:sunglasses: 25.8 % :pray: 14.5 % :laughing: 37.1 % 🧥 1.6 % :cry: 12.9 % :🤗 6.5 % :poo: 1.6 %
By Bones McCoy
See that flag's flying upside down.

A distress symbol if flown on a ship.
Lese Majeste (Tr. "F*** the king"), on land.
I don't see no boat!

Epic fail for the flagshaggers party, stooping to the level of "Patriots" like Fox and Golding.
Or maybe a nod to the Three percenters in the USA who now go in for inverting Old Glory whenever they need a piss.

To deliberately fly the flag upside down is a signal indicating a situation of 'DISTRESS'. It is also "lese Majeste" (which means: insulting the Crown), and is theoretically still a crime in the UK and its commonwealth!
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By Andy McDandy
Fuck a duck but that's bad. So much to unpack.

One thing for starters though: don't end on your very wordy and clumsy, multiple clauses word salad slogan, then contrast with the short and pithy summary of the opposition's offer.
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By Tubby Isaacs
They tried this stuff against Blair, and it didn't work. Here's Tom Tugendhat with "I love 1988". Not that I rate Murray, and hope that he's replaced when Labour has some more Scottish MPs, but I didn't know the Secretary of State for Scotland set policy on nuclear weapons, I must say.

I think 1989 is when Kinnock ditched the unilateralism policy.

By Bones McCoy
Same Site.

Libdems is da Satanists.

https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/sat ... -the-rite/
Will any religious movement be tolerated by the Liberal Democrats?

At our recent Spring Conference in York we agreed that the party was at the crossroads and we should adopt Satanism as our official religion.

Does that mean that every party member should sell their soul to the Devil?

At York this question was hotly debated. By a narrow margin Conference decided that, for now, only Members of Parliament and prospective Parliamentary candidates should be required to do so.
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By Andy McDandy
What a contrast! According to some, he's a red tory Quisling traitor with genocidal designs on someone or other. And according to her, he's Kier Jong Un.

Does anyone sane buy this crap?
By Oboogie
Andy McDandy wrote: Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:59 pm What a contrast! According to some, he's a red tory Quisling traitor with genocidal designs on someone or other. And according to her, he's Kier Jong Un.

Does anyone sane buy this crap?
That's nothing, Starmer's also the only Antisemite in Mossad.
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By Abernathy
One of O’Brien’s listeners sent him an email this moring : “So, ir’s going to cost me 2,000 quid to get rid of the Tories ? Where do I send my cheque ? “

Raised a nice chuckle, it did.
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