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Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2021 8:20 am
by Andy McDandy ... farce.html

Not quite on the level of his infamous Rwanda column, but not far off.


Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 8:01 am
by Andy McDandy ... itics.html

More Biden bashing. At least he didn't wheel out his Chad Hanging routine.

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2021 1:29 pm
by Andy McDandy ... reath.html

More from the newly appointed expert on Afghanistan. Actually managing to a) link them with XR and make XR sound like the bad guys, and b) blaming it on Gordon Brown.

Plus Carrie Johnson is posh, and Ian Botham is hard, and tee hee gay coppers.

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 8:48 am
by Andy McDandy ... onimo.html

Climate change, not that bad really, tell that to people who get REAL weather, bloody XR, bloody hi-vis H&S people, bloody dopey birds. Meanwhile, what about these airport queues? That's real hardship.

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 8:31 am
by Andy McDandy ... uture.html

Get back in the traffic queue you lazy bastards, part 94. Comments not buying it (again). Especially when he waxes lyrical about boozy Fleet Street lunches, then castigates anyone daring to rest for a moment.

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 10:01 pm
by satnav
Why is Littlejohn so obsessed with dragging people back into the office. Many companies have clearly found that having staff working from home has its benefits so why would they sacrifice those benefits for no clear gains?

My wife rarely goes into the office because she spends two or three days on the road inspecting various factories up and down the country, when she is not inspecting factories she is writing up reports on her inspections. She finds it a lot easier to do write reports at home because she has very few distractions. She can plan her work around going out for the occasional swim or picking our daughter up from school allowing for a good work life balance.

During lockdown a lot of the admin staff at the company began working from home and they are still working from home because it works well for the business. When my wife and other auditors are out on the road they often need to contact the office early in the morning if they can't find a factory or if they are refused access. In the past getting hold of admin staff early in the morning but now because admin staff work flexi hours there is always somebody available from 7.30 in the morning until 7 at night which means auditors can contact the office after they have left a factory. At the moment the admin staff like the arrangement and the auditors are more than happy with the extra support so presumably senior management are satisfied with thing the way they are.

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 10:22 pm
by kreuzberger
DMGT owns the flagship Derry Street site, an emblematic tranche of the capital's commercial property portfolio, along with all the estate owned by Tory lords and donors.

Empty property yields no rent or service charge but, more importantly, capital values are calculated upon the most recent rental contracts. Put simply, if the space is rented out on the cheap, the overall market value of the property crumbles.

It's nothing personal, it's just business. He who pays the piper etc etc.

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 6:26 am
by Andy McDandy
He also likes to evoke an age when Men were Tough, and anything Soft was despised. Hence complaining about the commute, getting stressed, wanting to spend time with the kids, well, in his book you may as well put on a dress and go camping with a bunch of leather daddies. Such things are soft, and women's work, and so on. To be a man is to be stoic, to diligently do one's work until your mate Kelvin offers you an easy gig.

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2021 8:18 am
by Andy McDandy ... -Park.html

Happy as a pig in shit this morning. Not only does he get to whinge about the NHS (conveniently skirting around the fact that he can afford to go private, while many cannot), but the late Tony Selby appeared in both Minder and The Sweeney. Cue breathless description of the episode he appeared in. Lazy cunt.

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2021 5:20 pm
by satnav
Man who resides in a country with the world's most expensive private health care system in the world flies across the Atlantic to use slightly cheaper private health care system. Is this the kind of health tourism that usually gets him all worked up?

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2021 8:17 am
by Andy McDandy
Cunt takes aim at climate protesters, again. ... ulate.html
Ditto when it comes to the poll tax rioters, the Countryside Alliance and the anti-Vietnam war 'Hey, Hey, LBJ, How Many Kids Did You Kill Today?' mob outside the U.S embassy in Grosvenor Square, circa 1968.

They all had a legitimate cause, whether it was pro-foxhunting, against America bombing Cambodia or a selfish reluctance to make any personal financial contribution towards the cost of emptying the dustbins.
Just fuck off.
Over the past week, police have been called out to disperse 19 pigs from the M62 in Salford and a stray cow on the M25.

In North Wales, the Traffic Taliban once Tasered a sheep which was blocking traffic on the A55 at Bodelwyddan.

Yesterday, the cops should have adopted the same tactics with Insulation Rebellion, or whatever they call themselves this week. Fifty thousand volts up the jacksie tends to concentrate the mind.
And keep fucking off once you get there.
Further to my mention of people taking their dogs into the office, I heard from an old friend and colleague on London's Evening Standard.

He once took his tiny Shih Tzu into the newsroom. At lunchtime he walked the dog along Fleet Street, only to get wolf-whistled by a gang of workmen on a building site.

You won't be surprised to learn that he never took the dog to work again.
Ha ha, the fragile masculinity! Gerrin bin.
The only consolation of reappointing Dick is that it appears to have scuppered the ambitions of Neil Basu, new best friend of George Floyd, who seems to think the fastest growing terrorist threat is not militant Islam but 'Right-wing' extremism.
And then roll the bin into the sea.

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2021 8:42 am
by Cyclist
Andy McDandy wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 8:17 am Gerrin bin.

And then roll the bin into the sea.

Humans have put far too much poisonous shit in the sea already. Compost the bastard.

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2021 8:25 pm
by Watchman
I can think of better rotting vegetation to spread on my plot, why would I use anything that toxic

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:04 pm
by Boiler
Anaerobic digestion?

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2021 8:19 am
by Andy McDandy ... d-day.html

Cunt goes orgasmic over big shiny nuclear submarines and whinges about greens.

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2021 7:04 pm
by satnav
After spending months saying that people should return to their offices Littlejohn appears to be on an extended break. I just hope he's not writing another good awful book.

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2021 8:49 am
by Andy McDandy ... a-job.html

He's back, and cunty as ever. Yay for Boris and everything he says, boo for everything his government does, and no, there's no link between the two. He also shows a wilful ignorance of economics and industry, and blames everything on everyone else. Finally some jabs at eco-protesters (rehashing an old anecdote about a fleeting sleb from 25 years ago), and has a sneer about men dancing together.

You can see why he likes Johnson.

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2021 9:23 am
by The All New KevS
Littlejohn, Morgan, Wootton.

I'll say this for the Mail, they've done the public a service by congregating all the thundercunts in one place so that the rest of us can avoid them easily.

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2021 10:30 am
by Youngian
Bobby Chariot still writing his gags.
Jeremy Clarkson made a profit of about £1.40 last year. But thanks to Boris, this time next year, Kaleb, we'll be millionaires.

Or not, as the case may be. Farmers have more chance of becoming millionaires by going on Clarkson's ITV quiz show.

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2021 12:46 pm
by satnav
Littlejohn seems to think that the job of broccoli picking is a full time job for 12 months of the year. He clearly doesn't understand the concept of seasonal work.