:sunglasses: 30 % :pray: 5 % :laughing: 40 % :cry: 15 % :🤗 10 %
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By Boiler
Speaking of whom: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-61508170

Channel 4 News has sometimes not done itself "any favours" in terms of impartiality, Nadine Dorries has said.

The culture secretary - who is pushing for the network to be privatised - rejected claims she was seeking vengeance against it as "laughable".

But she told MPs she would not "justify a news organisation whose anchor went out to shout obscenities at Tories" - a reference to claims about Jon Snow.

Ms Dorries also branded the BBC licence fee "unfair".
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By Spoonman
Meanwhile, Westminster's "Final Boss Karen" publicly admits to breaking Netflix's terms of use...

Nadine Dorries admits sharing Netflix account with relatives

The culture secretary, Nadine Dorries, shares her Netflix account with four other households, including her mother’s, she has told MPs, calling the streaming service an “incredibly generous system”.
https://www.theguardian.com/politics/20 ... -relatives

I'd LMFAO if Netflix cancelled her account and blacklisted Dorries.
Oboogie, Boiler liked this
By Bones McCoy
Spoonman wrote: Thu May 19, 2022 11:13 pm Meanwhile, Westminster's "Final Boss Karen" publicly admits to breaking Netflix's terms of use...

Nadine Dorries admits sharing Netflix account with relatives

The culture secretary, Nadine Dorries, shares her Netflix account with four other households, including her mother’s, she has told MPs, calling the streaming service an “incredibly generous system”.
https://www.theguardian.com/politics/20 ... -relatives

I'd LMFAO if Netflix cancelled her account and blacklisted Dorries.
And unleash a barrage of "Cancelled by the wokez" headlines in the red-tops.
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By Boiler
Bones McCoy wrote: Fri May 20, 2022 9:38 am
Spoonman wrote: Thu May 19, 2022 11:13 pm Meanwhile, Westminster's "Final Boss Karen" publicly admits to breaking Netflix's terms of use...

Nadine Dorries admits sharing Netflix account with relatives

The culture secretary, Nadine Dorries, shares her Netflix account with four other households, including her mother’s, she has told MPs, calling the streaming service an “incredibly generous system”.
https://www.theguardian.com/politics/20 ... -relatives

I'd LMFAO if Netflix cancelled her account and blacklisted Dorries.
And unleash a barrage of "Cancelled by the wokez" headlines in the red-tops.
But Netflix is the perfect "broadcaster" according to Dimwit Dorries.
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By Andy McDandy
A few years ago she said that her login details at work were widely shared among her office team - I think it was in response to some stupid thing she'd said on Twitter.

I had a line manager who did that, circa 2000. Her reasoning was that she might need to check our accounts when we were on breaks, so we had to share our passwords. At least that's what she said. The actual reason was more like:
I am senior and you are not, and if you make an issue of this I'll make your life living hell, so just do whatever the fuck I tell you, kid. And don't think of quoting regulations or running to a union rep because whatever the outcome I'll have fucked you over in the privacy of this office and you know it.
Dorries seems to fall back on the "In the real world..." excuse a lot. Fair enough, most of us have lapses of judgement or cut corners here or there. But most of us don't have an entire department of civil servants, teams of butt-kissing advisors, and a private office staff (some of who must presumably not be actively trying to sabotage her) backing her up.
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By Cyclist
A local FB group used to be Dorries-friendly to the extent of Corbynist-like vilification for daring to voice even mild valid constructive criticism of the Holy Cow.

Now, it's getting more and more stuff like this with no adverse comments. I think the love affair is over.
FB_IMG_1653033489010.jpg (25.83 KiB) Viewed 4841 times
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfr ... ed-or-what

Stewart Lee on her.
Dorries’s hostility to magic and beauty in all its forms, and to the abstract notion of joy itself, became apparent when she spoke, in November last year, to the Select Committee Panel on Mysterious Wild Birds. Using a collection of words, some of which formed complete sentences, Dorries explained: “I think it’s right that an enormous colourful parrot, in the rapidly changing environment that we’re in at the moment. I think the future and the longevity of that enormous colourful parrot should be brought into question and should be. Particularly when it is in receipt of taxpayers’ money. It is our responsibility to evaluate whether taxpayers are receiving value for money and whether taxpayers. And whether that model is sustainable in the future. I think it’s absolutely right and proper that we should do so. And that is the process we are going through. So I would argue that to say that just because the enormous colourful parrot has been established, as a public service, and just because it’s in receipt of public money, we should never kind of audit the future of the enormous colourful parrot, and we should never evaluate how the enormous colourful parrot looks in the future, and whether or not it is a sustainable and viable enormous colourful parrot. It’s right that the government should do that.”
Local park ranger Dursley Tyndale gave me his opinion, when I walked the hill with my children last week. “I didn’t know who she was. She parked here once and I said, ‘Don’t park there love. That’s round where that parrot nests and he will shat on your bonnet.’ She just flicked her Vs at me and went into the woods with some bottles of prosecco and a toilet roll. When she came back she had loo paper stuck on her shoe and there was all parrot’s shat all on the car and she started effing and blinding and saying she would get that f***ing parrot. I think it’s pride. She was made to look foolish and now she’s taking it out on that poor parrot.
Nigredo liked this
By Oboogie
In which Mad Nad demonstrates again that she doesn't understand percentages, public service broadcasting or the purpose of a consultation process.

Still, it'll go down well with the Mail readers.

Speaking of which, the preparation for privatisation of the "Biased BBC" rolls on.

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By Boiler
So... there goes my local news for one. LW is the only service that provides reliable reception at sea for shipping forecasts but I know the BBC would just *love* to turn Droitwich off altogether; sounds like The Daily Service is screwed, as is cricket coverage unless all this will just switch to shitty DAB. What will become of Today in Parliament? (actually, not stroking the egos of fucking politicians sounds brilliant.)

Why did they waste money making BBC 3 a linear channel again, only to pull CBBC and BBC Four? Actually, I suspect the answer to that is that it frees a slot in the terrestrial PSB MUXes - for local (FSVO) news in HD perhaps. Yet I'd assume these two channels were more likely to be suited to "traditional" viewing, not online.

Online news services in Peterborough? Well, IIRC it was a sub-opt to Cambridge for radio (BBC Radio Cambridgeshire) just as Cambridge was a sub-opt to Norwich for TV - Norwich provided BBC Look East (East), Cambridge provided BBC Look East (West) - the two directing feeds to the Tacolneston and Sandy Heath transmitters respectively.

My ex-broadcast mate thinks I'm wrong that the BBC will be forced to be completely online via 2027 and this is probably why suddenly there's a massive roll-out of FTTP going on to achieve this: it's looking more likely now, isn't it?

p.s. this isn't how TV works any more, dear commenter.

Screenshot 2022-05-26 at 22-21-08 BBC to move CBBC and BBC Four online.png
Screenshot 2022-05-26 at 22-21-08 BBC to move CBBC and BBC Four online.png (10.32 KiB) Viewed 5009 times
By satnav
Her attacks on Jeremy Hunt are likely to come back and bite the Tory Party in the future. He has basically blamed him for the fact that we were not properly pandemic. Whilst this claim is probably true this certainly wasn't the line the government took during the pandemic.

She also seems to be arguing that Tory MPs can't vote out Johnson because he won an election two and a half years ago. I can't remember this argument being rolled out when Theresa May met her demise just 2 years after winning a general election.
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By Crabcakes
Abernathy wrote: Mon Jun 06, 2022 4:47 pm I hear that Rees=Mogg has been comforting a distraught Dorries this afternoon by plying her with whisky. Should make for some fun interviews later.
Given her awful faux pas earlier with admitting on Twitter the govt. fucked up its pandemic planning, he might just be trying to render her unconscious.
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