:sunglasses: 15.8 % :laughing: 63.2 % :cry: 15.8 % :🤗 5.3 %
By satnav
Apparently party managers were ringing round MPs last night to see how many MPs were willing to back the tax cut for the higher band of tax. I wonder if Shapps made his decision to rebel before or after he got his phone call. If MPs were contacted in alphabetical order party managers probably already knew the game was up when they rang Shapps.
Just a bit of fun and all, but the Tories now on 154 MPs in the Britain Elects- New Statesman predictor.


And yeah, they'd still keep my seat comfortably. Quite a few others would only survive for them because people didn't know who to vote for tactically.
By satnav
I'm loving how all the usual suspects on Twitter are blaming the media and the left for forcing Truss to make the U-turn. It's clearly nothing to do with Truss sacking every cabinet minister who didn't support her before introducing tax cuts without first consulting the cabinet and her backbench MPs.

If the media is to blame it would be for allowing Truss to get elected without facing a proper grilling on TV by either Andrew Neil or Nick Robinson.
By Oboogie
satnav wrote: Mon Oct 03, 2022 9:59 pm If the media is to blame it would be for allowing Truss to get elected without facing a proper grilling on TV by either Andrew Neil or Nick Robinson.
Only the police have the authority to compel people to attend interviews against their will.
By soulboy
Oboogie wrote: Mon Oct 03, 2022 10:22 pm
satnav wrote: Mon Oct 03, 2022 9:59 pm If the media is to blame it would be for allowing Truss to get elected without facing a proper grilling on TV by either Andrew Neil or Nick Robinson.
Only the police have the authority to compel people to attend interviews against their will.
I'm not sure that is entirely correct. Only the police can physically force you to attend (unless completing a questionnaire is deemed sufficient) but many regulators, such as the Health & Safety Executive and the Rail Accident Investigation Branch, can compel you to answer questions.
What are the RAIB’s powers?

The powers of the RAIB and its Inspectors - and the framework for reporting and investigating accidents - are set out in the Railways and Transport Safety Act 2003 and the Railways (Accident Investigation and Reporting) Regulations 2005.

The RAIB Inspectors have the power to:

enter railway property, land or vehicles;

seize anything relating to the accident and make records;

require access to and disclosure of records and information;


require people to answer questions and provide
information about anything relevant to the
I read the BBC's updates on her speech. Seems to consist of the same set of soundbites she's been reeling off for the last few weeks. Growth, pie, small government, more pie, investment, bigger slices of pie, global events, couldn't do nothing, pie, pie, fields of pie...
She took aim at:
Labour, the Lib Dems, the SNP, the militant unions, the vested interested dressed up as think talks, the talking heads, the Brexit deniers
Think tanks and talking heads got her and her cronies where she is. Fuck her.
Spoonman, Arrowhead, Oboogie and 1 others liked this
A bit of an epiphany.

Liz Truss genuinely believes that she isn't a PM for the whole country (or nations), she's only PM for the people who voted for her or give her money. She fundamentally either doesn't understand or is wilfully misunderstanding her role and responsibilities.
Youngian, Oboogie, zuriblue liked this
I think she’s a heady combination of ignorance and arrogance, and has surrounded herself with the same. Kwarteng is famously arrogant - his supporters mistake his inability to listen to others as boldness and intelligence. Braverman is the very definition of falling upwards - an abhorrent person, devoid of talent but utterly convinced they are right. And of course Rees Mogg. A man as smug and condescending as he is dimwitted and limited of ability.

They all just think they should be there, and see no reason to have to answer anyone as to *why* they should be there. Even Johnson had to scheme his way in - Truss just fell into the job because of the groundwork he’d put in removing anyone with an IQ over 7.

It’s astonishing that Sunak - himself a preening, thin-skinned lightweight who’d not have got anywhere near a senior office of state in any other government - now looks like an intellectual colossus in comparison.
Is there anyone outside her supporter base that Truss hasn’t picked a fight with? King Charles down to benefit claimants have a story. Not content with this, Truss has invented a fictional dragon to slay in ‘the anti-growth coalition.’ This enemy within features layabouts, lefties, smelly eco hippies, trade unions, metropolitan smarty pants, liberals, separatists and Remoaners. The speech could easily have been a joint effort between Patrick Minford and the Major from Fawlty Towers.
Arrowhead liked this
It's from the Thankyou for Smoking playbook. She is pro-growth. Who wouldn't be pro-growth? Therefore anyone against her is anti growth and wrong.
Oboogie liked this
Anti-Growth Alliance or whatever they called it. Imaginary enemies.

Pure Trumpism, not defining themselves by what they want but by what they hate - or can whip up others to hate.
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