:sunglasses: 30 % :pray: 3.3 % :laughing: 26.7 % :cry: 26.7 % :🤗 10 % :poo: 3.3 %
Youngian wrote: Thu Apr 22, 2021 11:43 amWould you trust Bozo to have your back on the battlefield? Is a fair question to put to voters who’ve served in the military.
There're a lot of them in my neck of the woods. Based on feedback on the doorstop, I genuinely believe they'd still argue that Labour would be worse, having put a lot of time and effort into this particular mistake.

It might even be the one time that people remember that you're supposed to be voting for a party, not a person.

Sorry to remain cynical. I think that canvassing's getting to me.
Youngian wrote: Thu Apr 22, 2021 11:43 am Would you trust Bozo to have your back on the battlefield? Is a fair question to put to voters who’ve served in the military.
Now all we need is Labour to put that to the electorate: but I suspect the response would mostly be "yes, more than I would you woke twats".
Can you imagine trusting your life in a crisis to Corbyn, Burgon or Long-Bailey?

Labour won't get anywhere until Jez is paraded in front of the regiment, has his buttons and badges ripped off, gets whipped by the colour-sergeant and made to take the Long Walk.
Malcolm Armsteen wrote: Thu Apr 22, 2021 6:26 pm Can you imagine trusting your life in a crisis to Corbyn, Burgon or Long-Bailey?
...would be the answer given to a Labour canvasser.

Let's say, hypothetically, Corbyn was ejected from the PLP.

What effect would that have on the membership, but perhaps more importantly, the electorate? Because the electorate decides elections, not angry bloggers and Twitter.
I think that a ritual defenestration would bring back a lot of Labour votes. I think...

I believe that a lot of the dross we have attracted to the party since 2015 would just fuck off. Which would reinforce the first point.
Boiler, Nigredo liked this
I would love to see that come true, Malc, I really would: because it disappoints me to say that at the moment, one of the things that has crept onto my money-saving list is my ongoing membership of the Labour Party and its seeming inaction over... well, quite a lot really. :(

Where would that 'dross' go, though? Obvs, "anywhere but Labour TF" but anywhere likely to cause trouble in the future for Labour?

Perhaps this should be in a separate thread as it's a bit OT though.
I checked out his Twitter feed. Lots of retweets of Kate Hoey complaining about shooting Northern Ireland in the foot, some end the lockdown stuff, and attacks on "lefties" for daring to criticise the government.

By the looks of things, he was Johnson crony from his mayor of London days, and a backer of Boris Island. Before that, a minor diplomat turned banker. Councillor for Kensington & Chelsea, Grenfell happened on his watch. Made a lord just last year, for services to Johnson's boots and arse crack, it seems.
kreuzberger liked this
Yes, because he seems to have actually achieved the square root of fuck all. A blue skies thinker, details later, practicalities are for losers.

No wonder Johnson loves him.
Tubby Isaacs, Nigredo liked this
Is it just me, thinking that the right wing press are running this stuff because they are confident of a good result for the Tories next week? That they can say that they tried but obviously people just don't care? And then, if ever accused of partisanship they can drag this out as their Stephen Lawrence fig leaf of impartiality moment?
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