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Stephen Glover

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 11:47 am
by Youngian
Ideally commission a health correspondent to expose Labour lies. But as none are available and deadline's looming get Glover to bash something out. He exposes the real cuprit of this lefty propaganda; Red Nick Robinson.
Ignore the BBC and Labour shroud-wavers. The NHS is not in crisis... and Boris Johnson is right to stand firm in the face of their hysteria

Meanwhile, on BBC Radio 4's flagship Today programme, hysteria was being whipped up.

Presenter Nick Robinson informed listeners in sepulchral tones that 'the Prime Minister was forced to acknowledge yesterday that the NHS is under huge pressure'.

Why forced? Didn't he choose to say what he said?

Mr Robinson then interviewed a GP from Oldham who happened to be a Labour councillor. ... risis.html

Re: Stephen Glover

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 12:35 pm
by Nigredo

Several NHS trusts declaring critical incidents seemingly isn't a crisis to Stephen Glover.

Re: Stephen Glover

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 12:52 pm
by Cyclist
What did you expect? Stephen Glover always was, is now, and always will be, a mendacious cunt.

Re: Stephen Glover

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 1:00 pm
by Rosvanian
Glover seems to be the DM's go-to man when it needs someone to go over the top to defend the indefensible. Every week he tackles his assignment with shameless glee despite clearing knowing nothing about his subject matter. He comfortably makes my top 10 of despicable DM twats.

Re: Stephen Glover

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 2:10 pm
by The All New KevS
I don't know if LBC has a listen again thing, but if they do, listen to the hour between 11 and 12 with James O'brien, which looked at this, and culminated with a paramedic in absolute pieces about the way things are. If you're anything like me, you'll be shedding a tear.

Re: Stephen Glover

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 2:31 pm
by Abernathy
Yep. I was listening. James has a knack of doing this sort of thing, bless him, and he is so genuine and sincere. He totally demolished Glover’s shit simply by dint of getting the truth from people at the sharp end.

Re: Stephen Glover

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 6:00 pm
by kreuzberger
If you're a paramedic there, you're used to scraping bits of human off the A1(M) and reassembling them for identification and a respectful funeral. Aye, you're that fucking hard.

Imagine being so battered by the wider conditions of your job that you then sob on national live radio.

Nothing less than a Truth and Reconciliation Commission will be enough for when these sociopaths are finally out of office.

Re: Stephen Glover

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 12:11 am
by Oboogie
The All New KevS wrote: Thu Jan 06, 2022 2:10 pm I don't know if LBC has a listen again thing, but if they do, listen to the hour between 11 and 12 with James O'brien, which looked at this, and culminated with a paramedic in absolute pieces about the way things are. If you're anything like me, you'll be shedding a tear.
LBC have a listen again - Google James O'Brien Gobalplayer
Personally I prefer this YouTube channel as it edits out the ads.

The segment Kev is talking about starts at 1:02:33 and continues on Part 2.

Re: Stephen Glover

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 3:40 pm
by satnav
In the run up to Christmas the uptake of booster jams and vaccine was extremely high mainly fuelled by people wanting to be as safe as possible when attending family gatherings and parties. Since Christmas there has been a sharp fall in people going for boosters. Article's like Glover's and many more in the Mail which playdown how bad things are help to fuel the idea that boosters aren't really need and people can carry on as normal without having to worry about Covid.

Whilst the Mail clearly wants to get rid of all restrictions as soon as possible ironically what they are actually doing is helping to prolong the pandemic.

Re: Stephen Glover

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 3:49 pm
by Andy McDandy
All because a few selfish fuckers can't abide being inconvenienced, or missing an opportunity to make money.

Re: Stephen Glover

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 4:51 pm
by Bones McCoy
NHS now so "not in crisis" that they've whistled up for Army assistance.

Re: Stephen Glover

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2022 10:07 am
by Cyclist
Man renowned for his truthfulness, honesty, integrity and unbiased even-handedness has fair and unbiased comments to make about the BBC.

A week in the life of Today that has made me despair of BBC bias: Flagship news show offers only a Left-wing progressive take on everything from Brexit to statue toppling and the NHS, writes STEPHEN GLOVER ... LOVER.html
Today, which goes out every morning for three hours Monday to Friday, and for two hours on Saturday, is Auntie’s most important news and current affairs show on radio or television. It attracts around seven million listeners every week, more even than The Archers. What the town crier was to our medieval ancestors, Today is to our modern nation.

Only, it is not always even-handed. In the early days of this administration, ministers avoided appearing on Today because they feared being monstered if they did. But it is too influential a platform to ignore. So they now dutifully troop along — and are not infrequently monstered all the same.
Waah. They're not blowing smoke up our arses.

This week, as the NHS battles with Omicron, and the Government’s critics call for tougher measures, I have listened to Today with more than the usual care and attention. What a depressing — and sometimes infuriating — experience it has been!

Not just on Covid, but with several other key stories as well, Today has displayed breathtaking bias. Again and again, one side of an argument — the progressive or Leftist or anti-Government side — is presented without the other point of view.
Probably because the "other point of view" consists of lies and patent bullshit.

He then goes on to spout utter shite about the following subjects:
Any fule kno all is tickety-boo in the NHS so evil lefties should stop saying it isn't.

God! Haven't we had enough of those bastards?

This is inexplicable. Who, other than evil Britain-hating lefties, would feel anything other than unconditional love for this fine, upstanding, hard-working self-sacrificing workaholic who has nothing more than your best interests at heart?

What a load of bollocks.

Re: Stephen Glover

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2022 11:15 am
by Bones McCoy
Only, it is not always even-handed. In the early days of this administration, ministers avoided appearing on Today because they feared being monstered if they did. But it is too influential a platform to ignore. So they now dutifully troop along — and are not infrequently monstered all the same.
At the risk of being a victim blamer.

If you (Jenrick, Baker, Patel, Francois - I could go on) don't wish to get called out for misdeeds.
Try not doing the misdeeds.

Re: Stephen Glover

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2022 11:21 am
by Cyclist
Don't be silly Bones. They're the government. They can do as they please, and it's not the place of the little people to question them. How dare they even think of it!

Re: Stephen Glover

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2022 11:37 am
by Watchman
Surely the BBC gives de Piffle a platform when we have PM broadcast to the nation, and we all know how coherent and informative they are, don’t we Steve

Re: Stephen Glover

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2022 3:55 pm
by Bones McCoy
Watchman wrote: Sat Jan 08, 2022 11:37 am Surely the BBC gives de Piffle a platform when we have PM broadcast to the nation, and we all know how coherent and informative they are, don’t we Steve
Well, yes, hello, now gosh, crikey, errrr....

Re: Stephen Glover

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2022 4:09 pm
by Andy McDandy
A few years ago, Glover was one a Radio 4 review of the year. The discussion touched on Katie Hopkins' "cockroaches" comments. Exchange went as follows (roughly):
Glover - Well, her comments were disgusting, beyond the pale. The Sun were quite right to sack her.

R4 presenter - And then she was hired by the Mail.

Glover - Ah. Yes...

Re: Stephen Glover

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2022 6:51 pm
by RedSparrows
Glover wouldn't know a left wing view if it appeared in the passenger seat window.

Also, 7 million listeners might suggest these 'left wing progressive' ideas are actually quite popular. Adhere to your own fuckwit logic, Glover.