:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
By satnav
Littlejohn is telling fibs as usual. This bit about Sadiq Khan is simply not true.
Having been driven to the airport and back in his £300,000, gas-guzzling, armour-plated mayoral Range Rover, naturally.
The car doe not belong to the Mayor, it is provided by the Mets special protection unit. The Mail did a story about the car a couple of years ago and at the time they were told by Range Rover that they couldn't put a price on the car so the Mail just made up a figure.

Richard also talks about the wall seats in Derby but the Toyota plant is in the constituency of South Derbyshire which was held by Edwina Currie for many years and has been held by the Tories since 2010 so it hardly constitutes a red wall seat.
But why let mere facts get in the way of a rant?
By MisterMuncher
I wonder if there are any public figures whose output might form part of the reason Kahn would need such security at all. Dickie should look into that.
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By davidjay
MisterMuncher wrote: Fri Mar 31, 2023 7:54 pm I wonder if there are any public figures whose output might form part of the reason Kahn would need such security at all. Dickie should look into that.
When Corbyn's mob talk about him being the most attacked politician of all time and that's why he lost in 2019, perhaps they should take a look at Sadiq Khan.
By Youngian
Between 2015 and GE2017, Corbyn was the least attacked Labour LOTO in history. Just weeks after becoming leader he had one of his silent huffs on live radio from Steve Nolan asking him to condemn IRA violence. Hardly a trick question but he couldn’t even be bothered to put forward one of his usual holding positions (I condemn all violence). Based on everything we know that should have been game over but the interview didn’t make the BBC news outside of NI or any tabloids. Tories couldn’t believe their luck that Labour elected a leader so bad, they chose one who lost seats to him.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailym ... rable.html

Pretends to live in London, has a moan about new tech baffling him, extrapolates this into general attack on public sector, throws in a plug for Greatest Hits Radio again, this one revolving around a fellow old hand bunking off work, but apparently this is funny and charming.
By soulboy
Dickie does a familiar racism.
Actually, this being a Labour-run London borough, they probably were written in Sanskrit — and 234 other languages, many of them Scribble
I trust that the chef at his favourite Turkish restaurant, plugged in the article for those who won't give the Mail their clicks, knows exactly what Littlejohn thinks of those from different countries and cultures and has his special sauce at the ready.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailym ... urney.html

Isn't it awful about Nicola Sturgeon, just because her husband is accused of all these things I'm going to go over in great detail while loudly condemning this sort of tactic.

Peppered with every "tee hee, it's a Scotsman" effort you can think of. Cunt.
By Youngian
Peter Murrell, former chief executive of the Scottish National Party, has long had a fearsome reputation as the man who knows where the bodies are buried.

Who could have imagined, until now, that some of those bodies might be buried in his own garden?

How else to explain why police were carrying shovels at the back of his house this week?

As no one is disputing that the shovels were being removed from the shed for a search and no garden was dug up. That might explain why the police were photographed with shovels in hand.
In order for subs to correct this mistake with a simple fact check they’d also have to remove two opening paragraphs.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailym ... LICAN.html

Fuck's sake, it's Chad Hanging again. This time veering between having basic concepts explained to him, and going into great detail about how Brexit got betrayed. The excuse is Biden being in Ireland, so lots of assumptions that Americans need the most basic things explained to them, and Ireland is all leprechauns and whimsy. And of course, a retelling of history from the Littlejohnsonian perspective.

Then a thing about vibrators because tee hee willies.
By soulboy
Youngian wrote: Fri Apr 14, 2023 6:58 am
'the craic', the Irish expression for people laughing and having a good time.

Good of him to explain Irish stuff to enlighten his readers. Why did LJ forget to mention a top tier Biden gaffe in which he confuses the All Blacks with the Black and Tans?
He mentioned it alright, in typically hilarious fashion.

You never can tell with this President, Chad. He also made a speech confusing the All Blacks rugby team with the Black & Deckers, a British paramilitary squad famous for using power drills to knee-cap Irish Republicans.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailym ... cisco.html

WFH will bring about the end times, says cunt. Homelessness, crime, the smell of dope in "some streets", and, erm...golf.

Also, cunt identifies the problem with privatised utilities: the unions and the Greens.

Finally some anti-trans crap. Kid at a girl's school doesn't identify as female, so cunt asks what they're doing there. Like it's the kid's fucking choice of school.
By soulboy
It takes some doing to write several hundred words on broken down, previously affluent (read "majority white") American inner cities without mentioning fentanyl.

A broken, two-tier medical system where doctors, urged on by private pharmaceutical companies, dish out opiates like Smarties rather than addressing the root cause of problems.

Increased use of the private sector in the NHS? What could possibly go wrong?

Oh yeah, and to remain on brand - CUNT.
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