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Re: New Depths Plumbed While You Wait - The Tories Generally

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 11:46 pm
by Malcolm Armsteen
Peter Cook: I want you to lay down your life, Perkins. We need a futile gesture at this stage. It will raise the whole tone of the war. Get up in a crate, Perkins, pop over to Bremen, take a shufti, don't come back. Goodbye, Perkins. God, I wish I was going too.
Jonathan Miller: Goodbye, sir — or is it — au revoir?
Peter Cook: No, Perkins.

Re: New Depths Plumbed While You Wait - The Tories Generally

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 2:09 am
by mattomac
They do make the lot in the thick of it seem competent.

I called it a cosplaying wankfest, maybe Dorries can cosplay at Florence Nightingale.

Re: New Depths Plumbed While You Wait - The Tories Generally

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 11:58 am
by Bones McCoy
mattomac wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 2:09 am They do make the lot in the thick of it seem competent.

I called it a cosplaying wankfest, maybe Dorries can cosplay at Florence Nightingale.
Unlikely: Florence Nightingale was a respected researched and statistician. (ie clever).

Re: New Depths Plumbed While You Wait - The Tories Generally

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 12:43 pm
by Cyclist
And Nightingale was a nurse. I've heard that Dorries didn't even finish training before fucking off to flog medical equipment.

Re: New Depths Plumbed While You Wait - The Tories Generally

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 3:38 pm
by Nigredo

Re: New Depths Plumbed While You Wait - The Tories Generally

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 5:01 pm
by Boiler
I don't quite get this as it's lifted from a comment on Fenton's blog, but:

Screenshot 2022-02-24 at 16-59-53 Blogger Zelo Street - Post a Comment.png
Screenshot 2022-02-24 at 16-59-53 Blogger Zelo Street - Post a Comment.png (4.75 KiB) Viewed 6245 times

Re: New Depths Plumbed While You Wait - The Tories Generally

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:50 pm
by Bones McCoy
Fine words form the PM at the start, but the usual evasion when it comes to answering questions:

* Will you also close off these financial channels? - We are at the forefront blah blah blah...

* Will you review the defence review (cuts) in the light of this invasion? - The review took account of blah blah blah.

* Will we re-deploy troops, military supplies now the invasion is underway? - No nation makes a greater contribution blah blah blah.

Re: New Depths Plumbed While You Wait - The Tories Generally

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 7:04 pm
by Boiler
Credit where it's due though - I understand Johnson wants to cut Russia out of SWIFT but other nations are dragging their heels.

Re: New Depths Plumbed While You Wait - The Tories Generally

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 7:10 pm
by Bones McCoy
Boiler wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 7:04 pm Credit where it's due though - I understand Johnson wants to cut Russia out of SWIFT but other nations are dragging their heels.
Yes, credit: A fair sized chunk of Cosplay Churchill there (The role he always dreamed of).
But still plenty of dishonest Al visible through the greasepaint.

Re: New Depths Plumbed While You Wait - The Tories Generally

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 10:55 pm
by mattomac
Cyclist wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 12:43 pm And Nightingale was a nurse. I've heard that Dorries didn't even finish training before fucking off to flog medical equipment.
I did say cosplay as Johnson does in his role of PM?

Re: New Depths Plumbed While You Wait - The Tories Generally

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2022 12:47 am
by Boiler
Dorries in a PVC nurse's uniform?

Re: New Depths Plumbed While You Wait - The Tories Generally

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2022 5:24 am
by Cyclist
Sod off Boiler. I'm trying to eat my breakfast.

Re: New Depths Plumbed While You Wait - The Tories Generally

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2022 7:11 am
by Youngian
Hold my beer

The Penthouse Dave Allen

Re: New Depths Plumbed While You Wait - The Tories Generally

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 6:26 pm
by Youngian
If you needed to know why entry is being shut to Ukrainians. Pro Putin Kipper effluent.

Re: New Depths Plumbed While You Wait - The Tories Generally

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 2:31 pm
by Abernathy
When will the UK wake up to what this country, collectively, has allowed to be done to it?

In the past 7 years alone, the country has:

apparently willingly, been subjected to a massive con-trick, otherwise known as Brexit, in which people were persuaded to vote for a catastrophic termination of the UK’s 46 year membership of the European Union, possibly the most successful and prosperous example of international co-operation on this planet. A non-binding, consultative-only plebiscite (held on a deliberately limited franchise) was hijacked on the basis of lies, xenophobia, and toxic scaremongering, in a campaign which saw an MP assassinated on the street by a far-right fanatic, and a narrow result in favour of Leave falsely characterised as “the will of the people” then used to railroad through a phenomenally damaging exit from the EU, in essence to placate right-wing Tory doctrine and UKIP xenophobia.

- elected with a majority of 80 seats one of the most reactionary, venal, corrupt, and incompetent Tory governments in living memory, led by an absolute disgrace of a Prime Minister who lies routinely, even to parliament and the monarch, is fundamentally corrupt in myriad ways, and to boot perpetually looks as if he has slept overnight in a skip.

- suffered the effects of the global pandemic of Covid-19 coronavirus, with UK people subject to one of the highest death rates in the world. People’s suffering was compounded by gross government incompetence, including wasting £37 billion on a useless track and trace system overseen by government cronies, and a level of corruption comprising government ministers favouring friends with PPE contracts that effectively wasted millions of pounds of public funds.

- Seen it revealed that at the height of the pandemic lockdown, government ministers, including the PM, and officials were routinely breaching lockdown restrictions by holding parties at the centre of government, with the Prime Minister again lying to parliament about the parties - and getting away with it.

- Seen the country poised on the brink of the worst cost-of-living crisis for many decades, with a chancellor proposing measures that do virtually nothing for the people most badly affected by astronomical rises in energy prices and rising inflation.

- Watched as a devastating war has been initiated in Ukraine by the virtual dictator of a kleptocratic Russian state whose oligarchs have for years been enabled to use the city of London property market- and even football clubs - to launder literally billions of pounds of money illegally appropriated from the Russian people. The process has been greased by lavish donations by various Russian oligarchs to the governing Conservative Party. That same government , where virtually every other European state has waived visa requirements for Ukrainian people fleeing Putin’s terror, has maintained bureaucratic visa requirements for refugees from Ukraine and put in place a half-hearted, token scheme allegedly helping British people to house Ukrainians in their homes.

just look at it. Look at the whole, disgusting, topsy-turvy mess. How the bloody hell did we get here? Why do we let it continue? For pity’s sake, can’t we DO something?

Re: New Depths Plumbed While You Wait - The Tories Generally

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 2:54 pm
by Andy McDandy
Mind if I borrow this? Full credit given etc.

Re: New Depths Plumbed While You Wait - The Tories Generally

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 3:18 pm
by Abernathy
Be my guest.

Re: New Depths Plumbed While You Wait - The Tories Generally

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 4:20 pm
by Crabcakes
Abernathy wrote: Wed Mar 30, 2022 2:31 pm How the bloody hell did we get here?
I know there are nuances and grey areas and many, many caveats. But broadly speaking I would like to propose that the answer to this is ‘cunts’. It’s the fault of absolute, utter cunts.

Re: New Depths Plumbed While You Wait - The Tories Generally

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 4:24 pm
by Oboogie
And the terminally gullible.
There's your missing nuance.
You're welcome.

Re: New Depths Plumbed While You Wait - The Tories Generally

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 8:14 pm
by Abernathy
Both fair points, Booger and Crabs. I’m also under no illusions that my own Labour Party bears a massive portion of responsibility for the various calumnies I listed in my OP.

At a critical time for the country, when it was absolutely crying out for a credible, electable alternative government, the disastrous Corbyn experiment was a quite appalling and inexcusable piece of self-indulgence that effectively condemned the country to at least another 5 years of appalling, incompetent, Brexity, and corrupt Tory government.