:sunglasses: 40.6 % :pray: 8.5 % :laughing: 30.2 % 🧥 4.7 % :cry: 12.3 % :🤗 3.8 %
Bones McCoy wrote: Wed May 26, 2021 4:00 pm
By creating a government founded not on one lie, but perpetual lying, Johnson ensures that any inside challenge is as tarnished at he is.
"Who you gonna believe" - neither of those fuckers.
This, sadly this. Plus if this does end up getting rid of Johnson, then we just with someone even worse.
Oblomov wrote: Wed May 26, 2021 12:37 pm Borrowed from elsewhere:
This is the real Cummings: spiteful, petty and angry. He genuinely doesn't realise that these revelations will increase support for Boris.

For the voters being attracted to the Tory party, Boris is an aspirational figure. He's fat, stupid, ugly and bigoted, but despite that he's rich, he's got a well paid job and he's getting laid with a good looking posh bird. If you're an overweight middle manager in a call center or an electrician throwing up shoe box sized new builds who's only comfortable talking about football, Boris is a role model. He's not some brilliant, accomplished guy who they can't relate to, he's an arse, a bit of a loser and he's a bit shit at his job.

Cummings imagines that those people will be horrified by what Boris has said. Why would they be? They say the same and worse. I saw people right here and in the real world say we should let older people lock themselves away or die so we could get the pubs open again. They see Boris and see themselves as they'd desperately want to be - successful without having to improve themselves or stop believing horrible things.

Cummings isn't a genius but he's not thick. He just doesn't realise that makes him part of a vanishingly small minority in modern Britain.
Polling and anecdotal evidence has shown that the overwhelming majority have taken lockdown seriously. There is no Trumpian mask culture war beyond fringe attention seekers. The cynic who wrote that diatribe might suggest that’s self-preservation among the age group that follows Johnson. Might be right.
RandomElement wrote: Wed May 26, 2021 4:06 pm
Bones McCoy wrote: Wed May 26, 2021 4:00 pm
By creating a government founded not on one lie, but perpetual lying, Johnson ensures that any inside challenge is as tarnished at he is.
"Who you gonna believe" - neither of those fuckers.
This, sadly this. Plus if this does end up getting rid of Johnson, then we just with someone even worse.
There was certainly a part of Cumings talk which sounded like a coded:
I, for one, welcome out new Sunak / Gove overlords, and look forward to providing all their dead cats.
By Youngian
Bones McCoy wrote: Wed May 26, 2021 11:04 pm There was certainly a part of Cumings talk which sounded like a coded:
I, for one, welcome out new Sunak / Gove overlords, and look forward to providing all their dead cats.
Yes its more internal Tory power grab shenanigans. Hope its personal and not ideological as I dread to think what Gove and Sunak have lined up for us.
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Wed May 26, 2021 11:43 pm Too much spaffing from Johnson? Not enough deregulation?
I think Cummings has a very different ambition.
A few of his utopian visions slipped out today.

* A Nation commanded by a very small number of men.
* Each one with absolute authority over their brief.
* Not necessarily elected.
* And not necessarily subject to any accountability.

It this all sounds very Putinist, it's worth noting that Cummings spend 3 years in Russia founding an "Airline".
An airline which never made any flight, not bought nor hired any aircraft.

On the plus side: Safety record comparable with Quantas.
Youngian wrote: Thu May 27, 2021 7:48 am Someone notes that your either an idiot or a genius in Dom’s world. He doesn’t suffer a lack of doubt.
Pick a condition - or two. And marinade in Dunning Kruger sauce

Black and White Thinking

https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/bla ... 0thinking.

Let's remember through all this that Cummings has no qualifications for what he was doing.
He was essentially a self-taught social media manipulator who read a few airport books about management.

Why was he shifted from campaigning to advisor?
Johnson clearly wished to pursue a Trumpist strategy.
Perpetual campaigning in office through manufactured culture war issues.
News management (of an already client press) by dead cat.
A plan to permanently alter the nation's institutions in a tory image.

There are similar deep questions about somebody with Cummings past receiving the highest levels of security clearance.
Unaccounted time spent in Russia, breach of electoral law, contempt of parliament.
The clearance was clearly driven through on Johnson's demand.

My biggest take-away isn't who lied most, or who said what in which room.
It's a serious question over Johnson's judgement (yes another).
It would be one think if he were forever appointing cunts to high office.
What we have here is yet another dishonest, unreliable cunt with a Walter Mitty world view.
Boiler liked this
Can’t recall the content but Johnson’s media apologist Guto Harri venting his spleen on Cummings to Ferrari this morning was highly satisfying. Its Alien Vs Predator, you don’t take sides but just enjoy this ludicrous spectacle of increasingly desperate franchises taking lumps out of each other.
Boiler wrote: Fri May 28, 2021 4:00 pm Well, there's a surprise.

Downing Street flat refurbishment: PM cleared of misconduct
And of his supporters, when you take out the people who say "So what?", the ones who say "Good for him," those who say "We don't care during a pandemic," "They're all the same," "It's only Boris being Boris" and the significant number who for some reason think this proves the establishment look after its own so they support him ever more, it leaves about seven who might change their minds about him.
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By Boiler
Crabcakes wrote: Thu May 27, 2021 5:06 pm At some point, someone who has had a loss like the man on this call is going to be far less eloquent and dignified in their response.

No wonder Johnson hides away. He must be terrified of meeting people because of what they might say. or indeed what they might do.
I'm wondering how this might play out for someone pinning all his hopes on a high vaccine uptake saving his sorry white arse.

Any Questions was good tonight, by the way.
By davidjay
The All New KevS wrote: Sat May 29, 2021 10:24 pm Reported knot tying in secret in Westminster Cathedral today.

Presumably with Carrie, but who knows. Probably hoping to make the nation giddy with joy so we don't notice when 21 June turns into September.
The film will be called 150,000 Funerals and a Wedding.
Nigredo liked this
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