to embarrass the government for not appointing you to the House of Lords," wrote the council's town clerk, Stephanie Stanley.

"With an estimated population of 13,800 people, Flitwick represents the largest concentration of voters in the Mid-Bedfordshire constituency.

"Our residents desperately need effective representation now, and Flitwick Town Council calls on you to immediately vacate your seat to allow a by-election."...

https://news.sky.com/story/council-dema ... n-12928427
Gerrin bin you thick, stupid, self-aggrandising, useless baggage.
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By Boiler
When even Sunak says you're shite...


In his LBC interview, Mr Sunak set out what he thought people had a right to expect from their MPs.

"It's just making sure your MP is engaging with you, representing you, whether that's speaking in Parliament or being present in their constituencies doing surgeries, answering your letters.

"That's the job of an MP and all MPs should be held to that standard."

Asked if that meant Ms Dorries was failing her constituents, Mr Sunak said: "Well, at the moment, people aren't being properly represented."
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By Abernathy
Can she, technically, apply for the Stewardship of the Manor of Northstead or the Chiltern Hundreds (the only two arcane and archaic devices that permit MPs to resign) while Parliament is in recess? I believe , for example, the writ for the Rutherglen and Hamilton West by-election cannot be moved during recess, which could delay the by election to October.
By Oboogie
Abernathy wrote: Wed Aug 02, 2023 1:08 pm Can she, technically, apply for the Stewardship of the Manor of Northstead or the Chiltern Hundreds (the only two arcane and archaic devices that permit MPs to resign) while Parliament is in recess? I believe , for example, the writ for the Rutherglen and Hamilton West by-election cannot be moved during recess, which could delay the by election to October.
It appears she can resign, but there cannot be a by-election until the House returns:

"There are currently two nominal offices of profit under the Crown:

Crown Steward and Bailiff of the three Chiltern Hundreds of Stoke, Desborough and Burnham
Crown Steward and Bailiff of the Manor of Northstead
MPs can be appointed to these offices during a parliamentary recess, but the Speaker cannot issue a writ for the ensuing by-election until the House is sitting. Sometimes a vacancy towards the end of a Parliament may not filled until the General Election."

https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/re ... s/sn04731/
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By Boiler
I doubt this will have any effect, but good luck to him.


The proposals have been put forward by senior Labour MP Sir Chris Bryant.

Ms Dorries said she was standing down as the MP for Mid Bedfordshire in June but later said she would not formally resign until she got more information about why she was denied a peerage.

She has not spoken in the Commons since July 2022 and last voted in April.

Six months on from her last vote in Parliament would be 26 October.

Under his proposals, first reported by the Financial Times, Sir Chris said a motion could be tabled in Parliament requiring an MP to attend the Commons on a certain date.

If they failed to do so he said this could be considered a "contempt of Parliament", which can be punished with a suspension from the Commons.

If MPs approve a suspension of 10 days or more this can trigger a by-election in the constituency, where voters have the chance to oust their local MP.

Sir Chris, who chairs the Commons standards committee, said the move had basis in a parliamentary rule from 1801 stating that "no member do presume to go out of town without leave of this House".

Hopefully something dating from 222 years ago should appeal to Moggy...
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Sinn Fein politicians have never taken the Loyal Oath.
By soulboy
Are there any sanctions for not declaring interests, possibly something around the Openness clause in the Code Of Conduct? It would appear she needs to declare interests even if she is AWOL.
The requirement for the declaration of interests ... applies in almost every aspect of a Member's activities, in the Chamber, in Committee and in their contacts with others, including Ministers, other Members, public officials and public office holders.
Source - https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/c ... 107603.htm

She still hasn't declared any income from her Daily Mail column or Talk TV show.
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