:sunglasses: 40.6 % :pray: 8.5 % :laughing: 30.2 % 🧥 4.7 % :cry: 12.3 % :🤗 3.8 %
He cares. But he cares about staying in office slightly longer. If he wasn’t so weak, or a different pressure group held sway, we’d have been listening to a speech on why restrictions needed to be kept longer.

It’s the exact same as every other decision - the sole aim is the preservation/promotion of A. Johnson. He is the person who’s answer to the trolley problem is “well if I’m the individual, kill the others, and if I’m not I don’t care”
Oboogie liked this
Boiler wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 8:20 pm
davidjay wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 7:57 pm
Boiler wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 6:31 pm People have been behaving like that round here for a while anyway.

I find I still rage at someone telling others to exercise personal responsibility when he can't even keep his cock under control, never mind a country.
Regardless of his own morals, surely even a man as irrevocably stupid as him must have realised by now that there are huge swathes of the population who couldn't exercise personal responsibility if it was the name of their pet goldfish?
No - because he's too stupid to realise that he's too stupid to realise that he's too stupid to realise that people won't behave responsibly and we'll be back to the pressured to go into work whilst sick/"aren't I a brave little soldier coming in whilst ill" presenteeism we had before 2020.
It's not the going into work sufferers that I'm worried about, it's the don't give a shit about anybody else and think it's a bit of a laugh to cough and sneeze over everybody else mob.
Thatcher's grandchildren.
It’s also the belief that their position will buy them out of trouble. Why was Johnson unchanged by his brush with serious covid illness? Because what he expected happened - the care his wealth and privilege bought got him out of it. To some extent luck played a big part, but he’ll discount that. Nothing in his experience changed his outlook because it just convinced him he’d be fine, and he never cared about anyone else anyway.

A guy who walks out on his wife while she’s having cancer treatment is unlikely to have developed empathy.
Oboogie, Nigredo liked this
Crabcakes wrote: Tue Feb 22, 2022 12:05 am It’s also the belief that their position will buy them out of trouble. Why was Johnson unchanged by his brush with serious covid illness? Because what he expected happened - the care his wealth and privilege bought got him out of it. To some extent luck played a big part, but he’ll discount that. Nothing in his experience changed his outlook because it just convinced him he’d be fine, and he never cared about anyone else anyway.

A guy who walks out on his wife while she’s having cancer treatment is unlikely to have developed empathy.
I remain unconvinced that his Covid was anything like serious.
davidjay wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 11:43 pm
It's not the going into work sufferers that I'm worried about, it's the don't give a shit about anybody else and think it's a bit of a laugh to cough and sneeze over everybody else mob.
They can of course be one and the same. How relaxed are you about eating out in the knowledge that the kitchen staff may have COVID whilst they prepare your food?
By satnav
What was the point of holding a Cobra meeting at 6.30 this morning? The meeting was simply rubber stamping measures that had already been discussed at cabinet. The meeting conveniently finished just before 7.30 so that ministers could be filmed leaving the meeting to fit in with the 7.30 news bulletin.
satnav wrote: Tue Feb 22, 2022 11:25 am What was the point of holding a Cobra meeting at 6.30 this morning? The meeting was simply rubber stamping measures that had already been discussed at cabinet. The meeting conveniently finished just before 7.30 so that ministers could be filmed leaving the meeting to fit in with the 7.30 news bulletin.
This mob will not miss the opportunity to harness a Falklands effect.

In my unqualified opinion, it'll be a very tricky stunt to pull off.
None of the spectacular pictures like the fleet getting waved off at Portsmouth, embedded correspondents on the goose green beach and aircraft buzzing over at 30 feet.
A lot less chance of a 21st century martyr like Colonel H either.

With most of Fleet Street onside, anything can be spun for a positive.
If it doesn't move the polls, it will at least dominate the headlines.
Short of a catastrophic defeat, the RW media will go completely gung ho. Attempts at diplomacy will be spun as appeasement, or what do you expect from gutless foreigners. Our casualties divided by 10, theirs multiplied similarly. Amazing wonder weapons, and any defeats are the sneaky Russkies using tactics and fighting back and other low tricks.

I'm not an apologist for Russia, and I don't want to see British soldiers die for some politician's vanity. But I really wish we could have a reality check and drop all this WW2/Super Army Soldiers bullshit.
Watchman liked this
The Weeping Angel wrote: Tue Feb 22, 2022 12:25 pm What makes people think we're going to send British troops to Ukraine? Biden isn't going to be sending American troops.
Yep. There's not going to be a NATO war any more than there was in 2014. It's one of the mysteries of the Stop The War "go and fight in the front line yourself" clever comeback.
Youngian wrote: Tue Feb 22, 2022 2:52 pm Woke Boris is concerned about xenophobia. Many Russians are in the West because they fell foul of Putin but they don’t play tennis with Bozo.
He is just gaslighting again I fail to see why his words are taken at face value by anyone.

Anyhow a potentially straightforward situation around sanctions has become harder for Johnson because they are into their neck in it.
Youngian wrote: Tue Feb 22, 2022 2:52 pm Woke Boris is concerned about xenophobia. Many Russians are in the West because they fell foul of Putin but they don’t play tennis with Bozo.
Must be what Ollie Dowden was warning about. Woke weakening the West.
mattomac, Spoonman liked this
Boiler wrote: Wed Feb 23, 2022 12:45 pm A somewhat insipid PMQs where Johnson accused Labour of taking money from the Chinese Communist Party.
Not quite true but Johnson landed a punch thanks to that knobhead Barry Gardiner.
The Tories could be solely financed by the Mafia but if a Labour MP borrows a tenner from a dubious source, the Tories and the press will pile in; Look they’re just as bad and everyone’s at it. Anyone who becomes a Labour MP should know that.
Oboogie liked this
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By Cyclist
Boiler wrote:A somewhat insipid PMQs where Johnson accused Labour of taking money from the Chinese Communist Party.

However, Starmer did say something which apparently Dorries is looking into, and that's withdrawing RT's licence to broadcast in the UK. But, freedom of speech apparently.
I suppose RT provides the "balance" sadly lacking from the BBC in this matter.

No Nad, William Joyce was not employed by the BBC, and was not broadcasting from "somewhere in England".
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