:sunglasses: 40.6 % :pray: 8.5 % :laughing: 30.2 % 🧥 4.7 % :cry: 12.3 % :🤗 3.8 %
"What do you reckon about Boris' flat, eh? You'd think that they'd have better things to argue about, wouldn't you?"

My Mum, continuing her quest to be the poster woman for any Tory talking point you've got.
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By Nigredo
Youngian wrote: Thu Apr 29, 2021 9:25 am We need the law to tell us right from wrong, observes Tory probity expert
Is that before or after Boris has the law conveniently rewritten so the issue goes away?
I don't think we do the 'Keith' bollocks here, except with very heavy irony, reminisce (sic) as it is of the dead hand of Jezza, and all that entails...

>short version< forum is for adults
By Oboogie
20pointsAhead wrote: Thu Apr 29, 2021 3:24 pm unless someone's actually empowered to drag him out of office by the scruff of his collar, nothing actually has to happen. If Johnson just says "No the rules don't say that, I disagree" then what? If it comes down to a majority vote of MPs, then what? Purdah was largely ignored during the last GE and nothing happened. Tories funelled dark money to various places and broke electoral spending rules, and nothing happened. We're post-accountability so complaining to the referee isn't going to work here.
Yes, handing Johnson an 80 seat majority by enabling a GE when the Tories are ahead in the polls and Labour are led by the most unpopular leader in modern history has consequences.
All the opposition can do now is expose him and hope public opinion unnerves sufficient Tory backbenchers to unseat Major Sleaze.
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