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Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 12:45 pm
by Bones McCoy
Andy McDandy wrote: Fri Jun 28, 2024 10:52 am In case you were wondering what Jan Moir had to say that was so terrifying to Richard and his family, here we go:
In the recent past, lawyers have stopped convicted criminals and illegal immigrants from being flown back to their countries of origin. And using the European Convention on Human Rights, they have repeatedly stopped the Rwanda Bill. By doing so, they are also ­stopping the will of the elected House of Commons and thereby the will of the people.

Now they appear to have shut down the future of an entire ­industry at the stroke of a pen, ushering in the beginning of the end of new fossil fuel extraction in this county. A coal mine in Cumbria, approved by the Government in 2022, must now be under threat.The ruling could also have a bearing on offshore oil and gas projects such as the giant ­Rosebank field in the North Sea. Whether you think this legal ­development is right or wrong, surely the public should have some say in the matter?
So, basically the same old crap the right have been wanging on about for years.
The commons with the Conservative supermajority didn't pass the Rwanda bill until recently.
Maybe the bill was a load of shit.

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:17 pm
by slilley
Andy McDandy wrote: Fri Jun 28, 2024 8:19 am I went and read it. Yes, it's an eleventh hour hit piece, but surely for £200,000 a year you expect better than this:
He's a complete and utter lawyer. Can't say I've followed it closely, but he's had a few dubious clients over the year.

True, that doesn't make him a bad person. George Carman QC, arguably our greatest libel lawyer, once represented me. (We won on away goals. Me and Ken Dodd, then, though Doddy was playing at home.)

But I don't buy the 'cab rank' argument either. Depends on where you park your cab. If you park up outside Scott's restaurant in Mayfair you'll pick up Kate Moss. If you linger outside Finsbury Park Mosque, you'll end up with Abu Qatada or one of his oppos. And it's no good arguing you don't go south of the river.
Britain is about to become the UKSSR — Ubergruppenfuhrer Keir Starmer's Socialist Republic.

Seriously, what a cunt.
I get so frustrated when Littlejohn types rant on about the "cab rank rule", in his case he has shown a complete disregard for how it works. A barrister does not tout for business, someone usually a solicitor has to come to you with a case which is within your area of expertise. If you are available then you take the case. A criminal defence barrister could have a jack the lad from a sink estate one day to defend and a disgraced former MP the next. barristers are not their clients, they are there to ensure their client's case is adequately put forward and the evidence tested. Jonathan Laidlaw QC represented Rebekah Brooks, it certainly was not the case that by doing so he supported the notion it was ok to hack into people's phones.

There could be a point in the future where Mr Littlejohn requires some legal advice, at which point he will be glad that Rumpole of the Bailey whoever will defend him without fear or favour.

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:20 pm
by Watchman
Wonder if he’s done his postal vote

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2024 8:32 am
by Andy McDandy
Double dose. First, here's him on his home turf. America. ... toast.html

Not too bad, in a "they're both shit" way. He kind of glosses over Trump's criminality though. Oh, and are all swing states "key", in the way all speeches are "keynote"?
Sorry, but as someone who loves the US, I came away from last night's debate thinking that America deserves better than this. The free world deserves better than this. The only winners last night were Putin, China and the ayatollahs.

What struck me as missing, in the absence of a CNN studio audience, was the bold British grandfather Robert Blackstock, the standout performer from the Sunak/Starmer show on Wednesday night, who asked the contenders:

'Are you two the really the best we've got?'

It's the same question Middle America must be asking itself today.
Onto the main event then...

Yes, it's Chad fucking Hanging.
But didn't the Conservatives have a yuge majority last time out?

That's right, Chad. Under President Boris Johnson they won an 80-seat majority, on a Get Brexit Done ticket.

So what's gone wrong for the Tories?

They got rid of President Boris because he was fined £50 for eating a piece of birthday cake during the Covid lockdown.
Just fuck off.
And still they have the nerve to criticise American politics. Suddenly a choice between Trump and Biden doesn't seem so bad.
And when you get there, fuck off some more.

You cunt.

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2024 8:44 am
by Yug