:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
By Youngian
Could you ever have imagined that a party with a massive 80-seat majority would unravel so spectacularly?

Yes, since 2016 without moving too much furniture around. Thought it would be the ERG fighting another round for ‘real Brexit.’ As the ERG are the government they’ve decided to sail towards the iceberg themselves.
Still too sad for the country to fully enjoy this pathetic spectacle but feel free to tell me I’m wrong.
By Youngian
Has he ever read his final copy in his career? Sub-editors won’t tolerate gender specific words when they’re inaccurate. Doesn’t matter if only one percent of firefighters are women they aren’t collectively called firemen. Learned that from the same NCTJ course as Littlejohn and Piers Morgan had to study not from Ken Livingstone’s lefty lezzy GLC workshop.
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By Andy McDandy
Also, the idea he's protesting on behalf of the poor folk who'll just have a new term of abuse to be thrown at them, when he's already whined about "them queers calling themselves queer while I can't".

Get to fuck, Littlecock.
a cunt wrote:Councillors in Great Yarmouth have decided against planting an avenue of apple, pear or plum trees on the quayside because it could pose a safety hazard.

Officials had warned that the fruit could fall on the pavement, causing passers-by to step on them and slip.
We have a genuine issue here (in France) where there are stands of chestnut trees by the side of the road. Huge falls of fruit at this time of year, gets crushed by cars, nasty and skiddy...

Can you imagine ripe pears?
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By Andy McDandy
Youngian wrote: Fri Oct 07, 2022 6:09 am Has he ever read his final copy in his career? Sub-editors won’t tolerate gender specific words when they’re inaccurate. Doesn’t matter if only one percent of firefighters are women they aren’t collectively called firemen. Learned that from the same NCTJ course as Littlejohn and Piers Morgan had to study not from Ken Livingstone’s lefty lezzy GLC workshop.
In fairness, he's not a journalist; he's a columnist. Succinctness and accuracy aren't his concerns, but whingeing about "not being allowed to say anything because of the pee cees" certainly is.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... e-own.html

Climate change! What a load of rubbish! Real men don't care, especially when at the football, getting all excited by big tough men grappling with other men, like that time Vinnie Jones grabbed Gazza's lovely ba....ah, right, erm, anyway. Climate change.

As far as I can tell, footballers shouldn't give a shit because they're rich and thick, according to Dick. Oh, and being opposed to racism is bollocks too. Shut up and play some ball, boy.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... s-now.html

Step up to the plate, usual suspects:

Jeremy Hunt, Rishi Sunak, the BBC, Theresa May, the City, the Bank of England, the Treasury, and Peter Mandelson.

Rest is a load of if only Boris were still in charge guff, and sneers about Starmer (boring and likes Tom Watson), and Rayner (sweary slapper). Cunt.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailym ... iners.html

It's a globalist, centrist, remainer coup. Jealous and anti-democratic Tory MPs toppled Wor Lizzie, who at least was a believer. Utter bilge.
I think I'm going to propose Armsteen's Corollary to Dunning Kruger.

Really stupid and incompetent people can't accurately judge the intelligence and competence of other stupid people.
Amazonian liked this
By Youngian
Andy McDandy wrote: Fri Oct 21, 2022 5:53 am https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailym ... iners.html

It's a globalist, centrist, remainer coup. Jealous and anti-democratic Tory MPs toppled Wor Lizzie, who at least was a believer. Utter bilge.
This conspiracy narrative is more comforting for LJ than accusing them of being a bunch of hacks trying to save their arses by clearing the nutters out of the stables.
By Youngian
Malcolm Armsteen wrote: Fri Oct 21, 2022 8:22 am I think I'm going to propose Armsteen's Corollary to Dunning Kruger.

Really stupid and incompetent people can't accurately judge the intelligence and competence of other stupid people.
Detecting a heavy correlation among people who love Boris but despise Starmer.
If Starmer was a manager who catches you thieving from the stores he’d fire you and call the police to put some stick about. Manager Boris would be more loved as he’d just want a cut and rope you into more lucrative scams. No evidence as to whether this analogy stands up but the Boris cultists I’ve met are grubby little fuckers.
Amazonian liked this
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... armer.html

Hatchet job on Tom Watson, of sorts. More like a load of innuendoes and circumstantial evidence. Ironic, really.
What's he compensating for?
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailym ... ponse.html

Cunt gotta cunt.

Morris E Smith is an arsehole, so Dickie's a fan. Why don't we all know the names of suicide bombers, he asks, the same way we know names of serial killers. Meanwhile, foreign dogs cause rabies, ha ha look at this homeless guy selling books (as if books are suitable for the likes of him), BLM is wrong, fat and useless proles use Just Eat when they're too lazy to go to the food bank (yes, really!), and more "who's the real racist?" rubbish.

Not in a slice of hairy pie (4)
Tottenham's players had shed their LGBQWERTY+ rainbow laces
Cunting cunt.
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