:sunglasses: 40.6 % :pray: 8.5 % :laughing: 30.2 % 🧥 4.7 % :cry: 12.3 % :🤗 3.8 %
By "folded" do you mean he's decided to unilaterally reverse the wishes of parliament and put the Lords' amendment back into the Bill? Can he do that? If yes, what's the point of having s parliament, if the members wishes as shown in a democratic vote can be overturned like this?

Very dangerous indeed.
Oboogie, Nigredo liked this
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Mon Nov 01, 2021 7:14 pm Jersey have issued some temporary licences, so Johnson and Truss are distanced from it a bit.

A reasonable caveat that might play with the rationally minded.

Don’t fight battles you can’t win
'We need a Falklands moment!' Tories tell Boris to brace for battle with Macron on fishing

Red Wall Conservatives worried about whether voters will stand by them at the next election are now urging Mr Johnson to capitalise on France's fishing threats to their advantage. The Prime Minister has seen his popularity plunge in recent months as the vaccine bounce wears off.

https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics ... ds-war/amp
Oblomov wrote: Tue Nov 02, 2021 12:35 pm https://www.times-series.co.uk/news/nat ... s-forests/

Can this flippant prick approach any huge national concern without referencing a film?
I have just taken a wee break, squeezed myself a grapefruit and lime juice, and popped over to make very much the same point.

He's leaving nobody in any doubt that he is a lazy, sub-optimal columnist and nothing more. An After-Eight (pretendy-posh) Littlejohn with messy hair.

Boiler, Andy McDandy, Nigredo and 1 others liked this
Who could have seen this coming?

https://www.theguardian.com/society/202 ... javid-says
No 10 is likely to break its promise to increase the number of GPs in England by 6,000, Sajid Javid has admitted. The health secretary disclosed that the figure, a key promise in the Conservatives’ general election manifesto in 2019, was unlikely to be met given the number of GPs retiring early.
To paraphrase Admiral Beatty at Jutland, "There seems to be something wrong with our bloody numbers today."
One of your mates broke the rules? Ok, change the rules.
Boris Johnson will back an unprecedented bid to overthrow an independent inquiry that found the former cabinet minister Owen Paterson committed an “egregious” breach of lobbying rules.

Tory MPs will be instructed by party whips on Wednesday to avoid imposing an immediate 30-day suspension on their colleague by backing a motion that argues the initial probe by the parliamentary standards commissioner was flawed. Instead, a new committee would be set up to review the evidence.

The body would be chaired by the Conservative backbencher John Whittingdale and consist of four other Tories, three Labour MPs and one from the Scottish National party tasked with examining ways of overhauling the standards process, including giving those accused the power of appeal and making it more consistent with the “principles of natural justice”....

https://amp.theguardian.com/politics/20 ... ng-inquiry
Turnip Republic of the Turd Reich.
Boiler wrote: Wed Nov 03, 2021 10:06 am Every day I think this country can't get any worse... and then it does.
When Major's government was up to its necks in sleaze they resigned when they were found out and the electorate were outraged. This government says "So what?" and the electorate agrees.
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By Boiler
And this is what upsets me most of all - the moral decline.

Setting aside my own political and religious beliefs for a moment, I find that the decline in moral standards in public life is increasingly being mirrored in society; or is it the other way around, or is it indeed a feedback loop? Whatever, we are now of a situation where we're beginning to make openly corrupt governments around the world look a model of probity. We saw, to all intents and purposes, an insurrection in the US in January. How many of those high up who called for this on social media platforms have been prosecuted? None. And it looks like no-one ever will be.

Look at the corpulent, somnolent Prime Minister of this country; seated next to a 95 year old David Attenborough at the COP26 bunfest, he wore no mask. It has been said that in Scotland, the rules still say a mask should be worn in such places. Will he face sanction? Of course not. We have the worst infection rate in Europe; I do wish that Europe would slap an outright blanket ban on UK citizens travelling there, but can you imagine the whining from the Fourth Estate if that happened? No coming via Slovenia, Greece or whatever - you hold a UK passport, you're quarantined for 14 days and then sent home.

What chance have we of a Labour Government being elected? None, I'd say. Johnson is now the leader of a "tax and spend" Government, something the Tories used to frighten the electorate with about Labour. A less morally-bankrupt party? Electorate has demonstrated they don't care.

There are times when I wish that Covid, rather than having a 97% survival rate, had a 97% death rate.

This is one of them.

I'll go and lie down in my basket now and wait for the ADs to kick in.
Dalem Lake, Watchman, kreuzberger and 5 others liked this
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