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By Arrowhead
Crabcakes wrote: Fri Jul 02, 2021 11:50 am I see someone has fired up the excuse-o-tron
I'm seeing a lot of these sort of tweets today. Another useful side effect of Labour holding Batley & Spen is the way the result has shone a very unflattering spotlight on the likes of Bastani & his ilk. Good.
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By Andy McDandy
On Facebook earlier, I joked that the excuse pieces would all be "It's great that Labour held Batley and Spen, BUT...", followed by the exact same article they had ready to go in the event of a defeat.

Turns out I wasn't joking at all.
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By The Weeping Angel
Andy McDandy wrote: Fri Jul 02, 2021 3:46 pm On Facebook earlier, I joked that the excuse pieces would all be "It's great that Labour held Batley and Spen, BUT...", followed by the exact same article they had ready to go in the event of a defeat.

Turns out I wasn't joking at all.
There was something similar amongst the pieces that came after Biden won.
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By The Weeping Angel
Jeremy being on the right side of history.

Here's a speech from Tony Benn back in 1995 in which he offers his take on what was happening.

https://www.workersliberty.org/story/20 ... enemy-nato
Whatever the deficiencies of the former Yugoslavia, it was held together without bloodshed.

Then Yugoslavia tried to reform its economy. The IMF came in and demanded cuts. They squeezed the economy.

The federal government pushed the responsibility for making the cuts down onto the republics. They decided that it would be best not to be part of the Belgrade set-up.

The Germans came in and recognised Croatia. That is how it seems to have begun. A new, strong, unified Germany wants to assert its role inside Europe.

Then, of course, the war began. The policy was to establish a dominant Croatia.

The ultimate carve up of Bosnia between Croatia and Serbia is probably what stands behind the American peace plan.
President Clinton wanted to show how strong he was. But— after Vietnam— he did not want to commit any American ground troops. So he brought in the ultimate US weapon, the air strike.

The British government has given endless assurances that they had no intention of becoming participants in the war. Now we see not just an air strike but a war against the Bosnian Serbs, launched by the most powerful military machine in the world, NATO.

I must confess to you that I am not even sure about the “Sarajevo massacre” .

There is a simple rule in politics - you ask who benefits from what happens. And those that benefited from the Sarajevo massacre were the Bosnian government, who got NATO help for their war against the Serbs.

It appears that the NATO airstrikes destroyed a hospital. But they said that this was not deliberate, it was an “accident of war”!

What about the Sarajevo market massacre? Perhaps that was also an “accident of war”.

Now America has taken the side of NATO and the Germans have gone along with it. The Germans can not participate
very easily because people remember that they were there before. But the Germans are supporting the Americans, and they are a part of it too.

Now the UN is an agent of war. It has handed over power to NATO. NATO has replaced the UN and is used to enforce Western interests on any country that is intransigent.

The propaganda in the media is unprecedented. The BBC has been a disgrace. The silence of political leaders of all parties has been a disgrace. The impression is that everyone in Britain supported the Cruise missile attacks.

The UN should withdraw the authority it has given NATO. The arms embargo should be strictly enforced: the Americans have been arming the Croats to act as their agents against the Serbs.

Negotiations should continue without military threats.

It is a civil war — it is not as if Bosnia had existed for years and then was attacked by Serbia. It is a civil war. And in a civil war you can only provide a table.
By Oboogie
Couldn't happen to a nicer bloke.

"A judge has today declared Tony Greenstein legally bankrupt in a brief hearing that follows his predictable failure to comply with court orders to pay Campaign Against Antisemitism tens of thousands of pounds after his humiliating failed defamation claim against us.

Mr Greenstein has been ordered by judges to pay Campaign Against Antisemitism £81,854, over a libel claim brought by Mr Greenstein after we called him a “notorious antisemite”. The High Court struck out Mr Greenstein’s libel claim against us, ruling that it was permissible for us to call the co-founder of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and expelled Labour Party member a “notorious antisemite” in articles on our website, in an example of litigation humiliatingly backfiring. Mr Greenstein then brought an appeal against aspects of the High Court ruling, which he also lost earlier this month.

Following an Insolvency and Companies Court hearing today that lasted only a quarter of an hour, Judge Catherine Burton, noting that Mr Greenstein has been properly served and failed to attend or make representations, concluded proceedings by saying: “I make a bankruptcy order this day against Tony Greenstein at 10:46am.”

Today’s declaration makes it far more difficult for Mr Greenstein to litigate against individuals and organisations, as he is wont to do.

Additionally, it means that Mr Greenstein may now meet the criteria for automatic disqualification as a charity trustee. We have written to the Charity Commission in order to notify them of his bankruptcy order given that he is listed as a trustee of The Brighton Trust, formerly known as the “Trust 4 Unpopular Causes”.

A spokesperson for Campaign Against Antisemitism said: “The wheels of justice may grind slow at times, but they grind sure. Our defamation win against Tony Greenstein secured our ability to call out anti-Jewish racism in order to combat it. The bankruptcy order against Mr Greenstein will greatly reduce his capacity to litigate against others without any ability or intention to pay when he loses. Today’s ruling should serve as a warning to others that we will be unrelenting in the pursuit of justice for the Jewish community.”

At the insolvency hearing, Campaign Against Antisemitism was represented by Karl Anderson. Over the course of the legal case, Campaign Against Antisemitism was represented by Adam Speker QC, to whom we are extremely grateful for appearing at the appeal hearing pro bono, instructed by solicitors Keith Mathieson and Alex Wilson of RPC, and advised pro bono by solicitor Dr Mark Lewis who is an honorary patron of Campaign Against Antisemitism." https://antisemitism.org/judge-grants-c ... ygetgo-mh0
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