:sunglasses: 40.6 % :pray: 8.5 % :laughing: 30.2 % 🧥 4.7 % :cry: 12.3 % :🤗 3.8 %
John Crace joins the pile on. Not that I'm complaining - he's been calling this stuff out for ages.

https://www.theguardian.com/politics/20 ... -pointless
One sometimes wonders what it will take for the penny to drop for Tory ministers and MPs. Was Paterson really too stupid not to realise that Boris would dump him if the shit looked like hitting the fan? Boris didn’t even have the courtesy to tell him he was no longer backing him. Owen found out from a journalist when he was in the supermarket. He then did the most gracious and sensible thing he had ever done as a Tory MP. He resigned. Johnson didn’t care one way or the other. Other people only existed as extensions of his narcissism.

Did Kwarteng not wonder if he had been shafted and made to look untrustworthy for no good reason? Did the Tories who had voted with the government not realise their credibility had been trashed for good? That they had made it clear they had no principles that couldn’t be bought off?

The past 24 hours had been peak Boris. Ur Boris. He had done what he always does. There isn’t a friend, wife, family member or colleague whom Bertie Booster doesn’t betray in the end. Or even in the beginning.
The Mail really is going for Johnson.
Greig has instructed Tory Boy Andrew Pierce to insert the first of no doubt 23 knives:

A political fiasco that started over claret and pheasant at the Garrick... and ended in humiliation: ANDREW PIERCE on the inside story of 24 hours that humbled Boris Johnson

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... hnson.html
kreuzberger, Oboogie liked this
Humbled my arse, he’s going to be puffed up and shouting. If Johnson has blown it (not enough polling evidence to show that yet), he has no Tory grandees to guide him and a cabinet of talentless sychophants. Daily Mail has a Remainer editor sticking the boot in and Murdoch doesn’t carry losers. Perhaps Steve Baker and Carrie’s wisdom will see him through.
Interesting array of drubbings for the Tories in by-elections yesterday, mostly at the hands of the Lib Dems. Not every by-election will happen on a day like yesterday, but interesting. Lib Dems were at least second in all of their gains, I think. It would be nice if they got as good as they used to be at peeling off Tories, though that'll be much harder now that they can't depend on dustbin voters like they had pre-2010.

I reckon they might beat Labour in North Shropshire.
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Fri Nov 05, 2021 7:53 pm Interesting array of drubbings for the Tories in by-elections yesterday, mostly at the hands of the Lib Dems. Not every by-election will happen on a day like yesterday, but interesting. Lib Dems were at least second in all of their gains, I think. It would be nice if they got as good as they used to be at peeling off Tories, though that'll be much harder now that they can't depend on dustbin voters like they had pre-2010.

I reckon they might beat Labour in North Shropshire.
What's Martin Bell doing these days?
Adverts for something worthy.
davidjay wrote: Fri Nov 05, 2021 8:46 pm What's Martin Bell doing these days?
Being 83. James O'Brien could take the brief and visit his mum after surgery. I doubt that he would want it, not in a million years. He also has a tricky drug conviction, I believe, and doubtless doesn't fancy the pay cut anyway.
I think the Martin Bell type candidacy was killed once Paterson stood down, really.

The Lib Dems did the old "not those houses there" lark in Chesham and Amersham. Is that such a worry in North Shropshire? In any case, Gove is on the case now to reassure that sort of voter. I wonder if they'll try that hard in this by election. If they did, then maybe they could go past Labour. But it's not really in their interest to put pressure on Starmer like that, I wouldn't have thought. They must have heard "I've considered voting for you, but I can't let lefty Labour in" a few times in 2019.
By satnav
Boris Johnson had a fantastic opportunity this week to project himself as a world leader and a true statesman. Instead he will be remembered as the PM who clowned around, fell asleep, failed to wear a mask when sat next to David Attenborough. He then jetted home to attend a piss up before totally cocking up the Paterson scandal.
Tubby Isaacs, Andy McDandy, Watchman and 1 others liked this
If it's true that he has offered/is offering Paterson a peerage I reckon he'll double down on that as well. It's a supermarket sweep now.
mattomac liked this
Dacre's a shoo-in, in my book. Dots will not be joined for fear of being accused of being in the Westminster Bubble or an "Elite", whatever that is.

It's two years now since a couple of us on here broached the concept of a slo-mo coup. In fairness, there was little push back at the time. Now, there can be even less doubt.
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