:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... Truss.html

Liz Truss hagiography. All the meanies making fun of her! Martin Lewis, eh? He's rich! Therefore he can't comment on the rising cost of living, apparently.
Not that I'm in any way comparing Fizzy Lizzie to Churchill, or Mrs Thatcher, come to that — much as Truss would like to see herself as the reincarnation of Britain's first female PM.
Followed by a comparison of her to both Thatcher and Major.
By Youngian
He thinks his own moronic nicknames are very clever such as ‘Fizzie Lizzie’ FFS. Is the explanation of who Thin Lizzy are for the benefit of his older or younger readers?
We can ignore the moronic Twitter mob, who are dubbing her 'Thick Lizzy', a play on the Irish rockers Thin Lizzy.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... -Mama.html
Don't worry, this isn't going to be another one of those 'The Queen Who Met Me' pieces.
I was in a receiving line, along with other ambassadors for the charity, standing next to my old mate Nick Ferrari, the peerless LBC radio breakfast show presenter.

Nick, an ardent monarchist, was so overcome with excitement at meeting Her Maj that he actually curtsied. He squatted so low that I worried he might have trouble getting up again.

The Queen had that effect on people. Even though I've never been much of a royalist, it was an honour to shake her hand. I remember thinking how much she reminded me of my own mum.
Plus some jabs at Harry and Meghan, some wittering on about his parents and how his father's job took him, mid 70s, to America (wasn't that around the time the Met had its big clean up of corrupt officers?).
I claim no special insight into the royals, but...
Followed by lots of alleged insight into the royals.
By Youngian
I don’t think anyone likes illegal stuff going on in their backyard. As most of these people aren’t illegal that’s not relevant. And they go mainly to big cities where the libtards live. A pity because there’s big signs in fields not far from the young LJ’s Peterborough stomping ground crying out for labour. You will also notice agricultural workers looking to be picked up are getting darker which is what Dickie and his readers voted for.
Amazonian liked this
By davidjay
Every brown person comes from the mythical land of Islamistan, where they're taught how to milk the system and support terrorists. Everyone who doesn't agree with this idea lives in an exclusively white, middle-class Metropolitan area and would wet themselves if anyone not white or middle-class walked down the street. This is the word of Dickie.
Youngian, Amazonian liked this
By RedSparrows
The recent idiocy of Ron De Santis's stunt in the US highlights still more idiocy. Plenty of Twitter imbeciles trying to defend what is in effect a grotesque stunt.

No, people don't want to be 'overrun by migrants'. The clue is in the language, dickheads. Nobody wants to be overrun with anything. The point is to handle reality in a humane and sensible, mutually-agreed manner, not use people as pawns in your imbecilic pissing contests.
Malcolm Armsteen, Youngian, zuriblue and 1 others liked this
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... d-SAS.html

Something something sacrosanct right to protest unless it's something I don't agree with.

Short version: the hairies and blacks are getting uppity. Put some white man's stick about.

In other news, fat coppers, green energy is silly, and rich people can't comment on other people getting rich because HIPPPOCRASEA or something.

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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... -bath.html

OK, here goes. Fracking is good. Green is bad. Labour means something something seventies and DA YOONYUNS! Ha ha, fat lesbian coppers. Ha ha, backs to the wall, lads, here comes a bender, he'll try to bum you. Ha ha, if James Bond was a feminist how long before we have JANE Bond? Get that, I said Jane, like the women's names that those birds have nowadays. And statues.

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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... -kiri.html

This column doesn't do honeymoon periods. I just sit back and throw bottles.

Or maybe not. Truss is in trouble and it's the fault of...OK, let's do this in reverse chronological order...

Embittered former ministers
"Remainiac" Tory MPs
Red wall Tories who wouldn't even be an MP if it wasn't for Boris, and how did they get selected anyway (n.b. he does not connect these two questions)?
Amoral city spivs
Rishi Sunak
The Lib Dems
George Osborne
Gordon Brown
Tony Blair
  • 1
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